Hey horror fans!! I got these two horror shorts sent to me a couple of months ago – – I know, I know…I’m late as hell but with work, my 3 yr old son AND 1 month son…the Mike household has been a little bonkers.
The first short is called: PLACEBO
A young woman undergoes surgery to look like her favorite celebrity.
My thoughts: I enjoyed it. For a 2 minute and change horror short…it hit the shot. (lol) Kind of freaky and sad. Good stuff!
Now for the second short…it was called A WALK HOME ALONE
Recent cases of missing women have something in common in “A Walk Home Alone” starring Maura Stephens, Jurgen Vollrath, Jenn Nangle, and Patrick Sutters. Written & Directed by Andrew J.D. Robinson http://15secondhorror.ca/workobeyfilms
My thoughts: WTFFFFFFFF!!!!! Why didn’t she send that damn text?! (lol) Ok. I liked this one a lot. This brought back some Twilight Zone feels right here. Great stuff!!
Oh yeah…boyfriend’s going to feel like shit, huh?
Mike “The Movie Guy” Pierce