This week’s episode of The Flash revolves around that cliffhanger we last left off on. You know, the one where Warden Wolfe found out Barry was the Flash and locked him up with the other bus metas to sell to Amunet? Yeah, that one. I knew we couldn’t trust him. So, this episode all about rescuing Barry and Barry trying to save the other metas from Amunet.
Let’s jump right in.
Morphed Disguise
Iris and Cecile show up at Iron Heights for Iris’ daily visit, but warden Wolfe informs them Barry isn’t there. He lies right to their faces by saying Barry had to be transported somewhere, but Cecile hears his thoughts. Once Wolfe leaves, she tells Iris that he’s struck a deal with Amunet to buy Barry and the other bus metas (Becky Sharp, Deacon, Rundin and Bison). She plans to collect them at midnight. So, Cecile and Iris head to the labs to tell the others.
Meanwhile, Ralph gets a visitor from a sketchy guy named Earl Cox. He starts talking a lot of smack to Ralph about some old business causing Ralph to defend himself. He states that he’s changed his ways. Earl doesn’t believe him for a minute, stating that Ralph always screws things up and disappoints people. Poor Ralph. He arrives at STAR Labs heated and ranting on and on about Earl. As he’s doing so, he actually morphs into Earl, accent and all.This gives the team a great idea… in theory. They have Ralph morph into Wolfe and meet Amunet to call off the deal. Once he gets the hang of it, he does a pretty good job at playing the tough hard-ass. He gets past Amunet’s minion, Snake Eye, and almost convinces Amunet. Almost, until things go horribly wrong, and the disguise disappears. He barely escapes. This isn’t the only plan that fails miserably tonight.
Mind Eraser
At the DeVoe lair, Marlize and Dominic/Clifford are spying on everyone. Marlize notes that Amunet purchasing the bus metas wasn’t part of the original plan. Dominic doesn’t seem to know what to do because there’s too many variables at play. It’s clear that Marlize has worries and doubts running through her head. Dominic questions her doubt for him, which makes her uncomfortable that he’s reading her thoughts. She starts playing the song from their first dance in her head to block him out. He notices and questions that as well before promising to erase every doubt from her mind. Creepy much?
Prison Break
Over in Iron Height’s meta-dampening prison, Barry plans to break himself and the bus metas out before Wolfe comes back. He clogs his toilet with what the plumber calls hair and steals some stuff from him before he leaves. He makes a solution that unlocks all their cells. They’re all ready to sneak out, but Becky. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone anymore, but Barry convinces her to join them by saying Amunet will only force her to harm others. Recalling what the warden and the plumber discussed, Barry realizes they should be able to get out by following the sewer pipes.They run into a worker, and most of the metas want to kill him so he won’t rat them out. Barry punches him out instead and tells the others to duct tape him up. He fractured his hand, and since his powers are still dampened, he can’t speed heal. So, Becky helps him wrap it and states that he doesn’t seem like a murder. Barry tells her he didn’t kill anyone, and tells her that their powers don’t decide who they are.
The metas make it out of the meta prison and into the prison yard where they get their powers back. Unfortunately for them, Wolfe and some guards are already waiting for them. He throws a power dampening boot on Barry’s ankle, and the other metas start to go after him. Wolfe turns them against Barry, though, by revealing that he’s The Flash. Deciding who she is, Becky comes to Barry’s defense, and sends a wave of bad luck against the other metas. Her powers cause the release of a gas canister as Amunet shows up. Before she passes out, Amunet manages to take out Wolfe’s guards.Then Clifford/Dominic flies in on his chair, takes the bus meta’s powers, and kills all of them but Becky. Instead, he takes her body over just as Barry tries to save her. Before disappearing, Clifford/Becky kills Wolfe.Earlier in the episode, team flash decided to just break into Iron Heights and bust Barry out. After screwing up, Ralph was feeling down on himself (again) and decided not to participate in this mission. Well, Vibe and Frost breach in after all the action. Still, they try to get Barry to go back with them, but Barry doesn’t want to. He was only willing to break out so Amunet wouldn’t get the others. So, he speeds back to his cell and marks another day.
Free at Last
After Ralph decided not to join the festivities of busting Barry out of prison, Caitlin decides to crash his self-pity party to try to convince him to help them. He’s not hearing it from her, though. Caitlin then chooses a different route by bringing out Killer Frost. She gives him some Oprah-like advice that makes him feel better. He still chooses not to help Barry that way, but he has a better plan.
Later, we’re back in the courtroom and Cecile is trying to stall the impatient judge until this “new information” shows up. She insists that it will change the outcome of the previous ruling and prove Barry’s innocence. Just as the judge has had enough and states that nothing’s changed with Barry’s sentencing, in comes “Clifford DeVoe.” Obviously (to us, team Flash and possibly Marlize) it’s Ralph morphed as Clifford, but it convinces the confused judge enough to release Barry.At Joe and Cecile’s house, team Flash is celebrating Barry’s release. He’s finally home. However, he states that DeVoe only wanted the bus metas, and not Barry. It’s then they realize they know another bus meta – Ralph. Now, the one who essentially got Barry out of prison is in danger.
Love Drug
Back in Clifford and Marlize’s lair, she questions her husband’s (now Becky) actions. He apparently went against their original plan. She’s also concerned about him murdering Wolfe. Clifford/Becky is sick of his wife doubting his actions and plans. So, he somehow got his hands on the love drug tears from that one bus meta who supposedly disappeared. He spikes Marlize’s drink with the tears and gives it to her. Still trusting her husband, she takes it and her guard is instantly down – meaning he can hear her thoughts again. They dance in the lair to the song they first danced to.
Seems like Ralph isn’t the only one in danger.
The Flash returns February 27th on The CW!
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