By: Lexie Gerson
Last night, Teen Wolf returned with season 4 episode 2 entitled, “117.”
The episode begins with young Derek (Ian Nelson) having some difficulty controlling his transformation. Adolescent Peter helps him by telling him to haul out an object with the triskelion on it while he chants, “Alpha, Beta, Omega.”
Back in the present, Kate (Jill Wagner) is having some difficulty controlling her own transformation into a werejaguar. Alone and incapable of controlling her change she ends up killing an innocent bystander in a gas station bathroom.
Scott (Tyler Posey), Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) and Lydia (Holland Roden) bring young Derek to Dr. Deaton (Seth Gilliam). The vet hasn’t the faintest idea what’s going on and tells them that they have to wait until he wakes up to do anything. Deaton insists that they head home and get some sleep, “it is a school night.” Lydia stays, despite the fact that Stiles does not seem to think it’s a good idea.
Scott returns home around 4am. Unfortunately, he is unable to keep quiet and wakes up his father, Agent McCall (Matthew Del Negro) who appears to be staying at the McCall home. Agent McCall tells Scott that he expects him home for dinner the nights when his mother has the late shift. The two are working on their relationship and agree that they will have dinner together the next night.
Back at the vet’s, Derek awakens. Confused and clearly unaware of his surroundings he attacks Deaton and runs off. The next day at school, Stiles and Scott talk about his relationship with Malia (Shelley Hennig). He doesn’t exactly know where he stands (other than he’s generally the little spoon) and feels obligated to tell Malia that her real father is Peter. In the classroom, it is clear that Malia is struggling to fit in and keep up academically. Scott, Stiles and even Mr. Yukimura (Tom Choi) receive a text informing Scott to call Lydia.
Young Derek returns to the Hale home. It turns out that when Kate turned Derek into his younger self he reverted back mentally. Therefore, he does not know that his house was burned down and that his family is dead. He goes to his home in search of his family but when the cops arrive he gets angry. When one of the cops pulls a Taser on him he reacts and they take him down to the station.
At the police station, the cops run young Derek’s fingerprints, however the only image that comes up in the system is older Derek. Sheriff Stilinski (Linden Ashby) arrives and quickly puts two and two together. Just then Scott and Stiles enter that station. After asking the boys if they have been time traveling Stiles tells his father about their most recent trip to Mexico and their discovery of young Derek. The Sheriff gives them permission to take care of the situation and the boys talk with Derek and persuade him to hide out while they evaluate how to get his memories back. When he asks about his family, Scott decides to lie to spare his emotions.
Lydia and Kira (Arden Cho) arrive at a gas station. Lydia asks Kira to pump the gas and soon learns that don’t really need gas, the tank is full. Lydia has discovered a dead body, the man who Kate had attack earlier in the episode.
Stiles and young Derek hide out at the McCall house but unfortunately they are not alone, Agent McCall is there waiting for his son to return for their planned dinner. He offers the boys food and in a humorous encounter Stiles introduces young Derek as his cousin Miguel from Mexico. During dinner, Stiles continues to lie poorly while young Derek asks Agent McCall about the types of investigations he works on.
Meanwhile, Malia arrives to help Scott ask Peter for help for Derek. She insists that Scott will be better secured with her there. Peter meets his daughter for the first time but Malia is still oblivious to their relationship. Greater matters come first as Peter realizes that Kate has returned.
Back at the McCall residence, Stiles leaves young Derek alone while he takes a phone call from Scott. Although, he is gone for only a brief moment, Kate manages to take Derek with her.
We soon learn that Kate needs the triskelion, which will help her control her transformation. She chose to revert Derek back to his younger self in order to gain his trust as the two were once intimate. Young Derek takes her to the family vault, which is located under the Beacon Hills High School sign. Peter, Malia, and Scott quickly follow but are intercepted by a large human figure with a skull mask. Peter tells them that they are called Berserkers.
As Scott and Malia try to escape and defend themselves against the Berserkers Peter makes his way to the vault. Upon his arrival he tells Kate that the triskelion doesn’t hold any power that it was simply something for Derek to concentrate on. As young Derek hears Scott battling off the Berserkers, he goes to help him. Kira tries to battle them off too, however she is unsuccessful.
As the gang lay on the ground, unsuccessful in their defeat young Derek comes to the rescue. He battles the Berserkers and begins to turn back into his older self.
Back in the vault, somebody tosses smoke bombs down into the vault, Kate manages to get away and the Berserkers follow. Derek has returned to his older self except with one new change, his eyes are now gold instead of blue.
The episode ends in the vault with Peter, Stiles and Lydia. Peter discovers that someone has taken the leather satchel from the vault. He proceeds to tell them that the satchel was full of bearer bonds. When Stiles and Lydia how much was stolen, Peter uncovers that it was $117 million dollars worth, hence the episode title.
Tune in to season 4 of Teen Wolf Monday’s 10/9c on MTV
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