If you haven’t read my spoiler-free review of Avengers: Endgame, I’ll just sum it up and say that I enjoyed it. I think it did its job well. What will follow here are discussions of the movie with SPOILERS. If you do not want to have the movie ruined for you, stop reading now! These are in no order, just how they come to me.
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Endgame provided a good exit for two of the longest-running icons of the franchise; Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. In an unexpected move, Tony made the sacrifice play to end the threat of Thanos. I expected this to be a move for Cap. He made the sacrifice for the greater good before when he went into the ice, but that’s just not Tony’s thing. He tends to do the right thing for the wrong reason, but this time, he did what had to be done. Although, if the stones can come off the gauntlet that easy, why was the crew from Titan in Infinity War trying to pull the gauntlet off instead of just taking the stones?
The scene of everyone coming to join the fight through sling ring portals will go down in MCU history as one of the iconic shots. In my opinion, that is what the MCU has been building towards. For once, everyone is in one place, fighting one group of enemies (yes, Captain Marvel is missing, but she made her grand entrance later in the fight.)
Cap picking up Mjolnir to fight Thanos is the payoff to a hint from 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. Is Steve Rogers more worthy now than he was in that post-party scene? I don’t think so, but it might be that he was able to wield the hammer because of a nobler purpose.
I’ve seen some comments about how upset people are that Cap’s history has been unwritten, and that all his time in the present day has been erased from knowledge. I prefer a theory I read that goes that everything happened as we have seen in the movies, then, when Cap goes to 1970 to return the Tesseract to Shield, there are two Caps in the timeline: One in the ice waiting to be discovered, and one in married to Peggy Carter, living a happy life. Cap returned to the bench when he knew he needed to. There is even some lines of dialogue that would support this, speaking to Peggy being secretive and no one having met her husband. Sounds like a Cap hiding away cover story to me.
The sacrifice of Black Widow was unexpected to me. I was really expecting Hawkeye to have to die because he was Natasha’s love. This says that Hawkeye loves Black Widow more than he loves his family, more than he loves his kids. I feel that this weakens Clint’s character, and lessens his reason for donning the Ronin persona and going on his killing spree post-Snap.

Everyone was speculating how Scott Lang would get out of the Quantum Realm, and it all came down to a rat walking across an instrument panel.
I like how Steve is heading the support group and takes the recounting of a date between two men in stride. Love is love, it doesn’t matter between whom.
Finally, if you’re wondering who the random guy was at Tony’s memorial service, that was the kid from Iron Man 3. Will he be the next Iron Man? Is he the one we hear banging on an anvil at the end of the credits? I’m sure we’ll find out in the MCU’s Phase 4. Phase 4 kicks off with Spider-man: Far From Home this July 5th.
Did you see any other easter eggs, or want to discuss anything about the movie? Let me know in the comments below.