By Anna (@traveller15)
The Flash Team set a trap to expose Wells.
We begin where we left off last episode with Barry, Cisco and Caitlin in Wells’ time vault reading the newspaper that The Flash vanishes from an explosion of light in April 25, 2024. The article is written by “Allen-West”. They trigger the appearance of Gideon who knows Barry as the Flash as well as the Director of Central City Forensics. They ask Gideon why Wells is here and it is to kill The Flash. He was never supposed to kill Nora Allen but the young Barry was in the way. We also learn that Barry created Gideon. Cisco is alerted to the tracker that he placed on Wells’ wheelchair that he is back in the Lab. Wells is headed to the time vault so the three of them need to get out fast or be caught. Wells enters the time vault to find everything is fine.
Eddie asks Joe to meet him at Jitters so he can ask permission to marry Iris. Joe blunting says no and will not give his blessing. The timing for Eddie to propose to Iris at this time is way off with the Wells’ situation.
Barry calls Joe home. The team discuss about time travel that Barry will eventually go back in time when his mother was killed. Barry tells the team that he has already accidentally gone back in time when he saved the city from the tsunami. Barry reckons that Cisco’s dreams of Wells’ killing him may be memories from the original timeline. The plan is to get Cisco to remember his memories and get Wells’ to confess to killing Barry’s mum. Barry has a terrible idea.
Joe flashbacks to when Barry was in a coma in the hospital. He seizes but the doctors are unsure as to why as he has no heart rhythm and how to save him. Wells turns up at the hospital stating to Joe that he can save Barry at his S.T.A.R Labs. Joe agrees for Wells to save Barry.
Caitlin and Cisco develop glasses and with lucid dream therapy to be able to communicate with Cisco while he dreams. Wells turns up overhearing Caitlin talk about lucid dreaming and why she wants to use it. Wells’ actually helps them to use a frequency of 45 MH to bring out the memories.
At CCPD Singh is being nice to Barry as he is stressed over his wedding plans. Eddie shows Barry an engagement ring. Barry is surprised especially when Eddie tells him that Joe repeatedly said no to give his blessing. Eddie wants Barry to find out why Joe said no. Eddie is so excited that Iris will be Mrs Thawne. Barry expresses that she will want to hyphenate.
Caitlin and Cisco arrive at Barry’s Lab so they can begin the dream therapy on Cisco. Cisco starts to dream and remembers the day where he meets Wells in the bunker and finds out he is the Reverse Flash. Wells tells him he is Eobard Thawne and that he never meant to kill Nora Allen. Cisco is stressing as he remembers Wells killing him. He suddenly wakes from the dream.
Wells phones looking for Barry. There is a huge fire at Bradford Tower Highrise which happens to be where Singh’s fiancé works. Barry rushes over to help the people in the fire. As much as Wells is the bad guy and the team are investigating him, he is still helping Barry to save people. Wells tells Barry that he believes in him to put the fire out by creating a vacuum.
Back at S.T.A.R Labs Wells tells Barry that he noticed a hesitation in him when rescuing the people from the fire. Wells says to Barry that he has everything he needs to get stronger and faster and he shouldn’t doubt himself.
At home Barry tells Joe they need to get Wells to let his guard down for him to confess by using Cisco as bate. Joe blames himself for letting Wells take Barry from the hospital to save him.
The team are setting their trap for Wells in the bunker and Cisco has created a force field that won’t allow a speedster into the containment. Caitlin will be in the Cortex recording and watching everything that happens hoping to get a confession.
Barry asks Joe why he won’t agree to Iris marrying Eddie. Joe knows that Iris will say yes to Eddie’s proposal but he knows that she will be marrying the wrong guy. Once she is married she won’t dishonour that commitment but Joe knows she has feelings for Barry. In the meantime, Iris just text Barry “911” so he speeds off to his Lab to meet her. Iris has been gathering information from the night particle accelerator exploded and has realised that this is when the meta-humans were affected and received powers including the Flash. Barry changes the subject with her to about her and Eddie.
Iris sees a photo of her and Barry on his desk and she flashbacks to when Barry is still in his coma. Iris tells him she misses him and wants him to wake up. As she leaves she touches his hand and receives an electric shock.
Wells returns back at S.T.A.R Labs. Caitlin tells him that Cisco is in the bunker recapping the night they caught the Reverse Flash. Wells heads down to the bunker. The trap is set; Joe and Barry are hiding waiting for a confession. Cisco confronts Wells who confesses to being the Reverse Flash but he does not completely confess to killing Nora Allen. Cisco puts the forcefield up to prevent Wells from killing him but it doesn’t work. Wells moves in to kill Cisco but Joe fires a round of bullets at him killing Wells. Surprise, Wells is one step ahead of them and out played them and had Hannibal Bates, the shapeshifter transform into him. Wells tells Barry that he doesn’t want to kill him as he needs him for what is to come in the future. Wells promises Barry that they will face each other very soon. Barry rushes off the time vault only to learn that instead of the team setting up a trap for Wells, Wells set the trap for them. He had surveillance footage on all their lives over the years.
Eddie and Iris go for a romantic stroll on a bridge where he plans to propose to her. Unfortunately, the Reverse Flash arrives and takes Eddie. Flash arrives to save Iris and he promises to rescue Eddie for her. As he leaves they touch hands and she receives an electric shock. At that moment she realises the Flash is Barry.
The Reverse Flash kidnaps Eddie and introduces himself as Eobard Thawne. Eddie is his insurance.
We end with a flashback to Barry in a coma with Wells reminiscing that he could kill him but he created him as he needs him to get back home. Wells watched Barry over the years grow from a boy to a man. Wells hates Barry and there will be a reckoning and that Barry Allen will die.
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