The Fosters —Season 1, Episode 20 “Metropolis”
Lexie Gerson —March 17, 2014
The Fosters season 1, episode 20, “Metropolis,” aired last night on ABC Family.
Last night’s episode begins with Callie (Maia Mitchell) and Brandon (David Lambert) at school in the music room. The two of them talk about all that has happened, including the adoption and how his love of music is returning. After Callie leaves the room she receives a call from an old friend, Wyatt (Alex Saxon). She then turns around to find him standing there. The two hug and then talk about him living in Indiana and what happened in the hotel.
Meanwhile back in algebra class, Jesus (Jake T. Austin) asks Emma (Amanda Leighton) to the winter dance, but she tells him she already has a date. Since he is no longer taking his medication, Jesus continues to struggle with his work.
In the hallway at school, Zach’s mom, Amanda (Romy Rosement) sneaks up on Marianna (Cierra Ramirez). Apparently, she is there to see Lena (Sherri Saum) and volunteer as a chaperone for the dance. Zac (Julian De La Celle) approaches both of them. Amanda tells Mariana and Zach not to worry because she’s “all for dirty dancing.” When his mom leaves, he and Marianna talk about his mother’s mood swings but Zac simply brushes it off and says she’s ‘eccentric.’ Although it is clear that Marianna wants Zac to ask her to the dance, he appears afraid and wimps out.
At work, Stef (Terry Polo) runs into Mike (Danny Nucci). She says she doesn’t like Brandon being home alone while Mike works nights but Mike assures her that Dani (Marla Sokoloff) makes him dinner every night and that he is back on track. Stef is pleased, as she wants Brandon to return home as soon as possible. As Stef walks to her car, Ana (Alexandra Barreto) shows up Anna approaches her and tells her that her son paid her off to change her story. Ana says that she wants $10,000 to keep quiet. Stef replies, “If I do see you again, I will arrest you for trying to extort a police officer.” Ana takes the hint and leaves.
Back at the Foster residence, Jesus is doing pull ups in his room. He wants to stay fit for when he gets back on the wrestling team. Stef comes in and says that his teachers are concerned about his erratic behavior. She asks him if he is sure he still wants to stay off of his meds. He says yes. She then asks him if she has had any contact with Anna since that day at the hotel. He says no. She tells him if he or anyone else does, they need to contact her immediately.
We then see Marianna and Callie in their room. Callie tells Marianna that she should ask Zac out because it appears that he may be a little shy.
Stef and Lena are getting ready for bed. They talk about Wyatt coming back to see Callie. At first they are hesitant but Lena thinks it may be good that he’s back because he’ll distract Callie from Brandon. They then talk about the separation between them and we see that they still appear to be on different levels.
Dani has prepared Brandon dinner at his dad’s house. Since Brandon appears to be distraught over something she asks him what is wrong. He tells her that Callie and Jude are being adopted on Monday and that Wyatt is back. Dani proceeds to tell Brandon that if he wants Callie back he needs to tell her now before its too late. She then tells him to tell Callie he still loves her and offers him the apartment so he and Callie can ‘talk.’
The episode then shows Wyatt accepting a text from Callie. He is sleeping in his car. The next morning he bathes in the ocean and gets his car towed while he is in a public bathroom.
Zac escorts Mariana to her locker and then shows her a card with him pictured in a suit, his way of asking her to the Winter Ball.
Brandon sees Callie and invites her to come over after school. When she finishes talking to Brandon, she hears over the intercom that she is nominated for Spring Queen but soon realizes it is merely a joke.
Callie meets up with Wyatt and they talk about the nomination and how she should just go along with it and act as if it didn’t bother her. He also tells Callie that he doesn’t have a place to live since his car got towed. He then tells her the whole truth, that he came from Indiana thinking he could stay with a friend but couldn’t and has been sleeping in his car.
Brandon is at Mike’s preparing a song for Callie but soon receives a text from saying that she can’t make it.
Callie asks Daphne to take in Wyatt for a couple of days and she agrees.
At dinner, Callie says that she will not be attending the Winter Ball. Stef says she should because the principal didn’t give a good report to her parole officer. Apparently, the principal said Callie was antisocial. Lena uses this opportunity to teach her kids a lesson about rising above. They want Callie to go to the dance so she can rise above all of the hateful kids that nominated her as a joke.
The episode continues with the winter dance. Jesus watches Emma dance with her date. He tries to talk to her but is erratic behavior causes her to simply walk away. Wyatt is serving punch, a job he got thanks to Callie. Lena and Amanda are counting ballots for the winter queen and king. Lena tells Brandon to ask Callie to dance so the principal will think she is participating. So he does.
Meanwhile in the bathroom, a group of kids are getting drunk and toast “To Callie Jacob.”
Marianna and Zac dance but are abruptly interrupted by Amanda. She accuses Zach of screwing Marianna before running off.
The episode returns to Brandon and Callie dancing. Callie tells Brandon that she is tired of being judged by everyone and he tells her he’s tired of being there for her every time she needs a should to cry on. He tells her he still loves her and she says, “I’m gonna be your sister. If you’re not really my brother, then Stef and Lena aren’t really my mothers.” She walks off and he follows. He then asks her to tell him something to make him get over her. She tells him that she slept with Wyatt.
The nominees for Winter King and Queen are then announced. Callie wins the Winter Queen title and is forced to dance with another guy. Meanwhile Marianna and Zac leave to go look for Amanda.
Talya (Madisen Beaty) takes Principal Sanchez to the bathroom where the drunken students are. One of them says, Callie bought the alcohol so they’d vote for her for Queen. The principal proceeds to go and accuse Callie of buying alcohol with a fake ID.
Back on the dance floor, Emma and her date begin to make out and Jesus steps in. She tells Jesus to leave her alone, get lost.
Zac and Marianna find his mother outside looking at the water, but when they get to her, she doesn’t recognize either of them.
The principal finds the fake ID in Callie’s purse, which she left on the table while dancing with Brandon. Her phone also has texts to other students saying there is alcohol in the bathroom. Brandon confronts Vico (Reiley McClendon) and then Wyatt intervenes and tells Brandon to do something.
Brandon barges into the interrogation and says that he set Callie up to get back at her for hurting him but had a change of heart. He says, “I realized tonight you didn’t lead me on. You just never felt the same way I did. It was all in my head.” The principal asks Stef what she would like to do and she tells the police to arrest him. After he is taken away, Callie then realizes that it was Brandon’s friend trying to get back at him through Callie. As he is getting into the police car she tells him that she didn’t sleep with Wyatt, it was a lie.
The episode ends with Stef and Mike questioning Brandon. They ask him what really happened. He tells them the truth, nothing but the truth. He tells them about the piano money, the fakes IDs, Dani’s loan and finally paying off Ana.