The Tomorrow People #1.02 – In Too Deep
By: Anna
This weeks’ episode finds Stephen trying to save a paranormal from Ultra and whether he should continue to work at Ultra after finding out the dirt on the place.
We also get some backstory of John. John struggles as he wants to keep the core of his family safe plus rescue those that are out on the streets.
Stephen is given a training officer Vaughn to help find out about his powers. Jedikiah keeps telling Stephen about the “war” between the humans and The Tomorrow People while showing him around the command centre of Ultra. They track sleep walking that indicate “break outs”. Jedikiah implies that he is protecting the human race from the evolving paranormals. But we know that he wants to eliminate them.
There is a boy with powers who is using them for the wrong reasons as he does not understand the powers he holds and robs a bank.
John doesn’t trust Stephen working at Ultra that they could get in his head and jeopardise the safety of the whereabouts of the Tomorrow People. Cara is a watch to Stephen which was believed to be his fathers that has a chip in it to stop telepaths from reading his mind. Unfortunately, Jedikiah finds the watch and takes it off Stephen.
Stephen tries to juggle a life at home and his friendship with Astrid. His mother finds out that he has gone off his meds. A new ability he finds out he has by touching his mother is seeing into his mother’s memory about the day his father left home. One fun scene is that Stephen has to clean his room and he does it by teleporting everything away.
Stephen goes out on to find the troubled kid, Kurt, but a hit squad comes in to eliminate him. Stephen goes to Cara and John for help but Cara feels that Stephen is risking The Tomorrow People by going to their hideout. She later has a change of heart. Cara made a good point to John “We are all for survival, but if we are not going to stand up on our own, what’s the point of surviving.”
They decide to help Kurt and find him on a roof top and talk him down.
After Stephen and Vaughn report back to Jedikiah, Stephen is informed that he is ready for his first debriefing performed by a senior telepath. As Stephen no longer has the watch, he goes to Cara for help. She tells him to fill his mind with a memory that is strong enough to take over him. He uses the memory of his father leaving. Stephen foils Jedikiah, but Jedikiah thinks he is lying and helping the Tomorrow People. For the botched mission Vaughn is killed.
Stephen shares with Cara his memories of his father to block the Senior Telepath for reading his mind. After discussions with Cara, Stephen says he will stay inside Ultra to be their eyes and ears. Jedikiah hopes that Stephen will lead him to the paranormals so that he can kill them.
Stephen also decides that he is going to be a better brother, son and friend to both species.