On the island, Damon has an ugly run-in with a Hunter named Vaughn, and realizes he is one of The Five. Stefan confesses his true feelings about the possibility of becoming human again to Elena. When a stunning new piece of information about the cure is suddenly revealed (there’s only enough for one person), it changes the stakes for everyone. Rebekah goes off on her own, trying to get there first (after a warning from Klaus), but is waylaid by the hunter. Stefan and Elena go ahead (one by one), whilst Damon stays behind and helps Rebekah.
Back in Mystic Falls, Caroline and Tyler use the sword to translate the Hunter’s mark, with a LOT of help from Klaus. It’s not long until Klaus will be free, and Tyler is scared for his life (and rightfully so). Caroline then begs Klaus for mercy, and he grants it – in a sense. He says he’ll let Tyler have a head start. Caroline and Tyler have another farewell, and later Klaus tells Caroline that he’s showing mercy only for her.
In the cave, Bonnie and Jeremy open the passage, and Shane breaks his leg. The 2 press on without him, and Jeremy helps Bonnie recognize what is real and what is an illusion, whilst Shane is comforted by his deceased wife. Elena is attacked, but later shows up to save Jeremy and Bonnie after Vaughn stabbed her (which released Klaus from the Gilbert house) and was beating Jeremy. The first clue that this isn’t Elena is when she’s about to drink Vaughn dry (hunter’s curse – she wouldn’t want that again). Stefan then finds Elena passed out, and our suspicions are finally revealed! Katherine makes an appearance and forces Jeremy to feed Silas in order get the cure that is fossilized with his body. Silas ends up draining Jeremy’s body and breaks his neck, killing him (thank the heavens for that lovely Gilbert ring, though).
It was a good episode, and we’ve finally gotten to see Silas (sort of). Katherine being back is amazing, and it looks like her plan for the cure is the same as the original one – force it to Klaus. The only negative of this plan – Silas is now alive. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next, but I’m left with one outstanding thought on this episode, and what will inevitably happen next – Kol was right.
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