Callie’s job seems to be running a little bit smoother since she told Wilson about Malika, but I’m sure that won’t last long. Maybe helping Jazmin and Gael with some legal stuff will take her mind off her other stresses. Meanwhile, I’m afraid Mariana’s job is about to drive her to a breaking point, but maybe she’ll have someone important on her side when it happens.
There’s a lot to cover this episode, so let’s get to it.
Conflict of Interest
After some encouragement from her family, Callie tells judge Wilson about knowing Malika. She imagines that he fires her, but he appreciates her candor and trusts her. He quickly changes the topic to a new motion being filed in the case, then to ask that she not mention that his son isn’t studying abroad. Callie’s honest in saying that she did tell Ben and Rebecca that she saw him, but nothing else. Then, when she sees Ben in the office, she’s honest with him as well and says that she told Wilson about Malika. Ben doesn’t hesitate to say that whatever she must have on Wilson must be good sine the last clerk got fired for simply liking a tweet.

Callie later meets up with Jamie to ask him about a possible conflict of interest with the judge, his son, and the cops in the Jamal Thompson case. She’s feeling really overwhelmed. He tells her that if she ever needs a distraction, he’s on call. They meet again later because he has dirt on Wilson’s son. He’s also willing to cancel his plans when she asks him to dinner, but Gael texts her for help.
A Brother’s Help
Gael’s sister, Jazmin, is working the costume party at Speckulate. She needs money for a lawyer to legally change her name and gender marker so that she can get a new ID. She got fired from her last job for discrimination and standing up for herself again. In a flashback talking to Callie, Gael says that their parents aren’t exactly accepting of Jazmin. He hasn’t even told them that he’s bi. He understands that Jazmin has to put up with this a lot but hates to say that she brings it on herself sometimes.

Later, Gael introduces Jazmin to Callie for help, but Callie says that she doesn’t need a lawyer to change her name and gender marker. However, Jazmin says that she does because she has a felony. Right after she transitioned, she got into a scuffle with cop and arrested for resisting. She plead guilty and got one-year probation. Gael had no idea. Callie agrees to help free of charge. However, at the Speckulate party, Jazmin gets discriminated against once again and Gael gets in the boss’ face. Callie calls Jamie in for help on this one. He says there’s cause to sue, but it won’t be cheap. Gael volunteers to pay for Jazmin’s fees because she doesn’t deserve to have to keep putting up with this. I guess seeing the discrimination in person, made him have a change of heart. So, he’s going to take the full-time job offer from Speckulate and do his art on the side.
Inappropriate Behavior
“Do you ever feel like an imposter?” Mariana poses to Callie. Speckulate is really taking a tole on her confidence. Callie tells her not to doubt herself because she’s a superstar. It’s hard, though, when Alex keeps saying that her work sucks and that she’s not experienced enough to work on the new secret project. He’s keeping her on maintenance of already existing apps. Ugh. This guy can go somewhere now. I really just want Mariana to give him a piece of her mind, but of course, she can’t really speak up without risking her career.

Raj and Mariana iMessage about Alex and Sam bickering over costumes. Alex tells Sam that he should go as Mariana since that’s who he’s acting like – THIS GUY. Raj apologizes, but Mariana brushes it off. He asks her for help on the secret project even though Alex would be mad. They meet up at her place. There’s a little flirting, well, Raj takes it as flirting. He says she has the best ideas before trying to kiss her. She pushes him away and asks what he’s doing, but he just apologizes and quickly leaves.
The next day, there’s a costume party at the office. Mariana’s dressed as Margaret Hamilton. Evan (CEO guy) approaches her and they talk about cheese – it’s super cute and awkward. Then the team bonds for a minute until Alex questions what Mariana is and makes a rude comment about it. She disappears into the bathroom where she finds Casey upset because she got scolded over a minor mistake. “Women don’t get to make mistakes,” she says. Mariana goes on a rant about not being able to trust the guys because even the nice ones just want to get in your pants. Before leaving, she tells Casey that she can trust her. The women need to stick together. Casey then uplifts Mariana’s doubts by saying she deserves to be there.

After the party, Mariana’s working late when Evan shows up. He admits to thinking the party was boring and that he’s not a fan of social situations. She says that he’s not boring, and he says neither is she. He has these magnetic bullets that “help him” (in social situations, I’m guessing). He drops one, and as he’s picking it up, Raj shows up. Evan awkwardly leaves. I just want to say I am loving this dynamic of Mariana and Evan. I hope it goes somewhere! Anyways, Raj apologizes for misreading the signals and trying to kiss her. At first, Mariana says it’s fine, but then says that it’s not and that it was totally inappropriate. It made him look like he was full of crap and her feel even more disrespected. “Sorry doesn’t cut it.” In the end episode montage, Mariana writes an email to her fellow women colleagues about banning together. Yay for Mariana finally standing up for herself! 😊
Other Notes
- After a big argument with Dennis about judgment and cheating, Davia runs into his ex-wife. She and Dennis later have a nice heart-to-heart. She confesses that she doesn’t understand why she’s so judgmental when she’s been judged all her life. He then explains that he cheated on his wife, so he doesn’t have room to judge her, but says the thing with Jeff won’t end well. At the end of the episode, Davia turns Jeff down and Dennis signs divorce papers.
- Callie tells Jamie that she and Gael are seeing other people. When Gael sees them kiss, you can see the disappointment on his face.
- Jamie texts Callie that Wilson might have a conflict of interest now because of a new chief of police.
Good Trouble airs Tuesdays at 8/9c on Freeform!
Featured Image Credit: SpoilerTV
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