Lori Petty, Dustin Coffey and Linda Burzynski star in Alex D’Lerma’s award winning Indie sensation “Fear, Love and Agoraphobia”.
The film focuses on the struggles of a young man named Chet who is agoraphobic. He has been out of high school for about 10 years and still lives at home unable to do things on his own. We first see him traveling to the bank with a gas mask on because he is so afraid of the public and being exposed to toxins. Although his behavior has not changed, his parents decide to move away which forces him to get a roommate.
The new roommate Maggie who is a former marine, also has some issues of her own. The both of them tangled in their own emotional anxiety disorders try to find a balance while living together. D’Lerma tries to explain that even though the flaws between the two make things complicated, it somehow helps to bond them. Chet expresses to Maggie that she makes him feel safe which grounds him in a way. They both help each other to find a stable way to live.
Altogether the point of the film is told well even though at times, it was hard to tell how you were supposed to feel. There was some psychological humor where it was impossible to not laugh but I don’t think that was the directors intentions. This is more geared to a psychological audience or those who understand human behavior well. Therefore, it may be hard to be successful once released because it is difficult to depict.
Fear, Love and Agoraphobia premiers on VOD 4/13.