On the season finale and possibly series finale of Resurrection some of us got what we were waiting for. Maggie and Bellamy finally kissed! Questions from season one and this season have still not been answered. Why are the dead returning? Where is Tom? The show starts off with Jacob getting a headache, he knows it’s from Rachel’s baby, but refuses to tell his parents. Margaret sneaks into the Langston house to see Rachel. She has a message from preacher James that Rachel can see Tom again if she disappears. Before Margaret can make her disappear Fred kicks down the door and kicks her out of the house. she begs Jacob to tell then what’s going on with Rachel’s baby, but he refuses. Elsewhere preacher James has locked Bellamy up in a hospital. He manages to escape and make it to the Langston house. An angry mob of the returned also show up there to get Rachel’s baby. Fred calls the police for help, but the department is being held at gunpoint by Joey. As Henry Fred, and Bellamy gear up to battle the returned, Bellamy and Maggie share a kiss as it could be their last time seeing each other. The returned are able to tie Henry, Bellamy, and Fred down as they make their way to Rachel’s room. Margaret convinces the returned she’s on their side and gets one of their guns, but to everyone surprise she frees Henry, Bellamy, and Fred and they’re able to fight off the returned before they can take Rachel. Rachel gives birth and the show does a time hop to one year later. Returned are now appearing all over the world and Preacher James is in jail. Bellamy now works for the Bureau of the returned while Margaret and Henry haven’t spoken in a year. In the final scene Rachel puts her son to sleep and cicada’s come to his window. No word if the show has been picked up for a third season