To be honest, this week’s episode of The Flash seemed more like a filler episode, to me. Nonetheless, I guess it could be argued that it was still a semi-important filler episode. There was talk of DeVoe, but no actual DeVoe. The team calls upon another risky ally for help. Caitlin is determined to find her inner Killer Frost. And Cisco tries to help Harry regain his intelligence. Like I said, nothing too important, in my opinion.
A New Council of Wells
Harry is annoyed with not having his intelligence, especially when he can’t figure out why DeVoe hasn’t made a move in days. Feeling for his friend, Cisco comes up with the idea to get advice from the Council of Wells. Not so fast, upon noticing Harry is without his intelligence, Herr Wells deems him ineligible to be in the council. How rude.
Not to fret, Cisco then calls upon a new council: playboy – Matthew McConaughey like – Wells, Sunny Wells, and HP Wells. This group essentially tries to get Harry to get in touch with his emotions. They attempt to meditate and get Harry to put himself in DeVoe’s shoes, but as we all know, Harry isn’t too keen on emotions. Annoyed, he ditches the council and starts to clear his office since he’s no longer smart. Poor guy.However, he genuinely apologizes to Cisco for snapping at him and the other Harrys. This reminds him of Cecile’s comment on having emotional intelligence as well. He realizes that he doesn’t need to get inside of DeVoe’s head, he needs get inside his emotions/heart, which is essentially what the new council was trying to get him to do. Later, he realizes that DeVoe must not have Marlize anymore. The only question is, where is she?
Wrong Approach
Joe finds Caitlin using acupuncture to possibly bring Killer Frost back. Being a detective, he suggests that maybe she’s approaching the situation from the wrong angle. This almost instantly gives Caitlin an idea to not only help herself, but the team find a weapon that DeVoe can’t control – Amunet Black. Of course, Caitlin doesn’t tell the team that she wants Amunet’s splicer thingamajig.
Since Amunet isn’t at her old hideout (it’s been taken over by snake eye dude), they find out her real name – Leslie – and her last known address. Joe and Caitlin find her running an underground gambling den. Caitlin confesses to joe about the splicer and Joe suggests she tell the team, but she doesn’t take that advice. Anyways, Amunet prepares to throw her shards, but Joe quickly calls Flash to the scene where he tells her they don’t want to fight, they want her help.Back at STAR Labs, the team fills Amunet in on the situation and Amunet recognizes the Flash as Barry from prison. Unfortunately, she says someone stole her big stash of shards. So, she makes a deal that if they help her find them, then she’ll help stop DeVoe. Privately, Caitlin tells Amunet about Frost and makes a deal with her. She and Frost will do one favor for Amunet if she can have the splicer, which is also with the stolen shards.
Snake Eye
Of course Snake Eye (Norvok) stole the shards. When the team can’t locate him, Caitlin gets super agitated and takes it out on everyone. Joe intervenes by telling her to confess why she’s so upset. Amunet steps in and calms Caitlin down by confessing something herself: the splicer wasn’t actually what brought Killer Frost back. It just had a placebo effect on Caitlin’s desperation. Quickly turning the subject around, the word placebo somehow makes Amunet realize where Novak is: some abandoned substation.He’s in the middle of selling the shards to a mafia dude when The Flash and Amunet interrupt the deal. However, Novak literally has a snake up his sleeve, rather in his eye. He sprays snake venom in Barry’s face and somehow siphons Amunet’s arm shards from her. Thankfully, Joe and Caitlin show up and manage to take out the mafia men getting away with Amunet’s stash of shards by shooting the tires on the getaway car and then forming a large ice shard and shattering it over them. Amunet siphons those shards and is ready to kill Novak, but Caitlin convinces her not to. She does, however, cut the snake out of his eye (EW). Meanwhile, Barry had to phase out of the snake venom before it got to his heart.
Amunet is ready to sneak away without holding up her end of the bargain. Barry and Caitlin hold her to it, though. So, she gives them a projectile of metal shards of metal before zooming away in a funnel of metal.
Iris’ Plan
You can take the girl out of journalism, but you can’t take the journalist out of the girl. In the start of the episode, Iris is up all night digging up everything she has on DeVoe. She accidentally wakes Barry up, and when he asks what’s going on, she says she wants to publish an article about DeVoe and his plans. Central City deserves to know that their brains are about to get blasted after all. The citizens should be informed so they can prepare.
Barry, however, feels the article is too risky. The team has never done anything like that before. First, he simply says maybe they should discuss it with the team. Then he continues to put off the article by convincing Iris to actually write the article and then present it to the team for their thoughts. Eventually, after seeing Amunet actually help them by giving them some metal shards, he has a change of heart. He tells Iris that she was right, Central City should know what’s going on.Luckily, the city didn’t go into major freak out mode like Barry thought they might. Instead, Iris gets loads of notifications and responses reporting where they’ve seen DeVoe. Maybe they should have used the wisdom of the crowd from the start?
Can’t hide now, DeVoe!
Catch The Flash on The CW Tuesdays at 8/7c!
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