It’s the Baker twins’ birthday, and even though Laura canceled their party, you better believe the twins are in for some surprises. So is everyone else for that matter. Some are good and some are downright heartbreaking to watch. Of course, though, right? I mean, what would All American be without surprises, heartbreak and family drama? That being said, we’re only 5 episodes into a 16-episode season, and I can only imagine what lies ahead after the big revelations of “Bring the Pain.”
Let’s dive in.
The episode kicks off with an intervention for Layla. When I say it’s about dang time, I mean she’s needed one for a while. Unfortunately, just like with many people who get “ambushed” (her word), Layla is not happy. She’s in denial and she goes off on everyone, especially Olivia and her dad, before storming off. The next day at school, she’s back to pretending that everything is hunky-dory and ready to celebrate Olivia and Jordan’s birthday.
Don’t let that happy face fool you, though, because Layla has some tricks up her sleeve after easily convincing JJ to help throw a surprise party at his house. She starts a game of “Hide and Go Get”, which is basically just finding someone an making out with them. Olivia and Asher share a few moments at the party (I’ll get to those later), but Layla decides to ruin it all after seeing Spencer leave with the booster’s daughter. First, she sends Laura a picture of Jordan and Olivia at the party (cue an angry Mama Baker). Then, she kisses Asher right in front of Olivia when they were having a moment. Once Mama Baker and Olivia’s dad shows up, Layla gives all the attitude and tells Olivia that she never wants to speak to her again. Those are some heartbreaking words to hear from a best friend you’re just trying to help.
At the end of the episode, Mr. Keating takes Layla to a center where she can get help. As expected, Layla is not thrilled and is still in denial. However, her dad reveals that her mom used to suffer with depression and that it’s hereditary. It’s only then that Layla finally listens as her father promises that they’ll get through this together.
Face Your Demons
Before diving into the Baker drama, let’s check in with the James’. Corey’s bailed on them once again, this time leaving only letters for his sons. Not that the letters do much good. Dillon is heartbroken and confused, and Spencer doesn’t even bother reading his until later in the episode when he gets Coop to read it. In the meantime, he lets his emotions get the best of him… once again. Instead of facing his demons, he takes his problems out on everyone else. He gets into a fight with Darnell over Corey, which nearly gets him kicked out of Beverly, but thanks to the lead booster, he gets let off the hook. However, gratitude doesn’t stop Spencer from going off on the booster at dinner.
Thankfully, Spencer has a few people to pull him out of his own stubborn darkness, but they can’t take away his pain. So, when he discovers a DNA test at Corey’s, he’s left with all kinds of questions. Did Corey leave because Dillon’s not his? Grace assures him that Corey came to terms with that possibility. Why then? Because of the whole football thing? “Why am I never enough, mom?” Spencer tearfully asks. I’ll tell you what, y’all, Daniel Ezra’s performance here gave me all the Fresh Prince of Bel Air vibes. It ripped my heart to shreds for Spencer. I hope he and Dillon get the answers they deserve soon.
An Unexpected Gift
Moving on to the Baker family, we’ve all witnessed Jordan’s playboy days ever since everything blew up with his dad. If you thought the climax of this storyline was him wrecking Olivia’s car because one girl caught another girl calling him, you’re surely mistaken. I wish that was his lesson learned. At the party, he sees a few of the girls he’s hooked up with talking together, one specifically that’s been trying to get a hold of him, but he’s been avoiding. She manages to corner him while he’s… “hiding and go getting” with another girl. She has some news for him… she’s pregnant. Say whaaaa?! Raise your hand if you didn’t see that coming because I certainly didn’t think the writers would go this route, but here we are. However, it might actually be just what the Baker family needs. How so, you ask? Because Jordan goes to his father. He tells him what’s he’s done, and Billy promises that they’ll figure this out together. Then, to Laura’s surprise and reluctance, Billy moves back into the house so he can be there for his family. Once Billy tells her the news, she can’t argue with him.
My Only Gift
We’re so used to seeing Olivia taking care of everyone else – Spencer, her mom, Jordan, Layla, Asher – it’s not often we see her taking care of herself or someone taking care of her. Well, now that Asher’s gotten his life back on track, much thanks to her, he’s paying it forward by being the friend that she needs. Or maybe more than a friend. We’ve all seen the way they’ve been looking at each other. So, it’s no surprise that Asher is the one who cheers Olivia up during and after the disastrous surprise party. First, he gives her the only present she receives on her birthday, a burner phone with two numbers already programmed in – his and her sponsor’s. Ugh! Sweetness! But wait! It gets even sweeter! The next day, he stops by to check on her, a pint of ice cream in hand. He assures her that nothing is going on with him and Layla, and then there’s that slowly moving in. “If you don’t want me to kiss you, please say something.” We love a man who asks for consent! Olivia doesn’t object and they kiss! Is it odd that I’m totally here for this? Well if I’m wrong, I don’t want to be right. 😉
All American airs Mondays at 8/7c on The CW!
Featured Image: IMDb