We saw in episode 1×03 of All American, titled “I”, how the Beverly Hills Eagles and Spencer overcame most of their differences and accepted each other as teammates. It’s no surprise that since they’ve moved past that hurdle, the Eagles are now on a winning streak. They’re also getting along a lot better as well. However, “Lose Yourself” shows us that things still aren’t as perfect off the field as they are on the field.
Fitting In
Spencer may be doing better with his teammates, but he’s still struggling to fit into that Beverly Hills lifestyle. When the bill for their group comes at a restaurant, Jordan covers for him with his allowance card. No big deal. Jordan informs his dad that he may have gone over his limit again. He explains that Spencer’s been hanging out a lot more, and can’t always cover his part of the tab, so he’s just making sure Spencer doesn’t feel left out. Coach Baker understands this, but tells his son that Spencer isn’t his responsibility.
While Spencer is under his roof, though, he is Coach Baker’s responsibility. He gives Spencer a couple month’s-worth of allowance in cash. Spencer turns it down at first, but Coach insists that he keep it. Living in Beverly Hills comes with a price.The first thing Spencer spends his new allowance on is food for his mom’s house. When he comes home the morning after the party, she tells him to give the money back, but he can’t because it’s already gone. He explains the struggle of fitting in off the field, but she tells him one of his greatest strengths is working harder than anyone else. He doesn’t need anything given to him. He earns it.
Later, he tells Coach Baker that he’s already spent the money, but he’s going to pay it back to him, reiterating his mom’s words. He also applies for a job at the same restaurant.
I’ve got your back
Early in the episode, Shawn walks out of a laundry mat with a bag full of cash. He didn’t steal it. They were just “keeping it safe.” When Coop asks whose it is, he says it’s his – “Stick with me, you’ll get yours.” Later, when Spencer brings home the groceries and he explains the allowance from Coach Baker, she starts to feel bad for not helping the James’. Everyone’s got paper, but her.So, she goes to Shawn for a job. Of course, she expected it to be something illegal, but to her surprise, he takes her to the barber shop. Apparently, she has skill when it comes to haircuts. Shawn reiterates that he has her back.
However, later in the episode, Shawn comes into the barber shop after the owner, Alvin, leaves. He takes stacks of money from a hiding spot in the wall. Alvin doesn’t know anything about it. When Coop makes a comment about it, Shawn tells her that it’s time for her to have his back. One of the stacks was supposed to be hers, but he’s hanging onto it until they’re even from him helping Spencer.
Dare Chips & a Secret
Asher Adam’s parties are legendary. When he says that his dad is gone for the weekend, Jordan and JJ jump at the chance for a party. Asher clearly isn’t thrilled with idea, but he doesn’t say no. Anyway, Layla convinces Olivia to go because she’s noticed the way she looks at Spencer. Then, Olivia shows up at Spencer’s house and convinces him to go. When they arrive at Asher’s new mansion, she warns Spencer to stay away from the dare chips.
Soon enough, Spencer is roped into a poker game involving the infamous dare chips. He loses to Layla who raises him a dare chip. She dares him to get in the hot tub… naked… with Olivia. Neither object and soon enough they’re both flirting, naked, in the hot tub. They’re about to cross that line when Jordan comes in and demands Olivia to get out. Reluctantly, she does.You see, Jordan was late to the party for a pretty good reason. He’s been trying to figure out if Spencer is his brother. Earlier, he snuck onto his laptop and saw that his dad has been making transfers to a bank in Crenshaw. Wondering why, he calls the bank pretending to be his dad, but can’t get through without a pin.
After he yanks Olivia out of the hot tub, she questions why, and he tells her his theory about Spencer. She doesn’t believe it, or at least doesn’t want to. They question their father about what Alvin told Jordan, but he denies everything, claiming he and Grace hardly knew each other. Then he dismisses them for the night.
Later, Olivia sneaks into her dad’s office, calls the bank and gets through by guessing his pin number. Turns out, Mr. Baker has been making $650 monthly transfers to the Crenshaw bank for 17 years. Whomp, there it is.
Lifestyle of the not so Rich
Asher’s the rich and arrogant pretty boy, right? Well, in this episode, we see quite a different side of Asher. It all starts when he, too, tells Jordan that he’ll pay him back for dinner. He’s also hesitant to have the party his friends are so amped for. Nevertheless, he agrees to it and none of his friends notice… except Spencer.
At the party, Spencer notices even more signs that something’s up with Asher. Like the missing pictures hanging in the garage. The way he rushes JJ and Spencer out of the very expensive Porsche that they were just sitting in. Spencer even asks if he’s alright after JJ walks away, but Asher brushes it off.
During the poker game, Asher doesn’t want JJ to drive Porsche. “Anything but that,” he pleads when he gets the dare chip. That’s when things go downhill. Literally. Asher and JJ make it back without a scratch on the car, but when they get out the car rolls backwards down the driveway and into the street. Asher, and half the party, watch in horror as the car scrapes against the back of a truck.Noticing Asher’s desperation, Spencer steps in. He points out how something has felt off about the party all day, how there’s no family photos, he’s always forgetting his wallet, and he let everybody else pay for the party. “It ain’t hard to spot somebody with no money, man.” Asher starts to walk off, but Spencer stops him by saying he can help with the car. They tow it to one of Spencer’s buddy’s shop in Crenshaw, and get it fixed “good enough” since they don’t have much money and they’re on a time crunch. Spencer even pays for it with his allowance.
While they’re waiting to get the car back, Spencer asks whose car it is. Asher says it’s the guy’s who owns the house. They’re always out of the country. He rents the guest house so he can play ball at Beverly. Spencer asks why he’s pretending to have all this money. Asher explains that he was rich a year ago, but it all disappeared over night. He’s been pretending this whole time with everyone, including Layla, because he doesn’t know how to be anyone else. Just as he says that, the mechanic shows up with a problem – the Porsche has been stolen.
You wanna know how good of a guy Spencer is? He lets Coop call Shawn for help. They get it back, but I’m sure it will come with a price at some point. When they get back to the mansion, Spencer says he won’t tell anyone, but advises him to tell Layla. Asher’s worried that Layla will leave him like his mom did his father. Nevertheless, he tells her, and she’s super understanding. She says that she’s not with him for the money. She loves him, and if they’re going to have a future together, he needs to be honest with her.
All American airs Wednesdays at 9/8c!
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Asher’s face when Layla tells him they need to be honest with each other is heartbreaking. The secret dad storyline just gets weirder and more complicated each episode. I wanna protect Coop at all costs…. Can’t wait for next weeks episode, thanks for sharing!!!