By: Shayla
This week’s episode takes place on Sunday at 2pm, only four hours before the wedding. Robin’s mom surprises her by arriving for her wedding, having conquered her fear of flying enough to make it to the wedding. In a flashback scene, it shows her being restrained in her seat after opening open of the airplane doors. Robin’s mother mentions how she will be taking a train home rather than flying. Marshall feels guilty about taking his judge position and he tells the guys how it was weird that Lily stormed out and disappeared at 3am, only to return and agree to give up her dream job and moving to Rome. Billy Zabka mentions how he saw her at the local convenience store getting into a stranger’s car. The license plate read “ahoy” and Marshall realizes that she was going to see The Captain, who owns a house nearby.
Meanwhile, Robin’s mom wants to meet Barney, who is busy attempting the “Saltine Challenge” where he eats 6 saltine crackers in under a minute. Lily tells Robin that guy’s do weird things on their wedding day, and Robin’s mom tells a story about the day she married Robin’s father. He had disappeared for three hours and returned with a dead elk over his shoulder. Meanwhile, Marshall worries over what transpired over the hours Lily was gone with the captain. Barney asks if he is worried that Lily “moored his dinghy in Lily’s lagoon”. Marshall tells them to forget it, but Barney offers to run over to the Captain’s place to punch him in the face before getting back to the wedding. This further delays Barney having to meet Robin’s mother.
The guys arrive at the Captain’s house where Marshall immediately punches him when he opens the door. Robin get’s upset that Barney is doing to her what her father did to her mother. Her mother tells her not to worry, that there’s plenty she doesn’t know about her father. In a sequence of parallels, her mother describes her father and it sounds eerily similar to many of the stunts Barney has pulled. Robin quickly finishes the scotch in her hand and Lily refills her own. Her mother says “for the first 10 years that I knew him, I didn’t even know what he did for a living,” which Lily interrupts her from continuing by saying “please”.
Marshall confronts the Captain about Lily’s whereabouts and he asks his fiancé to come in and verify his story. Another familiar face, it’s the “boats, boats, boats” girl who Ted had a brief fling with. The Captain tells them that Lily called for a ride and he sent one for her, but she immediately went to the bathroom and then had to leave right away. Marshall says he loves his wife too much to behave rationally and grabs a sword from a nearby display.
Meanwhile, Robin’s mother continues telling Robin about her father, and the similarities stack up even higher between Barney and her father. Lily calls Barney to tell him that Robin is freaking out right now and she asks him where they are, and quickly hangs up when he tells her. When Robin asks her what is wrong, Lily says “I am so busted”.
Ted stops Marshall from fighting the Captain, telling him that he solved the mystery and that he knows what Lily’s secret is. He holds the suspense over the heads for another few minutes before launching into his explanation. He predicts that the powder room contained a potted plant; a daisy, and asks the Captain to retrieve it. Ted asks them what Lily always does when she and Marshall are apart for an extended period of time, and when no one answers correctly, he tells them that she always starts smoking again. Marshall agrees that this is true and Ted tells them that she had been smoking the entire time Marshall was in Minnesota. He also explains that she feigned annoyance with every part of their drive together in order to escape and take the train so she could smoke more. Furthermore, she has been chewing gum all weekend, which he notes that she never does. Ted explains that after her hard weekend and a big blow-out fight with Marshall, she left and realized that this would be her time to sneak a smoke, but was all out of cigarettes. So she called the Captain, asked to make a stop to pick up cigarettes, and smoked in the bathroom. Ted asks what they think Lily would do to hide her evidence and Marshall realizes there’s only one place she would put it; in the daisy.
As Ted digs around in the soil of the potted plant, he pulls out a pregnancy test-not a cigarette! In a flash-back, we see that Lily threw up on the train and asked for her drinks to all be non-alcoholic over the weekend. As we see her in the convenience store buying a pregnancy test, and then later as she looks as it reading positive. Marshall says they need to get back to the hotel, and she tells him “told you I could keep a secret”. Barney finally meets Robin’s mother, while Marshall tells Lily that they are going to Rome so she can live her dream because she is giving him his again. Lily tells him that she thinks it will be a girl and the rest of the gang leaves to give them privacy.
Robin’s mother tells Robin that her marriage will be fine, and that if she has someone she feels she can depend on, then she will be fine. She asks Robin if she has someone like that, and Robin replies with “I do”.
We see a flash forward one year where Marshall is in Italy with Lily speaking Italian. As Lily’s father brings in the children, Marshall says hello to his son Marvin, and then to his daughter Daisy.
Tune in next Monday, March 17th! Only four episodes left of the series!
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