Be sure to remember this is the beginning of “phase 4” or a prequel to the next major story line in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So do not, and I repeat do not go into this movie expecting it to be just like “Avengers: Endgame” you will be highly dissatisfied with this movie.
So with that done and dusted, let’s begin! I was quite impressed with this movie. Tom Holland nailed his character in this movie, Samuel L Jackson and Tom Holland really seem to have some decent screen chemistry. It also never occurred to me til this movie that Spider-Man and Nick Fury have never actually met until this movie. One of the best ways I can think of to describe this movie, is it is a movie about what happens after “the torch is passed on” and how well those who take up new responsibilities, handle those new responsibilities. I give this movie a solid 7/10 with a re-watch value of 7/10