I absolutely loved this week’s episode of Roswell, New Mexico, y’all. “I’ll Stand by You” offers up all the feels – panic and hope, grief and heartbreak, loss and relief. It’s a race against time and a fading handprint to save Max’s life, but it’s also the story of a boy with abandonment issues becoming the hero. It’s about Michael Guerin, resident genius bad boy, saving the one who’s always saving him. So, grab your popcorn and your tissues before diving into Max’s mindscape and Michael’s emotional path to finally accepting the love and family he deserves.
“My Hero Move”
Who would’ve ever thought that, at the beginning of season one, any of us would love troubled bad boy Michael Guerin so much? I certainly didn’t. But here we are, and as Alex tells Maria, “It’s the easiest thing in the world” to fall for him. If only Michael believed that himself. Throughout this episode, we’re given flashbacks to when Max and Isobel bail Michael out on more than one occasion. You see, that’s what Max has always been for Michael – the one who saves him from himself. But, as we all know, Michael isn’t always accepting of that love. He pushes people away before they push him away. He’s done it with Max and Isobel, Alex and, most recently, Maria.
If Michael listens to Taylor Swift, I’m sure his favorite, and most relatable, lyric is “you gotta leave before you get left.” It’s not that he doesn’t want it. In fact, I’m sure he aches for it. I’m also positive that he knows he’s always had it in Max and Isobel. Deep down, he knows they consider him family more than anyone else. The problem is that the rejection and abuse he experienced as a child in the foster system has bled so deeply into his core that he refuses to let anyone in for fear of getting hurt. He guards himself from the pain he feels people will eventually cause him. It really breaks your heart for him, especially in this episode as he grapples with the thought of losing the one who’s always saving him – his brother.
With Max on the verge of dying in mere hours, Michael’s angrily grieving and feeling the guilt for every time Max has saved him because he can’t save Max in return when he needs it most. He secludes himself by trying to fix Max’s Jeep, not accepting that Max is about to die. It’s not until his boss tells him to never repay more than your debt is worth, otherwise you’ll be stuck with them forever, and Michael explains what’s wrong with the Jeep that he thinks of a way to possibly give Max more time – an alien pacemaker that he spends 7 hours building and perfecting. This is his hero move.
Side bar: I don’t typically like to call out actors’ performances, but Michael Vlamis stole this episode, y’all. (But that’s not to say the other actors didn’t do phenomenal as well)
“There’s an energy to suffering.”
Remember at the end of last week’s episode when Max’s pod went dark? Well, turns out, Max shorted it himself by sending a surge of energy. He’d grown tired of waiting on Rosa to stop his loved ones from saving him. Tired of the insufferable pain he was experiencing due to Noah’s pod (the one Max is in) being broken to begin with – yes, they’ve been unintentionally causing him pain for months. But the pain isn’t the reason he wants to die. Max believes he has to in order to save the people he loves… from himself. Reviving Rosa caused him to absorb 10 years’ worth of lonely, dark energy, and he knows that if he’s revived, he’ll have to release it somehow. He’s afraid that he’ll release it onto his loved ones. So, he’s doing what Max Evans does best… trying to be the martyr.
Not so fast, Max. No one’s willing to let you sacrifice yourself for them, especially once Isobel learns that the reasoning isn’t just pain. By going into his mindscape, via Rosa, Isobel was able to see the dark in-between that Max is experiencing, and even though she was willing to accept his choice, she’s not willing to let him be a martyr again. And Liz isn’t ready to let go, especially without telling him she loves him. So, they move forward with the heart transplant even though Noah’s heart won’t be viable for another eight weeks. It’s a big risk to only have Max alive for a minute or two. But if it means getting to tell someone everything you need to say one last time, getting closure, isn’t the reward far greater?
When the transplant itself doesn’t work, Michael comes running in with his self-made alien pacemaker. Unfortunately, that, nor the paddles, are enough energy to jumpstart Max’s heart. It’s a heartbreaking moment of realization. Isobel cradles Max in his last moments in his mindscape. Michael crumbles to the floor of the surgical room. Liz collapses into Rosa’s arms. Seeing the heartbreak in her sister’s face makes Rosa realize that she can’t let Max get what he’s been begging her for. She can’t let Liz lose Max when the only reason he’s like this is because he saved her. So, she uses her new-found energetic power to jumpstart Max’s heart. It works. And thanks to Michael’s pacemaker, they’re able to put Max in a coma for a few months while they figure the rest out.
Fast forward… Max wakes up, and it’s clear he’s different. But Isobel is ready. She’s been training. She’s stronger than ever. She’s ready to expel Max’s darkness or grant his wish by killing him in an all-out alien twin, brother/sister brawl. Buckle up, y’all. This should be good.
Notable Mentions
- Alex and Maria are BFFs again. They talk. They understand. They try to get into Mimi’s computer. They respect boundaries. 😊
- Which also leads to Maria forgiving Liz and everyone too because, as she tells Alex about her mom’s computer, “Everyone’s entitled to their secrets.”
- We also finally learn why Alex left all those years ago instead of staying with Michael. After Rosa’s death, Michael changed, and Alex couldn’t deal. Can you blame him? He grew up with an abusive father. No way was he going to stay for someone who was turning to violence.
- Isobel tells Michael about the pregnancy and that whole scene is just… ugh. Beautiful. “I’d have been there.”
- Alex uses his military status to secure privacy in the hospital for a highly classified VIP patient – aka Max.
- Kyle jokes about running when Liz calls, but also notes that it’s what “family” does.
- Rosa has powers now. According to Liz’s scientific explanation, it has to do with her DNA being changed from Max’s handprint. Interesting.
- “Ugh! These bitch-ass aliens!”
- “My genius increases when I’m pissed off.”
- Michael goes to get a tattoo – presumably the same as Max because family 😊
- “Taylor Swift is president now, which is honestly for the best.”
- “How does any straight man survive you?” “They don’t.”
- “Because for a second, I forgot about everything. Except you.”
- Drunk Max is a hoot. Give me more.
- Alex and Kyle share a flask.
- “Sometimes showing up is the most important thing.”
- “If you wake up, we can be a family.”
Roswell, New Mexico airs Mondays at 9/8c on The CW!