Emily and Victoria wake up to find they’ve been kidnapped by Malcolm Black. At first, Victoria believes Emily is behind their abduction and that Malcolm is dead, but he comes out and tells them he needs their help sending David Clarke a message. He punches Emily in the face. Jack arrives at the beach house to find David packing up to leave with Amanda He gives the bad news that the feds have already released Malcolm. At this moment neither have realized Emily and Victoria are missing. Jack goes back to the precinct and asks for Ben’s help finding Malcolm and Ben reveals that he knows the entire story. Ben only agrees when Jack tells him Malcolm is responsible for Chief Alvarez’ disappearance. When David arrives at the manor is when he finally realizes something is wrong. He receives a video message from Malcolm giving David until noon the next day to return Kate, alive and. He then shows Emily and Victoria. Emily tries to come up with an escape plan, but Victoria doesn’t want to help and says they will die in captivity. David, Jack, and Ben call Malcolm and use old voicemails from Kate to try and negotiate Emily and Victoria’s release. Meanwhile Louise’s mother Penelope visits. This whole time I thought her mother was dead and Louise was being haunted b her ghost. She tells Louie to stop ruining Lyman’s campaign. When Malcolm lets Emily and Victoria out of their cage for a meal, Victoria snitches on Jack for her freedom. Emily tries to fight off one of Malcolm’s henchmen to keep him from going after Jack but she ultimately loses. Malcolm also tells him to feel free to kill Jack. Victoria tells Emily she thought Emily planned to kill her at the lighthouse and wishes she had, because she wouldn’t be trapped. Emily blames Victoria for giving Kate her picture and tells her David was planning to kill her which is why she lured Victoria to the lighthouse. Elsewhere Penelope threatens to cut Louise off so she and Nolan go and get hitched! Yes they get married so Penelope can no longer have control over Louise’s money. But Penelope reveals the reason Louise was on medication, is to keep her from remembering that Louise is the one who killed her father. Malcolm and David meet when he realizes Kate is dead, he shoots David. AT Jack’s home Jack and Ben fight the henchmen and put them in handcuffs. He finds a star inside a circle on the back of the man’s shirt and recognizes it as a message from Emily. They figure out that Emily was taken by boat and is at a trash yard on the water. David is being tortured by Malcolm. He wants David to kill Emily and Victoria, but he refuses. Just as Malcolm is about to kill Emily, Victoria says she killed Kate for killing Daniel. Jack and Ben arrive and begin fighting with Malcolm’s men. David grabs a handgun and kills Malcolm. after it’s over Victoria tells David she knows he tried to kill her and they should go their separate ways. In the final scene Margaux tells Victoria she hired someone to destroy Emily.
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