The day everyone in town waits for, The Homecoming Football game! The whole town screamed and cheered as their team won once again! It looks like this year is going to be a great year for The Smallville Crows! Caw! Caw!

Smallville got its first ever meteor shower but it didn’t stay in the sky, Today Smallville got hit by the Meteor Shower. No one seen it coming. No one got a warning. Where did it come from? What caused the meteor shower? Why did it only hit Smallville? who knows if we will ever find out. Lionel Luthor’s son was running in a cornfield as the meteors fell from the sky, Alexander Luthor was found bald in the corn field. Found close by was a high schooler stripped down to his boxers, Jeremy Creek. He is now in a coma and they have no idea how long it will be till he wakes up.
You’ll Be Missed
Today we lost two people from the meteor shower. October 7th 1989 is the day we lost Laura (Potter) and Lewis Lang. They got hit right in front of their Daughter Lana Lang and Laura’s sister, Nell Potter. Laura was born 1959 and Lewis was born 1957. They were servived by their daughter, Lana Lang born 1986. Lana will now be raised by her aunt Nell Potter. Keep Lana Lang and Nell Potter in your prayers.
Kent’s Got What The Dreamed Of
The Kent’s adopted a 3 year old boy. No one knows where he came from but the Kent’s said he is not from Kansas. So today the population has gone down but it also went up. Whatever state he came from, Clark Kent is the newest addition in Smallville. Make sure you congratulate the Kent’s for their dream come true.