By Anna (@traveller15)
Will Barry change the past to save his mum and what will be the consequences?
This is the season finale of the Flash. Barry Allen descends in the elevator to the pipeline to face Wells/Eobard. Wells asks no Big Belly Burger as they are out of cows where he comes from. Barry has questions. Eobard Thawne will be borne 136 years from now. Wells pressures Barry to ask the question “why did you kill my mother”. Wells responds “because I hate you, not you now but you in the future”. In the future neither of them knew how to defeat the other but once Eobard learnt Barry’s identity he then knew how to defeat him by travelling back in time and wipe out the child Barry Allen. But the future Flash followed him back in time where they fought and future Flash got child Barry out of the house to save him from Reverse Flash. So Eobard decided on tragedy to stop the Flash developing by killing his mother. Unfortunately, Eobard lost the ability to travel back home. To travel back home he needed the Flash again and created him by exploding the particle accelerator so Barry Allen would become the Flash and train him. Wells offers him a chance to go back in time to undo all the evil is he has created.
Barry is unsure what to do. He discusses it with Joe, Caitlin, Cisco, Ronnie (Robbie Amell) and Dr Stein (Victor Gaber) that they are on a parallel universe. If Barry goes back and changes the time to save his mum, Barry’s dad would never go to prison, he would never live with Joe and Iris, never meet Caitlin, Cisco and Ronnie. Joe wants him to change the pass. Everyone’s lives will be different and not be as they are.
Barry goes to visit his Henry Allen (John Wesley-Shipp) in prison to tell him what he would like to do and go back in time to save his mum and him from prison. His father doesn’t want him to change time. His father is proud of him of being a hero and of becoming the man he is today.
Ronnie and Dr Stein are back for good in Starling City. Ronnie wants to be with Caitlin and he wants to marry her.
On a rooftop Barry ways up his pros and cons. Iris finds him. Barry talks about his time living with her and Joe and his feelings for her. Barry wants Iris to tell him what to do. He needs to do what is in his heart and do it for himself.
Barry goes back to see Wells and agrees to his grand plan. So to make it work they need to use the particle accelerator. It will work this time by parting two particles in the opposite direction which will collide and inject one particle into the accelerator. It will collide with Barry and if he is fast enough he will create a wormhole. If he doesn’t run fast enough he will die.
The Team discuss the outcome. Cisco doesn’t agree with it at all. Barry needs Cisco to build a time machine. This time machine will help Wells go back to the future. Cisco goes to visit Wells. Cisco asks him about the time Wells killed him in another timeline. The mere fact that Cisco cannot remember the events means he was affected that night of the explosion.
Dr Stein works out calculations. Eddie doubts himself that he is worthless. Dr Stein tells Eddie that he is a wild card in all of Wells’ plans as it is a co-incidence that Wells chose his ancestor’s body. Suddenly there is a problem in the calculations the explosion could create a black hole and destroy the city. Wells didn’t tell them the risks.
Wells tells the Team it will work as he has been planning this for two decades. Wells believes in Barry that he can do this.
Barry has dilemmas, if he doesn’t run fast enough to collide with the particle he is dust but if he runs fast enough and doesn’t get back in time a black hole will form and swallow up the city. Joe believes in Barry that he is fast enough.
Eddie goes to see Iris at Picture News. He tells her about co-incidences that have happened and it was one for them to meet each other. He goes back to Iris and tells her he loves her.
Caitlin and Ronnie marry outside S.T.A.R Labs with Dr Stein performing the nuptials in front of their friends of the Lab.
The Team say their goodbyes to Barry as he enters the particle accelerator. Cisco tells him “may the speed force be with you”. Wells tells Barry to run. So it begins, Barry runs. He reaches Mach 2 and reaches the speed force. He passes all the timelines of his life and has to think where he wants to be when he goes back in time. It worked and the wormhole is created. The clock is ticking for Barry to save his mum. He has 1 minute and 52 seconds. Barry meets his mum and tells her he is from the future. He tells her he loves her and that dad and he are ok. He has decided not to change the future but allowed him a chance to say goodbye to his mum before she dies. This way the child Barry can go and live with Joe and that timeline will not alter.
Wells says goodbye to Cisco and he enters the time machine to leave. Wells says “Rip Hunter himself would be proud” and the original Flash’s helmet spits out of the wormhole, his cue to leave. Wells says “home”. Just as he is about to leave, Barry re-enters the present time destroying the time machine and knocking Cisco and Joe out. The wormhole needs to be shut. Wells is so annoyed that Barry didn’t save his mum. Barry has the life he wants now. So The Flash and Reverse Flash go head to head with each other. Reverse Flash is determined to kill everyone. A shot is fired, Eddie sacrifices himself. As Eddie is an ancestor of the Reverse Flash and if he dies this will erase all existence of the Thawne family tree. Eddie is a hero. Wells turns into Eobard Thawne. As Eobard’s body diminishes he says to Barry “I’ve controlled your life for so life Barry, how will you get along without me”. The Reverse Flash vanishes from existence.
The wormhole reopens taking Eddie’s body with it. The wormhole is feeding on the city to destroy it. They need to stop it. Barry has to try and stop it. He runs into the wormhole and runs counter clockwise to shut it down. Can he succeed? He must as there is a season 2 but we will have to wait to then if there are any repercussions.
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