Decisions, decisions, decisions. That’s what life adds up to, right? The choices we make and the resulting impact. With All American season 2 now wrapped up, you better believe there are a lot of big decisions being made that will have a lot of impact on our favorite characters in season 3. Some good. Some bad. Some cliffhangers. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s dive in.
Home Isn’t Four Walls
While Layla’s preparing to send Coop on a summer indie tour, her father’s preparing for his artists’ summer tour… or so Layla thought. She finds out from Patience that JP handed the tour over to one of his people so that he could spend much-needed quality time with his daughter. It’s really a sweet gesture, and good parenting, but Layla insists that it’s time for them to get back to normal. She knows how much his work means to him and how much his clients need him. But she does, too. So, she comes up with an alternative plan: she goes on tour with him. She’s able to book Coop at spots in almost every city on his tour and she gets to spend time with her dad. Win-win. 😊
The Hail Mary
Listen, I’ve been all over the place with Jordan and Simone. On one hand, Jordan has a lot of growing up to do before diving into a relationship with someone who’s pregnant. That’s a lot of responsibility. On the other hand, they’re adorable and it’s clear how much they care for each other. Jordan hasn’t ever shied away from his feelings, but Simone’s feelings have been less obvious… at least to him – even after she makes him a highlight reel as a ‘thank you’ for talking some sense into her mom. Spencer points out to him that everything Simone’s done has been for him, not because she doesn’t like him, but because she likes him that much. So, Jordan decides to take his Hail Mary Play. He calls Simone to the football field late at night, prepared for a picnic. When she shows up, he talks about his favorite play in the game, the Hail Mary – a desperate last effort – before confessing that he’s in love with her. She kisses him and they live happily ever after… well, for now, at least. 😊
Saving a Legacy
Since the beginning, Spencer’s been almost constantly torn between his roots in Crenshaw and his future in football. Because of West Beverly’s popularity, history and coach and South Crenshaw’s lack thereof… West Beverly was Spencer’s best bet at going pro. But who says you can’t have roots and wings? Throughout this episode, Spencer has a lot of firsts since Cory died, especially where football is concerned, and it gets him reminiscing. Then Darnell informs him that they’re turning South Crenshaw into a magnet school – focusing less on athletics and students will have to win a lottery to stay there – because gentrification helps the community grow or some bs excuse like that. This doesn’t sit well with Spencer or most of the neighborhood. He doesn’t want to see the memories or his father’s legacy get ripped away. More than that, he doesn’t want his neighborhood to lose its own legacy.
Unfortunately, Spencer has obligations in BH and has to miss most of the efforts to save the school. This conflicts him even more. He’s used to being at the helm of things when it comes to helping his community. Thankfully, Kia and Darnell are there leading the fight with the help of Spencer’s family. Unfortunately, as hard as they try, their efforts go unnoticed by the board. It’s not until Billy gives Spencer Cory’s framed jerseys and promises to always be there like his father will be, that Spencer realizes how he can help. He goes to the board meeting and gives a wonderful speech about the community before offering up a valuable resource that he once took away: himself. He’s one of the top 100 players in the country and playing for South Crenshaw will bring in top recruiters of D1 schools and all kinds of other stuff. So, come fall, he’ll be enrolling back in South Crenshaw High with promises to take the team to State. It’s a hefty promise, but it saves the school for at least year.
There’s one thing missing: a coach. With the investigation into the football program threatening Billy’s career, he’s nearly at his wits end with this repeated cycle. Asher’s dad pulls through with letters from the boosters on his behalf, but they come with strings. As anyone would be, Billy’s tired of them trying to change how he coaches and threatening his job. He makes that clear at the End of Year Gala for the team where he gives his immediate resignation. Don’t fret, he’s not out of the game yet. In an arc that reminds me of Friday Night Lights when Coach Taylor goes to coach a rival team due to budget and being pushed out, Billy takes Spencer’s suggestion to coach at South Crenshaw. This should be interesting for the rest of the boys at West Beverly, especially Jordan.
You’re Never Alone
I understand that everyone has their own things going on, but who the heck is looking out for Olivia?? It’s been months since the shooting, and we’re just now focusing on her PTSD and her recovery. That’s so bizarre to me. Everyone’s been so wrapped up in Spencer’s recovery and all things football, Olivia’s own recovery has taken a back seat to everyone else. She’s on the verge of a relapse and no one seems to be worried about her. She’s broken up with her boyfriend, who’s now going on a yacht with his mom for the summer. Jordan’s with Simone. Layla and Coop are going on tour. Her parents are dealing with their jobs. Spencer is dealing with football and recovering. More importantly, not even her sponsor is picking up. It’s no wonder she feels alone and tempted to take a pill she has stashed, but that doesn’t stop her from breaking out the alcohol in the house.
Fortunately, even with everything Spencer has going on, he still notices that something’s off with Olivia. He notices that she hasn’t been showing up to their insomnia meetings in the living room. Then, he shows up when she’s alone in the house and has just taken a swig of alcohol. He knows that everyone else has a lot going on and wants to make sure she’s okay. That’s when she finally breaks down crying saying she felt so alone. “You’re never alone. You always got me.” I’m hopping back on the Spencer/Olivia train, y’all. I don’t care what anyone says.
Notable Mentions
- Asher offering Olivia to come with him for the summer is sweet, but Olivia was right to change her mind about going. Even though they’re back together, this summer away from each other will be a good time for them both to work out what they’re going through.
- Billy’s moving out again, and if you think I didn’t notice Laura’s reaction to that news, you are sorely mistaking. Also, the way she stood up for him to the boosters after he resigns. She loves and misses her hubby, y’all.
- Well, Tyrone’s sister, Mo, is in town looking to avenge her brother and she’s looking at Coop. So, there’s that.
- Oh yeah. There’s also the slight cliffhanger that Spencer’s not 100% healed like his PT says he is. When settling in for a binge-a-thon with Olivia, he hops over the couch with his bad shoulder, and feels something change, but doesn’t say anything. But when he gets up to get something to drink from the fridge, he drops the glass as soon as he gets a hold of it. Uh oh. What does this mean for his promise to South Crenshaw and his future in football?
See y’all when All American returns in the fall to The CW! In the meantime, feel free to re-watch to your heart’s desire on Netflix once the second season drops!
Featured Image: IMDb