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Upon seeing the trailers for Bad Times At The El Royale, I was intrigued. It looked like an interesting movie where no one was quite what they seemed. Unfortunately, I was never able to make time to see it in theaters. With its recent release to home video, I have finally been able to view it.
With the opening scene, the movie starts to deliver on the promises of the trailer. Skip forward ten years, and we have four guest check into the El Royale, a fallen from grace hotel near Lake Tahoe and Reno that sits on the border of California and Nevada, half the rooms in each state, and the main lounge similarly situated. What follows is the intertwining of four different life paths, as the secrets of the guests, and the hotel, are revealed.
I enjoyed the movie, and it kept my attention. I recruited a friend to watch it with me, and despite them not having really heard about it, they told me they were hooked about 20 minutes in. The story pulled both of us into it. I can’t talk about many other details for fears of spoilers, so you’re just going to have to go watch the movie from the recommendation of this reviewer