I’m not a boy, so I can only imagine what it’s like growing up after your father walks out, leaving you, your mom and little brother. The pressure builds up. To be the man of the house. To be the protector. The best friend. The best son. The best football player. To chase after that dream… that God-given talent… that goal that will hopefully give you a better life. It’s a lot for a teenage boy.
Spencer definitely feels that pressure. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have basically moved to Beverly Hills to have a better chance at those football dreams – the same dreams his father had.
In episode 2 of All American, we see how Spencer has the weight of the world on his shoulders, and he’s doing his best to be his best. But sometimes life punches you in the gut (quite literally in Spencer’s case), forcing you to worry about yourself and not everyone else for once.
Hard to Stay Away
The episode kicks off with a flashback to Spencer in little league football. He runs up to his mom in excitement over a play (or touchdown) he just made. In a rush, he repeatedly asks, “Is he here? Is he here?” His mom is confused at first as to who he’s referring to. Spencer clears the confusion by asking if his dad is there. He said he would be there. Sadly, his mom breaks the news that his father isn’t returning. Young Spencer takes off in a sprint away from the field. Poor thing.
In the present, Spencer is living it up in Beverly Hills by playing a little football on the beach with his teammates, friends and, of course, beautiful girls. As soon as he spots Leila, though, he rushes over to her. There’s banter and there’s flirting, which Asher witnesses from afar, of course. Jealous, he talks to Jordan about getting Spencer out. Jordan reminds Asher of how it didn’t work when they gave the school the tip about Spencer’s transfer. If that didn’t work, nothing will. Spencer is there to stay.Next, we find Spencer back at home with his little brother… on a weekday. And this isn’t the first time. That’s a no-no, per the deal to stay in Beverly through the week and only return home on the weekends. His mom reminds him of this when she gets home. To be honest, this was kind of weird parenting in my opinion. Like, your son is home helping his little brother with homework. He could be doing a lot worse. I get you don’t want him to squander this opportunity but cut the kid some slack. He just wants to be with his family.
Boosters Schmoosters
During practice, Spencer pulls a move that accidentally causes Asher to sprain his ankle and puts him out for the rest of the week, including the game on Friday. Spencer tries to seize the opportunity by suggesting that he play both positions – offence and defense. Coach turns him down, repeatedly, believing that it would only wear Spencer out. Makes sense, but Spencer is adamant that it won’t. Still, Coach says no.
Later in the evening, there’s this super fancy booster fundraiser. Spencer’s clothes are nice but more casual while the rest of the Baker clan are in suits and dresses. Mr. Baker tells Spencer to go put on a suit, but he doesn’t have one. They start to settle that what he has on is fine, but Olivia steps in and volunteers to help him out and they’ll meet up at the fundraiser later. She hems up one of her dad’s suits (in a jiffy, it seems), and voila! – It should also be noted that there was some definite flirty-ness going on. Also, earlier in the episode Olivia walked in on him in the shower and things were a tad awkward, but cute. I’m so down for this ship, but not if they’re related… obviously.Anyways, once at the fundraiser, Spencer has to schmooze it up with a bunch of the boosters, putting on a fake smile when they try to tell him how to play football. Things get super-heated, though, when Asher’s dad throws a temper tantrum over the fact that his son can’t play on Friday. – Side note: Asher seems to be walking around just fine at this party? – He blames Spencer, calls him a thug, and blurts out that Jordan and Asher were the ones who blabbed to the school about Spencer’s transfer. Offended and hurt, Spencer stands up for himself. Surprisingly, Asher is embarrassed by his dad’s outburst and stops it from escalating. The altercation must make Coach want to prove Asher’s dad wrong because he finally agrees to let Spencer play both positions and sends him home to study the plays.
We Take Care of Our Own
Earlier in the episode, Shawn gives Coop a ride to Spencer’s house. When Spencer questions the new “friendship” Coop confesses that Shawn offered her protection after he left. Spencer does not like the sound of this. He can still protect her, but Coop wants him to worry about himself, not her. He storms off in annoyance.
Later, when Spencer’s little brother says that he got a new comic book from Shawn, Spencer takes the comic book back to him in anger. He tells him to stay away from his brother and Coop. Things get heated, a gun is pulled on Spencer, and he gets punched in the gut… hard. Coop shows up at just the right time and calms the ordeal but leaves Spencer alone on the ground in pain because she’s annoyed with him.
Even later, Coop is with Shawn and his friends in the car when he tells her to deliver a brown paper bag to someone’s house. She’s concerned about what’s in the bag, but Shawn won’t tell her what it is. I don’t know why she doesn’t just look in the bag, but whatever. She delivers the bag, and it turns out to be an egg salad sandwich for one of the gang (are they a gang?) member’s, who’s in jail, grandmother. When Coop questions the drop after she’s back in the car, Shawn explains that they take care of their own.Spencer and Coop later hash out their little argument on the swings in the park. They’ve been best friends since little league where everyone mistook Coop for a boy. Spencer stood up for her then, and they’ve been best friends ever since.
Family Matters & New Secrets
When the bakers return home from the fundraiser, sans Spencer, Mr. Baker asks Jordan what the heck is up with him trying to sabotage Spencer (and his career). Jordan and Olivia admit that they’re a bit jealous of all the attention their dad is giving Spencer. Jordan’s desperately trying to seek his approval and love. Mr. Baker hasn’t even been paying much attention to Olivia, his daughter who is fresh out of rehab. It’s not too much to ask for some love from their father.
Mr. Baker had no idea they felt that way. So, he gives his family the ultimate decision of whether Spencer stays. When Spencer returns for dinner, it’s revealed that everyone agreed that Spencer could stay. I mean, did anyone really think they’d say no? This is the point of the show, right?
At the football game, it’s obvious, to everyone but Coach apparently, that Spencer’s off his game. From the sidelines, Jordan points out the Spencer is injured. However, Coach Baker doesn’t take him out until the last four seconds of the game, which still angers Spencer. They lose the game, and Spencer argues that he could have made that play and caught the ball. In reality, though, he really couldn’t because he can barely lift his arm.
We’ve got a few new secrets on our hands, ladies and gents! First, Olivia and Asher once hooked up one drunken (& medicated?) night. It meant nothing to them, but trying to keep it a secret is what ended Olivia’s and Leila’s BFF status. It’s so unfortunate when guys come between BFFs. ☹So, remember that little league flashback from the beginning of the episode? Spencer was so distraught over his dad not being there he took off running. Well, what we didn’t see is that Coach Baker was there. Now, it doesn’t say for a fact that Mr. Baker is, indeed, Spencer’s father, but it was certainly implied.
What do y’all think?
All American airs Wednesdays at 9/8c!
GIF credit: allamericanonthecw