Prepare yourselves, Good Trouble fans! Episode 7, titled “Swipe Right”, is full of hot hookups… and a break up? As the ladies of The Coterie set each other up for a date night because they all need to get laid, Callie and Gael try not to be distracted by each other. For some, the night goes exactly as planned while, for others, it goes in surprising directions. I’ve gotta admit, this episode wasn’t the greatest. I was pretty bored. It felt like a filler episode with very few advancements of any of the characters’ storylines, but that’s just my opinion.
While the other ladies of The Coterie set out for date night, Callie’s determined to study for the Bar with no distractions. That means no date night with the girls and definitely no Gael. The night prior, they both vowed not to get distracted and to do their work. However, that proves to be difficult with these two. I swear, they’re like moths to a flame for each other. The chemistry is undeniable. It seems that they’re spending any spare time they have hooking up, but are they spending too much time hooking up and not enough focusing on their careers? Can they find a balance? Even they mock each other about being able to survive the weekend without having sex with each other.

It doesn’t take long for them to give in since neither can focus. They end up making out in the elevator, but a fellow Coterie member catches them and says that Coterie romances never work. So, they go back to their work. Bryan texts Gael about getting tickets to something causing Gael to remember their previous conversation where Bryan says he can’t share him anymore. Callie also sends him a picture saying that she misses him. Still, neither give in. However, she fails her first practice test and he can’t focus on his art. Time for a distraction! Callie’s the first to break as she shows up at Gael’s in her night gown. That didn’t take long.
Callie later wonders what they’re doing, though. She’ll never pass the Bar if she’s with him every night. They’re just a distraction for each other. They argue about say some pretty hurtful things, like if she wanted it bad enough, maybe she wouldn’t let herself get distracted, maybe he just doesn’t really want to be an artist and maybe she can’t cut it as a lawyer. Ouch. This is a different side of the Callie/Gael dynamic we haven’t seen, and it puts a damper on what they have going on. Callie retakes her practice test the next morning and passes. She then talks to Gael about how hard law school was, and she’s afraid she won’t get done what she needs to if they keep seeing each other. Gael understands that. So, they agree that maybe once they get their careers in order, they can pick things back up. I have a feeling this won’t last long. It couldn’t even last a weekend.
The guy that Mariana gets set up with is a total ego-maniac. Thankfully, a handsome stranger, Eli, comes to her rescue by pretending to be her ex who wants her back. They really it hit it off, and I’d say there’s real potential there if it weren’t for one thing… his girlfriend. She’s super nice, though. Eli has no problem telling her that he’s talking with a cute girl at the bar, and she even invites Mariana over to their place. Seems harmless, right? Mariana doesn’t think anything weird of it either.

As they’re sipping drinks, everything’s going smoothly… a little too smoothly. Mariana talks about her miserable job and calls them relationship goals. She starts to leave, but the couple suggest she stay. They love her. When the girlfriend says that she wants to keep her, Mariana starts to realize something more is going on. She goes to the bathroom to contemplate what to do, but then she comes back out down for anything. The next morning, she’s in bed with Eli and they make out, but then the girlfriend walks in and goes postal. Apparently, they don’t have an open relationship, they just do threesomes with each other. Either way, Mariana doesn’t care. She goes home completely satisfied because they completely focused on her. You do you, girl.
Love & Basketball
Malika opted out of being set up by her friends. She did swipe right on a guy, Isaac, only for him not to do the same. L.A. must be super small because Isaac shows up at the bar where she works. He doesn’t recognize her from the app, but he blatantly flirts with her. She doesn’t give him the time of day because he’s a player. Her friends tell her to play him back, so she does. They chat about romantic gestures and romcoms. When he asks for her number at last call, she turns him down and confronts him about swiping left on her. He swears he’d never swipe left on her, but a look at his swipe rights shows that none of them look like Malika. He later shows back up with an apology and a guess of her favorite movie – Love and Basketball. She suggests that he open his mind to a real person so he can find a real connection, but he believes he already has. He offers a basketball bet. If she wins, he’ll never step foot in her place again. It doesn’t take long for them to hook up in the bar and he goes home with her.

Trying to Move On
Things with Alice and her date, Joey, are a bit awkward at first, but they eventually hit it off. Joey notices how funny Alice is and invites her to come on her radio show. She goes back to Alice’s place where they end up making out. Unfortunately, Sumi shows up crying that the wedding has been called off. Alice turns her away since she has company, but she’s no longer in that headspace with Joey. Sumi comes back and sleeps over. The next morning, though, Meera calls and apologizes. The wedding is back on. Poor Alice. I think she takes this as a sign, though, because she calls in on Joey’s radio show and asks for a second chance. You go, Alice!
Caught in a Lie
Davia can’t stand her date, Paul, at first, but still drinks with him. He loves how confidence she is, and she notices that’s something he lacks. So, she starts to help him with his social media game. When she sees that he’s mutual friends with Jeff, and that Jeff lied about where he is, her goal changes. She brings Paul home and hooks up with him. While he’s sleeping, she snaps a picture of them in bed together and sends it to Jeff. The next morning, she tells the girls that she’s officially done with Jeff. Yess!! I’m glad she’s done with Jeff, but I don’t like how she went about using Paul.
Good Trouble airs Tuesdays at 8/9c on Freeform!
Featured Image: SpoilerTV