Just when this series starts to answer some questions, it also introduces other ideas with little explanation.
The Chief is allowed to come back and help the team, but only in a “enemy of my enemy is my friend” type situation.
Mr. Nobody is so much more powerful than the team apparently, that he must just enjoy toying with them. Just look at the “booby trap” he’s placed on The Chief, that has apparently been in place for a while, and renders him as Voldemor—-He Who Shall Not Be Named. I’m not sure that the team can develop enough power in the following episodes to be a threat to him.
Jane has another personality revealed, and we see how she meets The Chief along with a new understanding why she is loyal to him.
Cliff needs some support, and he keeps looking to Jane, but enough of her personalities want nothing to do with him that he needs to look elsewhere.
The Chief being back allows Larry to talk to him a bit about his “Other” and gains some insight that will hopefully allow the two to cohabitate better.
Rita shows that there some noble or heroic traits to her, despite all her assertations that she is not a hero.
Cyborg finally gets to see The Chief and talks to him, only to get stuck on his robotic high horse and have a Holier-than-thou conversation with The Chief. Cyborg’s rash actions do blow up in his face though…literally.
The talking cockroach is back. I’m curious if this is a character that we need to know about or pay attention too. Or is this just a running joke/Easter egg?
Overall, I just can’t shake the feeling that the series is too scattered. I personally think this past two-episode crisis should have happened later in the season, if at all. Looking at the ratings on IMDB, each episode is over 9 stars, but I just don’t find myself anxiously awaiting each episode. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.