By: Anna
The much awaited episode of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) has arrived on Arrow, a forensic scientist who will become the Flash. Episodes 2.08 and 2.09 will feature Barry Allen.
Barry Allen comes to investigate an impossible robbery at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division which is similar to a case he worked on in Central City.
Allen and Smoak are similar and hit it off well. Unfortunately, Oliver notices their friendship growing and you get the feeling that he is a little jealous. I think Oliver will have to re-examine his feelings for Felicity some more.
We begin this week’s episode at Queen Consolidated’s Applied Sciences Division which is broken into by who we understand to be Cyrus Gold, Brother Blood’s super soldier, who has the ability to have super strength, speed and to not feel pain.
Moira goes back to Queen Consolidated to attend a board meeting being held by Isabel Rochev. She is greeted by Felicity who has an embarrassing exchange. Isabel is not happy that Moira is back at Queen Consolidated and lets Oliver know it will not be good for the company.
Our first glimpse of Barry Allen is him exiting a train into the rain holding a science magazine with S.T.A.R Labs particle accelerator on the cover.
Oliver, Diggle and Felicity meet Inspector Lance at Queen Consolidated warehouse to inspect the break-in. Lance jokingly says to Oliver regarding the robbery “You didn’t leave a spare earthquake machine lying around, did you”.
Barry Allen arrives advising that he believes one man in responsible for the break-in. Lance wants to know who he is and Oliver says “do your parents know you are here”. He is such a young Barry Allen to be a forensic scientist. Barry Allen is from Central City Police Department with Crime Scene Investigation Unit (CRI). He said he was sent to Starling City to investigate which has similar elements to a crime he is investigating. He says they stole a centrifuge.
Our first flashback on the island is Oliver, Shado, a badly injured Slade and Sara heading to look for the submarine which is supposed to have the miracle serum on board. Shado questions Oliver who Sara is and how he knows her.
Barry Allen arrives at the offices of Queen Consolidated in which Felicity is going to let him set up his mobile lab to help track Cyrus. Oliver is not too happy about this. Felicity is impressed with Barry and his humour. Of course, Oliver is not happy and does not think he is who he is.
Oliver wants to hold a party for Moira to welcome her back to Queen Consolidated.
At the warehouse Felicity and Barry work together looking for evidence. Barry queries Felicity about the vigilante after he rescued her asking her what he is like. Her response is “Green”. He thinks the vigilante is working with partners and someone with computer sciences. Felicity is keen to know why he is so interested. He wonders if the vigilante was around when his mother was killed when he was 11 years old whether he could have caught him the killer.
Roy gets a call from Sin (Bex Taylor-Klaus) and Roy and Thea go to an alley at Club Royal to meet her. Sin’s friend Max is missing and she wants Roy’s help or if he knows anyone that can help find him. Thea is all for helping as well.
Moira is surprised by Malcolm Merlyn’s presence in the mansion. It’s great having John Barrowman back for another episode. Malcolm tells Moira that after the affair he went to Nanda Parbat to find himself. Malcolm wants Moira to tell Thea about him as her father and wants to take her away and an ultimatum is given.
Felicity and Barry figure out that a truck was stolen from a sugary refinery and was used in a blood bank robbery. Dig feels Oliver is leaving him out in the cold not telling him what they are up against. Oliver has seen something like this before.
Arrow goes after the sugar refinery truck with a mask man driving the truck. Arrow is no match for him and gets beat up. Arrow does manage to stick an Arrow in Cyrus’s side and takes it back for Felicity for analyses.
Back at the lair Felicity patches Oliver up. Oliver finally admits that he has seen these abilities before on the island. The second year on the island he came across the serum which enhanced strength and speed. Ivo tested it on people but they did not survive. Oliver destroyed the serum. Felicity wished Oliver was marooned on Aruba. Digg thinks our Miss Smoak is smitten with Barry Allen. Oliver wants to know who he is.
At the Queen Consolidated warehouse Barry is moving chemicals around with a storm brewing outside. We all know that the S.T.A.R’s particle accelerator is getting ready to be turned on and this will eventually lead to the #Flash.
They are working on what type of sedative was given to Cyrus as without it the serum would be rejected. Barry is curious as to how Felicity got the Arrow and Barry is excited to be working on the same case as the vigilante. Felicity asks Barry to a party to be her plus one. He asks “there’s not going to be dancing is there, as I’m not good on my feet”.
Back on the island Oliver, Shado, Slade and Sarah find the submarine.
Roy and Thea investigate with Sin into Max’s disappearance. They figure out that he went missing the day of the blood drive.
Back at Queen Consolidated Oliver confronts Barry as to why he is in Starling City that he is apparently only an assistant and his boss doesn’t know he is there. He investigates similar cases of his mother who was murdered when he was 11 years old for which his father was wrongly convicted for her death and he wants to prove his innocence. Oliver is not pleased that he lied to them. He leaves and Felicity is very upset with Oliver.
At Moira’s party only a few people turn up. Felicity is not happy with Oliver that Barry had to go. Oliver knows that she is not happy and being a better person and knowing he has some form of feelings for Felicity he steps aside and arranges for Barry to come to the party as her date. His says to her “FYI he will be card at the bar”.
Sin calls Roy at the party to say she has found Max dead. Roy leaves the party to go to Sin.
Oliver has a confrontation with Isabel at the bar as she tells him I told you this would happen. Moira doesn’t like Isabel.
On the submarine Slade is not doing too well and won’t last much longer. They search for the drug Miracle serum which they find. To give it to Slade they need a sedative in his blood stream. Without a sedative he could die. They take the risk and Slade is given the serum. Slade tells Shado how he really feels about her. Oliver injects the serum into Slade who dies. But does he. They are then captured by Ivo and his men.
Moira tries to tell Thea about her father but changes her mind.
Roy goes to the Arrow for help. They argue over what Roy has found and Arrow does not want him getting in the way. Arrow puts an arrow in Roy’s leg to slow him down.
Malcolm Merlyn comes to Moira to take Thea. Malcolm believes her life belongs to him as he set her free. Moira gives him an ultimatum to stay away from him. She threatens him with Ra’s al Ghul after researching Nanda Parbat and the League of Assassins. Malcolm now has a price on his head.
Before Barry leaves he tells Felicity that the sedative is ketamine. There are sad goodbyes by both of them.
Felicity finds the location where she thinks the operations are being conducted from an A.R.G.U.S facility. Arrow goes after Cyrus but it does not go down too well. Oliver is thrown into some syringes and is injected with something. Felicity and Digg go to find Oliver unconscious with a weak pulse. Felicity cannot work out what the drug is and Digg wants to call 911 which will give up his identity. Felicity has another idea and calls Barry Allen.
Barry is on his way back to Central City but misses his train. While waiting he is tranquilised and taken to the lair. When he awakens he finds Arrow/Oliver lying on the metal table with Digg standing over him. Felicity comes to him and asks if he can save her friend.
So Oliver/Arrow identity is now known to Barry Allen. Can Barry save Oliver?