Episode 2×14 of All American is all about the sacrifices we’re willing to make for people we care about. The things we’re willing to do for those we love is kind of crazy sometimes. When it comes down to it, though, we all make these kind of sacrifices no matter what it may cost us personally. A lot of sacrifices are made in this episode. Simone makes a sacrifice for Jordan. Billy makes one for Asher. Olivia’s always making one for Asher. And Coop attempts to make one for someone who’s like family to her. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we care for someone until we willingly sacrifice our own well-being. The ultimate question, though, is if that sacrifice will be worth it in the long run or will it go unnoticed?
Think like a Mom
There are four reasons why Simone staying with the Bakers is commendable, but not a great idea. One, the baby isn’t Jordan’s. Two, Jordan is not dating Simone. Three, Jordan is getting too attached, which only puts him at risk of getting hurt. Four, Simone has no plan for what to do once the baby comes. Like I said, Jordan stepping up is commendable, but Laura knows that this isn’t an ideal situation for the long run. It’s completely understandable for her to worry about her son getting hurt and tell Simone that it’s time to “start thinking like a mom” because it’s the truth. Now, she doesn’t kick Simone out. In fact, she says that she can stay for as long as she needs to. Laura merely suggests that she considers Jordan’s feelings and position in all this. Simone then takes it upon herself to buy groceries for the house, remind Jordan that they are just friends and then leaves once he doesn’t seem to take the hint.
I commend Simone for what she’s doing to protect Jordan. Not only does she give up being cared for by someone who actually does care for her, but she lies to Jordan to do so. She tells him that she’s working things out with her ex (the baby’s father), and his parents are letting her stay with them, when in reality, she’s choosing to live alone in a motel room. On top of that, she doesn’t tell Jordan that his mom is the one who made her re-think things, nor does she send the text saying that she made a mistake and misses him. So, she’s sacrificing her own feelings for Jordan’s. However, I think Jordan will find out and it’ll put a strain on his relationship with his mom. Can you imagine if this turns into a whole story arc for him where he leaves home to take care of Simone?
Taking the Fall
If Billy Baker’s family is his first priority/love, his team is a close second. He loves those boys as if they’re all his sons. He’d do just about anything for them. So, when Olivia tells her father about Asher’s steroid use, it’s a particularly hard conflict for him. On one hand, steroid use is a reprehensible action, especially in sports. Asher deserves some form of punishment (again) in terms of football, but this is where Billy’s confliction comes in. It wasn’t that long ago when he saved his son from being thrown off the team for drug use. Laura argues that it’s not the same, but it is. Billy believes that Asher deserves yet another chance, just like his son. So, he makes a deal with him: he stays on the team and does daily urine tests. Of course, Asher doesn’t turn that deal down. The problem is, he didn’t clean up his mess. A janitor found a vile under the garbage can and turned it into the principal, who then questions Billy about it. He gives him the option to either find out who it belongs to or the team gets suspended, giving Billy another point of confliction. But Billy Baker will do anything for his team. He’ll even say that the vile is his and get suspended from coaching.
While we’re on the topic of Asher, let’s talk about him basically gaslighting Olivia for telling her father. I’m so annoyed with his attitude toward her. One minute, he’s Mr. Sweet Best Friend, the next he’s totally disrespecting her. Like dude, do you not realize how much she’s done for you? How much she’s sacrificed? Did you stop to think about her and her recovery before shooting up steroids? No. Have you stopped thinking about your precious football for once to see how she’s doing with PTSD since you know… being shot at? Doesn’t seem so. Now you’re mad at her for telling her dad because, as a recovering addict, she can’t handle being with someone who’s using? Come on, man! – side note: he does apologize and say she did the right thing at the end, but still.
The Mind is a Fragile Thing
Things aren’t looking too good for Coop in the investigation of Tyrone’s murder. As much as she argues there’s no real evidence against her, she’s still the number one suspect. Spencer worries she isn’t taking it seriously enough, especially when Laura suggests that she get a good lawyer. To be fair, the only evidence against her, at first, is the song that she and Layla dropped to radio the day Tyrone was killed. The lyrics basically talk about waiting for revenge, which, under the circumstances, are pretty condemning. Still, Coop brushes it, and the attorney that Layla sends, off. But when a surveillance video of her with a gun going towards Tyrone’s makes the news, things start looking pretty grim. Still, Coop holds her innocence and claims she can prove it by getting the gun to show that it hasn’t been fired. The only problem? Patience tossed it in the river to protect her because she loves her. Now what?
“The mind is a fragile thing” that can make us do crazy things when stricken with grief. Layla says these words to Spencer when he starts wondering how his best friend could do such a thing. He then repeats them to Coop when she decides to turn herself in and he’s realized she’s covering for someone close to them: Shawn’s mom. She shows up at Tyrone’s funeral after being away since Shawn’s murder. She and Grace share some moments talking about healing, but when that video of Coop gets out, she starts to panic. She had no idea Coop was there that day. She never meant for her to get caught up in this mess, which is exactly what she tells Coop at the station when Coop tries to turn herself in, but she’s already confessed. Coop was willing to sacrifice her own freedom so that Shawn’s mom wouldn’t have to go to jail for killing her son’s murderer. Not only because Shawn and his mom are like family, but because she feels guilty for bringing this all on. ☹ Now the question is will Coop leave that life behind and move forward with her own?
Notable Mentions:
- Billy and Laura being friendly again 😊
- Chris looking out for Olivia and her PTSD (like her boyfriend should) 😊
- The beef between Chris and Darnell is real, y’all.
- Coop blowing up at Spencer for getting her parents all worked up and accusing him of using her troubles to cover up his own with football ☹
- Coop and Spencer taking “one last” swing and the flashback to them and Shawn as kids swinging – insert crying emoji! ☹
All American airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW!
Featured Image: IMDb