Bellamy asks preacher James about the day he tried to save him and the vision they saw. He tells him they have been chosen. For what exactly, we don’t know yet. They run into a guy who’s shaking and scared. He asks them to take him back home. Bellamy awakes, but we’re unclear if this is a dream or if it really happened. Fred invites Henry to sty with him, until he and Lucille work things out. In jail it’s lunch time. Margaret must have been really bad in her past life, because as soon as she walks into the cafeteria, everyone gets quiet and won’t look her in the eyes. Meanwhile James is giving a sermon outside. A woman who’s husband dies 2 days ago goes to him to bring her husband back. As she closes her eyes and listens to the preachers voice he tells her to turn around and bam there her husband is. This makes me wonder, is he responsible for the returned? Or did he just know her husband would return? Bellamy believes James goal is to get money from church goers so he threatens him. Rachel finally shows up. Last time we saw her she hit Janine over the head with a pot and was contemplating suicide again. Maggie tells her her birth is still acceleration and she can have her baby any day now. Margaret gets a visit from a woman she saved from being bullied earlier in the day. Henry and Lucille agree to meet. When he’s late she senses something is wrong. Henry is then seen visiting Bellamy, but when Fred shows up he says Henry was never there. After hearing horns blow, they both rush outside to find Henry dead in his car. When Fred tells Lucille about Henry’s death, she’s convinced that preacher James can bring him back. Rachel is now going to be staying with Elaine. James tells Lucille he can bring Henry back, but for a price. She must bring him Agent Bellamy. At first Bellamy refuses, but once James gets him thinking about how he felt in the field with the cicadas he agrees. James tells Henry and Bellamy if he’s to save Henry he must go where he is, which means he must die. Both Fred and Bellamy refuse to shoot him, but Fred is the one who ends up pulling the trigger. Hours fly by, nothing’s happened so they split up to go search for him. At first when Fred tells Margaret of Henry’s death she seems unbothered, but later she begins to break down in tears. Lucille’s having a rough time taking the news, but as Jacob opens the door she sees Preacher James along with Henry. Fred apologizes to Henry for trying to take Jacob away. Margaret is happy about Henry’s return. In the final scene James tells Bellamy they’re connected and that he has a purpose the world is waiting for. It is unclear what that purpose is. WThe only question i have is, with everyone coming back, when will Pastor Hale return?
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