I don’t know about y’all, but I’m loving the comedy in this season. This episode had me cracking up so much. “Luck Be A Lady” dealt team Flash and Central City a series of unlucky events thanks to a new meta. So much happens to them, but they still manage to get work done. Meanwhile, someone returns, someone leaves, and Joe gets a surprise. It all makes for an excellent episode, so let’s get to it!
The episode kicks off with a flashback to three weeks ago as the big bad of the season, whom I’ve learned is The Thinker, observes his latest meta conquest – Becky Sharpe. She’s the unluckiest lady in the world. She’s extremely lactose intolerant and got served a coffee with milk that isn’t soy. Then proceeded to catch her boyfriend cheating on her in their own home. Got fired from her job after a patron sexually harassed her. She then got found a boot on her car, which landed her on a bus with none other than KILG%RE from last week (and 10 others). As the bus drives off, there’s a flash of light, which gave KILG%RE and her (and the others) their powers. Her power? Giving herself good luck while passing the bad luck onto others.Meanwhile in the present, Barry, Cisco and Caitlin are playing laser tag with a bunch of teenagers. No matter how fast Barry may be, though, the teenagers still kick their butt. They meet up with Iris, Joe and Cecile outside for some food. Cecile claims that she would have just invited them over for dinner, but the pipes in the house are making all sorts of racket, which is no surprise to Iris and Barry. Iris then gets the good news that the wedding venue they wanted opened up, so they book it immediately! – I can’t wait for this wedding to happen!! 😊 – Before they can even get their meals finished, they get a breach alert and head to STAR Labs.
Wally is waiting patiently with gifts, expecting it to be Jesse for their date night, but is quickly disappointed when it’s just Harry… with a break-up box. ☹ Harry awkwardly explains what the box is – a virtual break-up message with everything you may need. Apparently, they’re common Earth-2. The hologram from Jesse doesn’t work, and Harry is left to awkwardly – and hilariously – explain what she said. Wally is left blindsided and heartbroken as a crime alert goes off and the team is forced to get to work.
Becky is taking full advantage of her newfound abilities. So much so, she’s become a full-fledged bank robber. She struts into a bank with a smile and friendly manner, all the while a series of unfortunate mishaps befalls those around her. Every mishap allows her to walk right into the bank vault, get a bag full of money and walk out without anyone stopping her. Even when Barry speeds to the scene, he slips on a tub of marbles spill and is unable to stop her from getting away.Team Flash quickly realize that Beck is, indeed, one of the new metas that KILG%RE warned them about. They just have no idea how either of them became one… until they find the point of dark matter that they got hit with. Harry, Cisco and Barry manage to track the dark matter that’s on Becky with some gadget to a street corner. Not just any street corner, though. It’s the street corner where Barry came out of the Speed Force three weeks ago. When Team Flash created that Speed Force breach, it released a ton of dark matter that hit the bus Becky and KILG%RE were on. So, ultimately, these new metas are on Team Flash’s hands.
Back at the labs, Harry gives the team hell for opening the Speed Force without talking to him first. Cisco argues that Harry’s the one who gave them the coordinates or something. They end up arguing and Cisco tells Harry to just go back to Earth-2.
When the team gets a track on Becky at Jitters, Barry takes it upon himself to just try to talk some sense into her. He tells her about how she’s a meta human and what he believes she’s doing with her new powers. She doesn’t take it too well and threatens to cause more trouble. As Barry looks around and sees all the potential hazards (her meta name btw), he’s forced to let her go.
Meanwhile, after their dream wedding venue (that they just booked) gets destroyed. their backup gets booked by someone else, and Barry sees Iris in her dress, Iris is tired of all the bad luck. So, she gets Barry to meet her at a church while a funeral wraps up. She wants to get married right now. She pushes Barry to the front of the church as the casket is being taken away, and she asks the pastor to marry them… right then. No need to change the set up or anything. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work out either because the pastor goes into anaphylactic shock thanks to the altar boy who used cinnamon incense. Sorry, Iris!
Back at the labs, Cisco walks in just as Harry accidentally whacks himself in the head with something. After laughing hysterically, Cisco apologizes for telling Harry to leave. It’s then that Harry confesses that Jesse and her new team (that he put together) kicked him out for being well… Harry. He hasn’t had much of a life to go out and make himself any friends because he’s been working so hard on building Jesse the perfect team. Cisco feels for him and invites Harry to stay and help them and be with his friends. 😊
That bromantic moment is interrupted by alarms (like good moments usually are). Becky’s powers have expanded and is affecting the whole city. The more good luck she has, the more bad luck everyone else has. This is particularly bad since she went back to the casino where she worked and is winning all sorts of money.
Remember those plumbing problems at Joe and Cecile’s home? Well, the bad luck has extended all the way there. The pipes start busting and the house literally starts falling apart, trapping Joe and Cecile inside. The particle accelerator at STAR Labs also starts powering up.
Now, typically it’s The Flash who saves the day, but Barry somehow handcuffs himself after slipping on quarters as he’s trying to stop Becky. Then he also gets trapped under a giant sign. Don’t worry, though, the city still gets saved thanks to Harry who lets particle accelerator turn on because it will counteract Becky’s powers. It works, and all the bad luck comes to an end… as does Becky’s good luck.Once everything is settled, the team meets back up at the Labs. They’re proud of themselves for saving the day again. Something was missing, though – Wally. In heartbreaking scene, Wally points out that the team didn’t even notice he wasn’t there. He had traveled to Earth 2 so he could talk to Jesse. She wants to focus on herself, and now Wally wants to do the same thing. He’s decided stay with a friend in a different city for a while. ☹
As Wally leaves, Harry says something coincidental, and then comes to a startling realization that fans already know is going on. Someone is playing has been playing a chess game with them ever since the Samuroid came into town three weeks ago. Then it’s revealed that The Thinker has been keeping a close eye on the thanks to the Samuroid head sitting in the lab.
The episode ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. Earlier in the episode, Cecile suggested that she and Joe sell the house and move since it’s falling apart and it’s too big for “two empty nesters” like themselves. Joe didn’t really want to, though, because of all the memories the house holds of Barry and Iris. I would have been surprised by this cliffhanger if it weren’t for those words “two empty nesters”. Cecile suddenly has a change of heart and wants to stay in the house because… she’s pregnant! And Joe is completely shocked… and maybe not too thrilled? We’ll find out next week!
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW!
GIF credit: westallenolicitygifs, westallengifs, marcomardon
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