Synopsis “Seven years after the Monsterpocalypse, Joel Dawson (Dylan O’Brien), along with the rest of humanity, has been living underground ever since giant creatures took over the land. After reconnecting over radio with his high school girlfriend Aimee (Jessica Henwick), who is now 80 miles away at a coastal colony, Joel begins to fall for […]
5 Things to take you back to the 80’s If you’re like us, even months after its original release, Bumblebee has left you craving for some more 80’s nostalgia. The movie follows the adorable Volkswagen beetle and eighteen-year-old Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld) as they embark in an adventure filled with action, wit and personality. Bumblebee’s […]
I was finally able to see Bumblebee. I need to start this review by saying that I watched the original Transformers series from the 80s growing up and absolutely loved it. Transformers and GI Joe took the majority of my allowance when I was growing up. Transformers: The Movie (1986) is still one of my […]
To most of the world, Paul Walker was a handsome and talented actor, best known for his role as Brian O’Conner in “The Fast & Furious” mega-franchise. You might also know him from other films such as “Hours” (2013), “Running Scared” (2006), “Into the Blue” (2005), “She’s All That” (1999), “Varsity Blues” (1999), “Pleasantville” (1998), […]