What’s a birthday without a little drama? In the fifth episode of All American’s premier season, Spencer’s birthday isn’t all extravagant party, mac n cheese trucks and presents. Instead, Jordan and Olivia get caught, Spencer is conflicted about his father, Layla is having trouble going along with Asher’s secret, and Coop finally shows off her true self. However, what the episode really shows is that Spencer needs to focus on who has been there for him, not who left.
Not a Party
Spencer doesn’t want to make a big deal about his birthday. All his plans included is dinner with his family in Crenshaw. When Mrs. Baker finds out, however, she insists on throwing a little shindig. Not a party, of course, because that’s not what Spencer wants. Fast forward to the next day and the Baker house is loud with balloons, food, games, and a mac n cheese truck. Totally not a party.
Daddy Issues
Turns out, Spencer’s not the only one with daddy issues. Mr. Baker hasn’t spoken to his dad in years. But when Jordan and Olivia follow a lead on if Spencer is their brother, they end up at their grandpa’s house in Crenshaw. They had no idea he lived there because Billy told them that he moved to Arizona. That secret aside, Olivia and Jordan catch up with grandpa Willy for a bit, looking at old photos. Willy says that he and Billy don’t talk anymore because “money changes you, even my boy. One day he just forgot where he came from.” He says that Billy made it into the NFL because of him, that’s why he accepts the monthly checks.
Before they leave, Olivia invites him to a birthday party at their house to try to talk to their dad. He declines the offer, but surely, we all knew he’d show up anyways, right?So, when he shows up and tells Billy that he was invited by his grandkids, Billy pulls Jordan and Olivia aside to confront them about it. When he says that he’s going to tell Willy to leave, they ask why. “Afraid something’s gonna come out, dad?” Billy asks if they think he’s keeping secrets from them, to which Jordan responds that he knows he is.
Laura walks up wondering what Willy is doing there. With a little bickering, they explain how they ended up at their grandpa’s, confessing to their snooping and theory about Spencer. Mr. Baker finally admits to dating Grace, which his wife also knows about, but denies that Spencer is his son.
Meanwhile, Willy makes small talk with Spencer. He knows him from the talk around the neighborhood. Spencer tells him that it’s his birthday party, and that he lives with the Bakers. This surprises Willy. When he says that he’s Billy’s dad, the conversation switches to how the father and son don’t speak – haven’t since Billy married Laura. “If only he could’ve held on to your mom…” The comment surprises the heck outta Spencer.
Billy tries to get Willy to leave, but Willy starts making a scene by saying family isn’t welcome. Spencer steps in, wondering why he’s being kicked out. He defends Willy making an effort. The fact that Grace and Billy gets brought up. Grace says it was a long time ago and Spencer wonders why she didn’t tell him. After a moment, she says that the whole idea of him transferring was her idea, and she didn’t want him to know.Spencer then realizes that Billy didn’t want him to go see his dad because he would have been told the truth. He also realizes that everyone knew but him. So he leaves to go to the football game because at least his dad never lied to him. Poor kid ☹
At the end of the episode, Billy shows up at Willy’s house to talk about things. Willy’s issue is with Laura because “she’s not one of us.” Billy tells him that if he can’t accept Laura, then there’s nothing left to say. Before he leaves, Willy asks about Spencer and then mentions Corey James. Says that he had a lot to say before leaving. He asks Billy how he thinks Spencer will react when he finds out what really happened.
Living a Lie
Episode 4 revealed that Asher’s been pretending to be rich for like a year. It also showed him coming clean to Layla, and her accepting him for who he is and not his money, but he has to be honest with her. Well, she may be cool with him not being rich, but she doesn’t want to keep going along with his lie. She needs him to figure out who he’s going to be and love himself without his money, like she does.At the party, Layla gets fed up when he brags about getting the Porsche fixed in one day thanks to his dad’s black card. He knows it, too, by the way she walks away from the conversation. Later, when he tries to get her to leave the party with him, she voices her annoyance with having to go along with his lie. “It’s embarrassing to watch.” He takes this as his life embarrassing her, and then leaves.
I get why Asher’s lying, but he should know that the longer he pretends, the worse it’s going to be. The truth always reveals itself eventually.
Show you off
Early in the episode, Coop and Patience are kissing in Patience’s room when she suggests that they go out. Coop doesn’t want to, though. Patience claims that Coop is always hanging out with Shawn during the week and Spencer on the weekends, so they never actually go out… like on dates. When Patience suggests they make plans for the next day, Coop says that she has to work. Patience is turned off by this answer and tells Coop it’s time to go.
At the party, Spencer talks to Coop about why she didn’t bring Patience. They both know the real reason. He tells her the same sentiments that Billy told him, “you and me, we gotta stop worrying about the parents who ejected us.” Then the conversation turns to his father, and he tells her about the game, but he’s still stuck on what Billy told him.Coop later shows up at Patience’s house. She confesses to going to Spencer’s party and not work. She lied because she was afraid Patience would ask to go. “Not because I’m ashamed of you, but because I’m ashamed of me.” She’s been feeling like maybe her mom is right about her, but realized that Patience has been there for her in ways that few people have been. She doesn’t want to lose or hide Patience and asks for help in not hiding anymore. Awwww 😊
A Conflicting Gift
After his family dinner, Layla takes Spencer to the Rose Bowl stadium to give him his gift. Her dad donated the locker room, so she has all the perks. Like VIP field passes for the game after his non-party. When Spencer sees who’s playing, Eastern Nevada, he blanches. His father coaches for them.
Throughout the episode, Spencer is conflicted about whether to go the game. At first, he wants to so that he can tell him he’s making the dream happen without his help. But then Coach tells him that “it’s best to find what you need in the people who are there for you. Not the ones who let you down,” after speaking about his own father.
Spencer then decides he doesn’t want to because obviously his dad doesn’t want anything to do with him. After everything at the party, he goes to the game, only to be told that his dad doesn’t work for the team anymore. He moved back to L.A.The next day, he tells his mom that he’s ready to let go of his dad now because he’s already got everyone he needs.
All American returns November 28th on The CW!
GIF credit: All American Official
OMG every time I think we get some answers about Spencer’s Dad and how Billy Baker is involved we just get waaaay more questions. I love the Bakers confronting their kids and being in shock by their poor investigative skills. I really hope Asher learns to come clean, it’s all going to catch up to him. I was sooooo proud of Coop this episode. This was a great episode and I only expect even better things to come, thanks for reviewing !!!