The Season 2 Finale of This Is Us was probably one of my favorite episodes. After a season full of drama and sadness, we were able to see all the love surrounding the Pearson family no matter what their struggles be. The opening of the finale threw me for a loop when I saw the older version of Jack and Rebecca at what looks like a renewal of their vows. Throughout the whole episode we were shown so many sweet moments during this ceremony and it is revealed that Kate is having this recurring dream and shares that memory with Rebecca. Kate and Toby’s wedding was an adventurous but lovely day for all.
Kate gets upset when she can’t find the Daytona t-shirt she brought to memorialize Jack with on her wedding day, so naturally Randall and Kevin do everything they can to fix it. They end up gathering old items of Jack’s found at the cabin from years ago but nothing that she is happy with. Kate storms out and leaves to run some “errands” and we later see her going to the ice cream shop her and Jack used to visit. Kate eventually calls Rebecca to tell her about the dreams and reveals that Toby wasn’t apart of them and gets upset. She goes to visit a tree near the cabin with Jack’s ashes and finally lets go. Kate comes back to get ready for the wedding and shares a very sweet moment with Rebecca. She tells her “Mom you are not in my way, you are my way.”
While Kate is missing, Randall and Kevin do everything they can to stall everyone. They go on a drive and play a game of what the worse case scenario would be. Kevin expresses to Randall that he is worried Kate forgot to take care of herself because she had been taking care of him for so long. They end up bumping into Kate while she is by the tree speaking to Jack and she tells them she is ready to get married now. The boys both make beautiful speeches at the reception which were total tear jerkers for me!
Beth is still having difficulties with Deja bonding with the family after they get her back for good. She seems very irritable and upset with them which I found to be somewhat confusing but understandable. We meet Beth’s cousin Zoe, who tries to give Deja some insight on her life and background. Zoe seems to have made an impression on Deja and I was really hoping it would turns things around. While Randall and Kevin are making their speeches, we see Toby’s mom make a comment to Randall’s girls about how much they look like their mother and how Deja looks just like her “father”. This upsets Deja immensely as we see Deja later smashing what we believe to be Randall’s windshield with a bat!
Toby struggles throughout the day to make sure everything runs smoothly for Kate. He goes to pick up his parents at the airport which he is not looking forward to. They keep bringing things up about the wedding and that upsets him. Once the craziness with Kate dies down, he gets ready for the ceremony with his parents. They voice their concerns about his relationship with Kate and how they feel she is unstable. Toby sticks up for her and tells them this wedding is happening no matter what and tells them to leave.
Before I get into the final moments, can we just talk about all the scenes from the vow ceremony with Jack and Rebecca?! Oh so many feels! I loved getting a look into the life of the Pearson clan if Jack was still around. It was especially heart warming to see Jack and Kate share a dance because it was like he was there with her for the big day.
So the final moments the writers sent us into the future seeing how things turn out for the family. Kevin has gotten together with Zoe and are on their way to Vietnam. We can assume that he is looking for something to do with Jack because he is seen holding an old photo of him while he was in the war. On the other hand, Kate and Toby don’t seem to be in a good place. Toby is seen lying in bed depressed while Kate expresses she spoke to the doctor about his meds. Could he be sick? Another thing that throws us for a loop is seeing an older Randall talking with twenty something Tess. They speak about going to see someone and them both not being ready. Could it be Deja their talking about or Beth? All I know is I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us in September!
This Is Us will return this Fall on NBC.