I’ve gotta say, y’all, this episode of The Flash was one of my favorites this season. It didn’t focus on the whole DeVoe thing – which, quite frankly, was starting to bore me – but kept things interesting. Barry is still stressing hard over catching DeVoe, but “Enter Flashtime” stirs up a whole new level of stress. The fate of Central City is in his hands again. Only this time, he just has seconds to save the day, and so we “enter flashtime.”
Take A Breather
As I stated above, Barry is stressed to the max about taking down DeVoe. So much so that it’s making him a bit cranky and pushy. The episode kicks off with him trying to speed into a breach just as it closes, but he keeps failing. He’s worn Cisco down to the point where his shoulder is hurting from breaching so much, forcing them to take a break.When Cisco walks away, Iris has a talk with Barry about how he needs to take a break from the DeVoe situation. She reminds him that while they are “The Flash”, they are also Barry and Iris. They haven’t had any downtime to just be with one another since their honeymoon, which was cut short. Iris gets through to Barry, and he vows to make a date night reservation. Unfortunately, that date night is going to have to wait as Harry calls them into the Cortex.
Time to Talk
Harry’s daughter, Jesse, pays a visit to STAR Labs because he sent her a blank apology cube. She’s been trying to get him to talk about her mother’s death, but he just can’t seem to open up. Hence, the blank apology cube. The topic is why he’s almost always mopey and grouchy, which is what led to him getting kicked off Jesse’s team. It’s also put a clear strain on his and Jesse’s relationship. She admits that it was also hard for her to talk about her mother’s death as well, but once she did, she felt better. She wants that for her dad, too.
Unfortunately for them, the tense daddy-daughter time gets put on hold as well.
Nuke Attack
Team Flash gets called to what seems to be a terror attack on the city. The terrorists – because let’s be honest, that’s what they are – overpower the cops before a woman walks into a concealed crate. There’s a nuclear bomb. Barry and the team show up, but it’s too late. She’s already set it off. Barry and Jesse use their superspeed to still everyone else and the bomb from going off as they discuss their best options on how to stop the nuke. She rushes off to get Jay Garrick while he tries some other options.He brings Cisco into “flashtime” like he did with Iris in the courtroom. They think that maybe Cisco can breach the bomb to the dead Earth 15, but it doesn’t work. Cisco thinks it’s from breaching too much, but they then realize it’s because in flashtime, they don’t have enough time for a breach to form. Not only that, but since Cisco isn’t a speedster, his body isn’t used to moving at such speeds, so it exhausts him. This is a recurring issue for the non-speedsters Barry brings into flashtime.
Running Low
Cisco advices Barry go to Harry for his help. Harry suggests tossing the bomb into the speed force, but Jay and Jesse come in just in time to question how Barry brought Harry into the speed and oppose the idea. Jay argues that doing so will destroy the speed force and possibly take away every speedster’s speed – past, present and future. So that option is out.
Harry then suggests using Killer Frost to cool down the nuclear reaction. Unfortunately, it’s too hot for even her to handle. Once again, the flashtime speed takes a toll on her as well. Before Barry takes her out of it, she tells him to make sure Caitlin is safe. Aw, I guess Killer Frost isn’t so cold after all. – See what I did there 😉Jesse starts spitting knowledge and suggests that maybe all three speedsters could throw a lightning bolt at the bomb. The lightening’s energy could be enough to start nuclear fusion instead of an explosion. They attempt to do it, but Jay doesn’t have the stamina he once had and is unable to throw the lightning bolt, also forcing him to leave.
Jesse is also running low on energy, so Barry tells her to use what she has left to get back to Earth 2. Instead, she chooses to be by her father’s side. She tries to pull him into flashtime so she could talk to him, but it doesn’t work. So, she just sits with him, ready for whatever may happen.
“You’re My Lightning Rod”
There’s seemingly no more options. Barry doesn’t know what else to do besides just let the nuke explode. Still in Flashtime, he hesitates to bring Joe in and talk to him, instead he opts to just apologize before rushing back to STAR Labs… to Iris. He’s running on fumes and distressed about the whole ordeal. In a rush of words, he explains to her that he can’t save them this time. Iris assures him, that no matter what happens, she loves every moment with him. Ever the romantic, Barry proclaims, “You’re my lightning rod, Iris.” – UGH! I love these two!His words strike a light bulb with Iris. Barry needs to enter the speed force and remove the sphere with his DNA that was left in his place. If he does that, the speed force will chase him and the sphere and create lightning powerful enough to cause the nuclear fusion Jesse suggested earlier. With that, Barry plants an emotional kiss on Iris before whizzing off to save the day once again.
Recharge, Harry’s Thoughts & That Girl
Iris’ plan worked, and the city was saved. CCPD learn that the woman who set the bomb off was an environmental activist wanting to prove how bad nuclear power is. The team believes DeVoe also probably had something to do with the whole ordeal, which wouldn’t be surprising. – Side note: I’m glad he wasn’t in this episode. That whole storyline is getting kind of boring to me.
Since Barry ran in and out of the speed force again, he realizes he’s fast enough to speed into the pocket dimension DeVoe is seemingly using. Now, all the team has to do is figure out DeVoe’s next moves. Not so fast, though, everyone basically orders Barry to get some rest and recharge after such an exhausting day. Iris assures that she’ll make sure Barry gets the rest he needs.Meanwhile, Jesse explains to her father that she thought making him talk about her mom would help him be happy again. She now realizes that he has to be ready for that first. Harry may not be ready to talk, but he realizes Jesse needs to hear his thoughts. So, he uses the reconfigured thought-dampening device to let Jesse hear his thoughts and memories of her mother. It’s a sweet moment that brings them both to tears.
The next morning, Harry and Caitlin grab coffee together at Jitters. Caitlin confesses to being able to remember what happened during her time as Killer Frost this time. Specifically, she remembers Frost being worried about Caitlin’s safety. Their conversation gets interrupted by that girl we’ve seen multiple times now. First at Barry and Iris’ wedding and then in the Jitters. This time, she claims she’s meeting people. After they leave, she mumbles to herself that it went well. – Meaning, they were the people she was meeting.
I’ve stated before that many people believe this girl is Barry and Iris’ future daughter. There’s valid reasons to believe that, but I also have another theory. Earlier in the episode, Jay said that he’s going to retire as The Flash on his earth and train someone else. He specifically used the pronoun her/she. I can’t remember if Jay is from a future earth or not, but I have to wonder if this girl is the one he wants to train?
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW!
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