In the season premiere of Good Trouble last week, Callie and Mariana Adams Foster moved to Los Angeles all on their own. This week, when a party gets thrown at The Coterie (their communal loft), the sisters learn that there’s a very fine line between work and play, and it’s not always easy to balance the two. With the help of her brother, Jude, Callie also decides if she’s okay with hooking up with someone who’s bisexual. Meanwhile, with the other Coterie residents, Alice (The Coterie’s landlord) gets her heart broken, a specific “chubby chaser” gets to Davia, and Malika’s estranged older brother shows up to the party.
There’s a lot to discuss, so let’s get to it.
Work Hard, Play Harder?
In a rare occurrence, Judge Wilson gives his law clerks the night off. However, even though Callie has the night off and a party is being thrown at The Coterie, she still planned on working in her loft. Plus, she’s supposed to avoid any possible impropriety on social media. No one was going to convince her otherwise… well, not until her brother Jude shows up. I know The Fosters fans enjoyed this appearance. Anyways, he convinces her to ditch work and join the party.
Skip to glimpses of her dancing her little heart out, drinking until she’s “white girl wasted”, and forgetting her phone on the bathroom toilet. Someone finds it and calls out for the owner, but Marina keeps it so her sister will continue to enjoy herself. Unbeknownst to Callie while she continues to drink and dance, she misses a bunch of calls and texts from Judge Wilson and her fellow law clerks, Rebecca and Ben. Uh oh.

Turns out, a motion was filed in the Jamal Thompson case (the case Judge Wilson chose Callie to clerk) and Wilson wants Callie, Rebecca and Ben to go into the office and write a memo. Ben and Rebecca get the messages, and they wait on Callie, but when she never shows, Ben hands the memo over to Rebecca after Callie finally texts him back saying she lost her phone. Now, Callie’s panicking that she might not have a job anymore.
Confused Feelings
In the series premiere last week, we saw Callie hooking up with fellow Coterie tenant, Gael, twice. At the end of the episode, though, Callie and Mariana spot him having sex with a guy. Well, the new guy, Bryan, shows up at the party, and it sends Callie into a tailspin of questions. She tries talking to Jude about how he’s slept with guys who’ve had girlfriends, but he takes it as her being judgmental about his sex life and walks off.
Jude mentions the conversation to Marina, who tells him that it wasn’t about him at all. So, Jude apologizes to Callie and asks about Gael. She admits to really liking him, but she’s also conflicted about him being bisexual even though she’s not bi-phobic. Jude gives her some sage advice by saying that it’s okay to be confused.

When the party is winding down, Gael finds Callie on the roof. They have a nice conversation where he tells her that she can talk to him about work, and she admits that she and Marina saw him hooking up with Bryan. Gael says that he really likes her and that the whole Bryan thing is new and casual. Callie says that she really likes him too, and that she told Marina about their hook up. The episode ends with them making out in the pool. Can Callie do the whole “casual sex” thing? I don’t think so.
I Just Wanna Be Friends
Meanwhile, Marina’s work life isn’t going so great either. Her team members (whom are all guys) are a bunch of jackholes. They don’t acknowledge her ideas, keep her in the loop at work, nor do they even invite her to join team bonding activities. She invites them to the party, but instead they go to some game and share all their fun on Instagram.
As to be expected, this irritates Marina. So, she and Davia start posting sexy and fun photos and videos from the party, hoping to make the guys jealous. It only fuels the guys to post more from their activities, though. Davia decides that it’s time to take it to the next level by going live. She goes a little too far, however, and calls Alex (Marina’s boss/team leader) “a giant asshole.” Marina freaks out. They try to delete the video, but Alex has already seen it. Oops.

Marina spends the rest of the night calling and texting Alex trying to explain herself and apologize, but Alex never responds. Call me crazy, but who else thinks Marina and Alex will end up hooking up? You know, if she doesn’t get fired.
Holding On To Heartbreak
The landlord of The Coterie, Alice, only has one thing on her mind at this party – it’s her best friend/ex-girlfriend, Sumi’s, birthday. Alice has made her a cake and everything. She’s still in love with her, and Sumi seems to take advantage of that by borrowing clothes, money, and even kissing her on the lips. So, when Sumi shows up late to the party with the big announcement that she’s engaged, poor Alice is gutted. Later, Davia and Mariana nearly convinces Alice that it’s time to let go of Sumi, but then Sumi asks her to be Maid of Honor, and Alice just can’t say no. ☹

“Chubby Chasers”
Davia, another resident in The Coterie and a positive body social media influencer, decides to drink shots to all her haters on Instagram. She calls them “chubby chasers.” Some of the other girls, including Marina, joins in, and none of the trolls seem to bother Davia. At least, not until one turns out to be her own mother. Yikes.
Estranged Siblings
Dipping a little into the foster care system story arcs that The Fosters focused on, Malika’s estranged older brother shows up at the party when she didn’t think he would. He’s not really in the party mood. The conversation turns serious when we learn that Malika called CPS on their mother when she was only 10 years old (he was 11) because they were starving. She thought they were going to stay together but got separated. Things weren’t so easy for her brother, it seems. Before leaving, he tells Malika that their mother is really sick.

Good Trouble airs Tuesdays at 8/7 on Freeform!