Everyone has dreams and aspirations. They have expectations of what their future will be. The problem with life is that it throws us curveballs. We have setbacks, big and small, which leave us insecure and anxious about the possibility of not achieving those big dreams and aspirations. Then, sometimes, we let those curveballs hold us back because our dreams don’t seem as important in comparison anymore. Other times, we become our most stubborn selves by trying to do anything and everything to make sure those dreams don’t slip through our fingers. What All American’s “Only Time Will Tell” episode does really well is show that these teenagers are still just that… teenagers who have their whole lives ahead of them. Do they experience high-stakes drama from time to time? Obviously. At the end of the day, though, they’re still just teenagers trying to figure out who they are, what they want and how to achieve their dreams all while trying to finish high school and get into college.
One of my favorite relationships that’s really grown this season is Coop and Layla. They started out as becoming friends through Spencer, but now that he and Layla aren’t together anymore, their friendship is still progressing through their shared love of music. It’s been over a month since the shooting, but Coop is still feeling like she’s the reason her best friend got shot. So much so that she’s been avoiding Spencer like the plague. She’s also been avoiding her music, believing that there are more important things to worry about – aka sitting around waiting for Tyrone to come back so she can deal with him. Fortunately for her, she has Preach to talk some sense into her (since she’s avoiding Spencer), even while he’s behind bars. He advises her to focus back on her music rather than sitting around waiting to do something stupid that will put her in the same spot he is, behind bars stuck watching HGTV.
Coop takes his advice and Layla’s offer to collaborate on a song together – Coop’s lyrics and singing while Layla produces. Layla brings her to her dad’s studio, but when Coop sees and hears Patience recording, she bails. Understandable since she hasn’t seen or spoken to Patience since their break-up. She probably didn’t even know Patience had decided to work with JP after all. Thankfully, Coop finally decides to talk to Spencer who gives her the advice that we all love to see and assures her that he doesn’t blame her for the shooting and that she needs to keep living her life. So, she goes back to the studio ready to collab with Layla, but with her own recording gear rather than all the fancy studio stuff. Time to make some beautiful music together, ladies!
Thinking of the Future
Darnell finally gets some spotlight! With Spencer’s football career on pause while he recovers, it gives All American a little time to shine a light on Darnell. After all, he was also ranked on the national football list. Plus, his character has a lot of potential, and with him recently moving in with the James’ after Corey’s death, it only makes sense that we get to slowly unravel his background and reveal the possibilities of his future. All that being said, I was happily surprised, albeit annoyed, that his mom is in town trying to force him to go back to Germany with her. I mean, I get it. He’s her son. She doesn’t want an ocean separating them, especially with Corey gone and she doesn’t know Grace, Spencer or Dillon at all. But like also… you’re really going to try to rip away your son’s dream?
Well, Darnell isn’t having it. He gives his mom all the attitude and walks right out the door to go with Spencer and Jordan on the unofficial visit to UCLA, leaving his mom and Grace to talk. Grace manages to talk Renee into letting Darnell stay and pursue his dreams… until he and Spencer decide to blow curfew without so much as a phone call. This only causes Renee to believe even more that Crenshaw isn’t good for Darnell because he’s never back talked her, and he’s never blown curfew. Once the boys finally get home, Grace gives them a good tongue-lashing only to learn why they were out celebrating. Darnell committed to UCLA, but UCLA wouldn’t accept Spencer’s commitment just yet. Grace lifts Spencer up with encouragement, which seems to push Renee into giving Darnell her blessing to stay. 😊
To the Limit
When it comes to football, Asher’s always been anxious about his spot on the team and his future playing the game. He’s never been confident enough in his skill, at least since Spencer joined the team, and it causes him to go from one extreme to the next. Recently, it seemed as though he was on the right track in working to be better, but now his obsession with getting better at the game has literally become toxic. His steroid use is taking an obvious toll on him. His attitude is trash and he’s even losing his breath during practice. His mom is the first to notice, but, of course, he gets a defensive attitude and argues she doesn’t know him anymore. Then Spencer puts two and two together when Asher tells him there’s a way for him to speed up his recovery and then goes a little crazy at a frat party. Once again, when Spencer confronts him about it, Asher brushes it off. At the end of the episode, his mom tells Olivia. Will she be the only one that can save him from self-destruction… again?
Then there’s Spencer. We’ve never really seen him push himself to a dangerous limit. He’s always been the level-headed one who makes smart choices. He’s always known his place on the field because he’s confident in his skill, as he should be. He’s practiced his tail off to be one of the best, but now his football career is up in the air because of the shooting. He’s a month out of surgery, he only has about 70% range of motion and colleges are waiting to see how he fully recovers. For the first time, Spencer is in a similar situation as Asher. He’s anxious and wanting back on that field asap. While he’s been cleared for light PT, that’s not enough for him. Now, he’s not going the steroid route, but he is pushing himself to the limit in terms of exercising, and he’s not letting anyone get in his way. Let’s just hope he doesn’t re-injure himself and cause permanent damage because then he definitely won’t be playing like he used to.
Notable Mentions
- Olivia being dragged back into saving Asher… we’ve been down this road. Can we please put some more focus on the PTSD she’s experiencing?
- When is Jordan going to get a deeper storyline like everyone else? I love a good comedic relief, but he needs some substance.
- Darnell and Spencer growing that brotherly bond… gimmie more!
- YES! To Layla diving into her talent for producing!
All American airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW!
Featured Image: IMDb