Prepare yourselves again, folks, because All American’s tenth episode, “m.A.A.d City”, just might make you tear up again, or at the very least give you goosies up and down your arms. I thought the first half of the season was good, but the writers are really bringing it for the second half. In the wake of Shawn’s death and promising to step up for his community, Spencer isn’t slowing down. With the safety of his family on his mind, he rallies Crenshaw in hopes to save the parks from the gangs taking over so that kids and families will have a safe place to go. Meanwhile, Jordan spends time with his grandpa, Leila’s popularity gets threatened, and Coop gets deeper in the gang.
Rallying the Community
With the safety of Coop and his little brother, Dillon, on his mind, Spencer thinks of a way to hopefully take back the parks from the gangs. He wants to hold a rally where the community can sign a petition to get an ordinance passed that bands all gang members from congregating in public places. He enlists his ex-girlfriend, Kia, and her uncle Flip for help. However, her uncle is an OG bloods gang leader and doesn’t want cops harassing them. He understands Spencer’s cause, but he’s not supporting Spencer’s proposal.

This doesn’t deter Spencer, Kia, and Leila though. With the help of others, they plan a clean-up of Essence Park – the park where he threw his first football. While there, they’ll talk to the community about signing the petition. It’s a good plan… in theory. Unfortunately, Flip and his OG gang members show up to share their side of why not to sign the petition. Most of the community doesn’t want to get on the bad sides of the gangs. It’s too big a risk. That’s understandable, but just complying with the gangs is just as big a risk, if not more, especially when five people have been killed in the last month alone.
To make matters worse, Tyrone and his gang members show up. Tension rises between them and the OG gang members – even though they’re both with the same crew. Spencer steps in and gives an emotional plea, noting the five murders in the last month and how they’re not going to get anywhere by killing each other. As good as his speech was, guns get raised. It takes a minute, but Tyrone finally gets his crew to back down, saying that now isn’t the time.

Once home, Grace reprimands Spencer for scaring her to death, but she is so proud of him for starting a conversation that needs to be had. Later, Flip shows up on Spencer’s doorstep. He’s come around to see Spencer’s side of things. Plus, Tyrone’s gotten out of control and needs to be stopped. He also warns Spencer that Coop is playing with fire. Tyrone’s the type of person that will take everyone down with him.
Getting Tyrone off the Streets
Just as I suspected, Coop knows that Tyrone is the one that got Shawn killed. Now, she’s joined his gang to take him out. Coop knows the gang is all about loyalty. So, if she gets everyone to trust her, and then spill the beans about Tyrone, they’ll handle him for her. The only person she tells this to is Spencer because he won’t quit trying to protect her, and of course he isn’t okay with this, so he vows to find a better way – hence the petition.

One person Coop also should have told? Patience. She sees Coop punching Malik after an altercation involving Tyrone’s money. Not recognizing who Coop is anymore, Patience ends their relationship. Then, guns get pulled at the park rally, putting Coop in a somewhat sticky situation. Later, Tyrone tells Coop that he’s realized how much she’s worth to the gang because of Spencer and his notoriety. This gets her to realize that her idea was stupid and that she’s in too deep. Unfortunately, it’s too late to turn back now. She does, however, tell Patience why she’s really with Tyrone and they get back together.
Do We Fit?
Spencer and Leila have officially gone public with their relationship, but with that comes new obstacles. On a less serious side, Leila’s got some competition for student council president. Apparently, it’s not such a good look for Leila to be moving on so fast from her relationship with Asher. Olivia tries to warn her about Gabby’s games – she’s the reason why Olivia doesn’t have many friends – , but Leila isn’t too worried. Besides, she cares more about her real friends, like Olivia, than some popularity contest.

On a more serious side, Spencer seeks the help of his activist ex-girlfriend, Kia, in helping rally the Crenshaw community. I thought this would mean another love triangle with Spencer and Leila, but thankfully it wasn’t. In fact, it turned out to be good for their relationship. When Leila met and hung around Kia for a bit, she started to feel a little self-conscious about her relationship with Spencer because of how great Kia is and how different Leila’s world is from theirs. She brings up her concerns to Spencer by asking, “do we fit?” Spencer responds by reflecting on a question that Kia asked him, “who do I have to thank for this new Spencer James?” He tells Leila that their differences is what makes them special. They learn from each other. He also tells her that she inspires him because she’s faced so many challenges, but still manages to stay positive. She’s the difference between the person he was and who he is now.
Pushing to be Great
Jordan’s been secretly visiting his grandpa, much to his dad’s dismay when he finds out. It’s nothing harmful at first, just getting football tips it seems. Jordan wants to feel like he can be great at football, and he’s trying to get that acknowledgment from his grandpa since his father doesn’t seem to believe it. Billy tries to warn his son that he’ll end up disappointed, and sure enough, he’s right. Dear old grandpa Willy shakes Jordan down for cash for his special diabetic strips after a low sugar episode.

One good thing did come from this, I suppose. Jordan and Billy were able to have a nice, honest conversation about why Billy doesn’t push Jordan to be great. It’s what his dad did to him, and as soon as Billy hit the NFL, his dad asked for $48,000. Jordan asks why he doesn’t push him harder and “I know Spencer’s great at football, but what am I?” Billy says, “you’re my son.” He’s not going to make the same mistakes his father did. It’s more important to him to have a relationship with Jordan.
All American airs Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW!