This difficult yet emotional film reveals a story about a young man name Ben who is struggling with his emotions very deeply. The whole movie is basically a suicide letter from Ben to whoever will listen. He is first shown trying multiple times to commit suicide and once he is unsuccessful, he decides to seek therapy for his issues. He spends most of his time throughout the film to find his almost adopted sister who he coincidentally falls for. Now we know that he is not really related to this girl but I found it be very strange and confusing for me.
With his search and successful finding of his sister, he goes through all the emotions of a relationship. He continues to learn through therapy and life experiences that every action we make can shape what happens in the future. Ben finds that this life we live is entangled and all these particles make up our very own being. It was difficult at times to take Ben seriously because Jason Filiatrault portrays him to be this awkward, depressed yet quirky person. I felt for Ben though at many times with his mental health issues.
In the end, it is revealed to us that this trip we were taken on with Ben’s sister and love life was just a fantasy that Ben made up in his head. He wanted to feel and believe in something so badly that this is where his mind took him. It was hard to believe at times why Ben had contemplated suicide in the first place because he has such a broad mind and wanted so much more for himself.
I thoroughly enjoyed this film and would absolutely recommend to anyone. Although it was geared to a certain audience and some might say it had an odd sense of humor, it really opened my eyes to a lot more than a trouble man. That being said, I would rate this film a 9 out of 10.
“Entanglement” can be seen on YouTube or Google Play.