I’ve gotta say, I’m absolutely in love with Roswell, New Mexico. The writing. The cast. The characters. The locations. The plots and backstories. The whole shebang. Every episode gets better, and “Songs About Texas” as no different. It literally had me squeeing, clapping and going “OoOooo!” From those Liz and Max moments to that Michael and Maria moment to Jenna learning the truth and Alex taking a stand. I can’t get enough! It’s been six weeks since they put Isobel back in her pod, Michael and Liz have been working hard to find the anecdote. They’ve only got one shot at this, and Liz is feeling the pressure. However, a trip to Texas and new information leaves everyone to believe there might just be an alien serial murderer in Roswell!
Seeking Answers and Healing
The episode takes Max, Michael, Maria and Liz to see a “magical faith healer” in Texas for two separate reasons. Max because he believes this Arizona girl may know something about their original home since her logo is that infamous symbol. He enlists Michael for a ride and as the subject for her healing ways because of his hand. Then, Maria brings Liz because her mother, Mimi, is only getting worse and she’s looking for more than just doctors and science to help. Unfortunately, Arizona turns out to be a total scam and they catch her on it. However, Arizona’s grandmother does have some information for Max. She tells him of a woman who had a connection to the symbol, but she died about 20 years ago, coincidentally around the same time Max, Isobel and Michael hatched from heir pods. Hmmm!
Sex Secrets

The revelation that Arizona is a hack really upsets everyone, but especially Maria. She was really hoping someone could help her mom not completely lose her memory. After a fun night at the bar where Maria lifts everyone’s spirits by slaying Alanis Morissette on stage, she and Michael end up lost in the desert together. You know how last week I noticed their budding friendship and how there’s possibly going to be more to them? Well, guess what? More happens! One thing leads to another and BAM Michael kisses Maria, she kisses him back, then BOOM they’re ripping off each other’s clothes in the middle of nowhere! The next morning, they swear to keep their sex secret, but I have a feeling this secret won’t last long. 😉 Who knows where this relationship will lead? My guess is nothing more than a friends with benefits type situation because, while Michael and Alex have some stuff to work through, they’re totally in love.
Totally Worth the Wait!
Speaking of lovebirds, Max and Liz are feeling that high as well! When we first see them together in the episode, I got the vibe they hadn’t really seen each other much in the six weeks since they put Isobel in the pod and Liz told him they aren’t meant to be together. Well, I call BS on that, Liz Ortecho, because the romantic tension is palpable! They share so many moments in this episode that lead up to the absolute best moment! It all starts when they can’t sleep in Texas and Liz forgiving him for doing whatever it took to protect Isobel because, at the end of the day, she would do the same for Rosa. It’s also during this moment that Max wonders if he’s doing a disservice by not using his powers to heal those in need. Throwing it back to prom night, Liz quotes the same Shakespeare line (“Heavy is the head that wears the crown”) that he said to her 10 years ago, and it puts a smile on Max’s face. On a more serious note, Liz also reminds him that there’s a huge difference between killing someone and being unable to save them. (Shout out to Kyle for that sage advice!)

Now let’s get to what we’ve been waiting on for the last 8.5 episodes! Back in Roswell, they’re standing outside the cave (I’m calling this their spot now 😊) when the discussion of feelings gets real. Liz is afraid she’ll inadvertently kill Isobel and Max will hate her, but he trusts her and could never hate her. Now, Liz doesn’t know what to do with how Max feels about her. Understandably, his 10-year-long (technically longer, right?) love for her freaks her out because she’s not the same woman she was ten years ago. How is he sure that he’s not just in love with this decade old concept of her and not the woman she is now? No worries, friends! Max assures her that he knows the woman she is now, and he loves and believes in her just as much as he loves and believes in the woman she was ten years ago. Sheesh! Max Evans keeps making me fall more in love with this fictional character! And he keeps making Liz Ortecho fall in love with him too because as he starts to walk away, she stops him and kisses him as a beautiful cover of the Goo Goo Doll’s “Iris” plays over them, and I just can’t function anymore at this point. She asks him if it was worth the wait, to which he giddily says that they should never wait again! Cue my squeeing Echo-loving heart! 😊 😊
Project Shepard’s Back On

Remember how Alex sent his evil dad away and shut down Project Shepard because of his feelings for Michael it was being illegally operated anyway? Well, he re-opens it after Jenna decides that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” (i.e. Alex is her new bestie because she hates how Sgt. Manes blackmailed her into being his inside eyes) and gives him new information. Apparently, Rosa wasn’t the only one who died from a mysterious handprint. There’s been 14 total – most of which are people who “wouldn’t be missed by the system”! More importantly, they were all covered up with autopsies signed off by a seemingly nonexistent “Dr. Holden”, who also happened to sign off on Jim Valenti’s (Kyle’s dad) autopsy! Say what?! Since Max is on Manes’ hit list, Kyle and Alex assure Jenna that Max isn’t a wizard by revealing to her that he’s actually an alien who isn’t out to harm anyone.
Who is, though? Is there really some alien serial killer that’s been on the loose all these years? Well, you better believe everyone is on the case to find out. Alex reopens Project Shepard while Kyle tells Liz who tells Max. I can’t wait to see who this investigation leads to!
Notable Mentions
- Noah lays off on finding his “missing” wife when he finds Isobel in the pod! Yet, he doesn’t make a big deal of it? In fact, when he calls off the search at the station, he claims that he saw her at rehab. Hmmm… what is he up to?

- Kyle calling Alex out on his feelings for Michael with an “is angry cowboy your type?” was pure gold. Here we were thinking no one really knew about Malex, but sure enough I bet everyone knows. Kyle also encourages Alex to talk to Michael about said feelings, which I’m surprised Alex takes the advice because he’s tired of walking away (I love that he’s been so adamant about standing up for himself lately. You go, Alex!). He admits to Michael that he loved him, and that he thinks Michael loved him back for a while. The problem has never been a lack of chemistry or a connection, in fact Michael calls their connection “cosmic,” it’s that they never really got to know each other. Alex is willing to change that. However, Michael sees through him and asks, “Do you want to know who I am? Or do you want to know what I am?” Boom!
- Max hasn’t been getting any sleep because he spends his nights, in the cold cave, reading to Isobel. Ugh! Seriously, I know Max Evans has his faults, but he’s basically like the Jack Pearson of aliens. Am I right, ladies???
Roswell, New Mexico airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW!