The episode starts on a completely different earth. Not Earth-Twelve or Earth-ThirtyFive or even Earth-TwoHundredAndThirtyFour, It was Earth X. It was a world ran by Nazi’s. Where you see the Guardian fighting this masked man in a dark suit with a bow and arrow but the Guardian couldn’t win this fight.
On Earth-One there was many people who still needed to send in their RSVP to Barry and Iris wedding, Which I thought this part was pretty funny Barry was fighting and Iris uses their ear pieces to talk to him to tell him that people haven’t RSVP’ed yet for their wedding then we jump to Star City where Oliver is fighting some ninjas where Felicity ask Oliver if they are going to Barry and Iris’s wedding then we end up in England 1183 AD where the legends are in hoods fighting these knights on horses when Sara ask “Have we RSVP to Barry and Iris wedding” then Dr. Stein screams “Alright team lets go we have a wedding to prepare for!” Then all of a sudden we are in National City on Earth-ThirtyEight where Kara is fighting a dominator on a police car. Since this is suppose to be the Supergirl part of the cross over, We see Alex and Kara sitting on the couch when Alex finds a wedding invitation for Mon-El and Kara to Barry and Iris’s wedding but she decides to bring Alex instead since Mon-El is now married to another woman. We are now over a road with a sign that says Welcome to Central City where you see the wave rider flying above with Oliver and Felicity riding in town on a motorcycle and Supergirl flying out of he teleporting hole. I personally think this was my favorite way they have started any of the cross overs.
At the rehearsal dinner Barry and Kara talks about Mon-El and how he is married to someone else, Kara blames herself because she’s not human and Barry talks about how he now needs to convince her that she needs to let love in her life like he convinced Oliver then he asked her to do him a special favor which we will talk about later. The rehearsal dinner got very heated up in a few different ways, Oliver brings up that they need to have a rehearsal dinner and she gets confused and wonders what they are rehearsing than Oliver pops the question and ask her to marry him then Felicity pretty much embarrasses Oliver by screaming that she don’t want to marry him which everyone heard. The other thing that got heated up well lets just say Alex woke up in Sara’s bed. While everything was starting to get heated up Joe makes a heart warming speech.
”What could I possibly say about Barry and Iris that everyone in this room doesn’t already know? How they’re special, and kind, and brave. But we all know that, so… I’m gonna talk to you all about somebody you might not know. Me. For the longest time, I have… been happy just to be dad to these two, and then Wally comes along, and… and then watching them face what they have in the last few years with grace and trust and love, so much love. You see two people who love like that, and you want it, too. So, Barry, Iris, thank you for showing me how to love again. For showing me that love is the most important thing we have. I love you guys.”
At the wedding the next day, I wanted to start by saying there was this awkward waitress that acted like she didn’t know Barry but she obviously knew who exactly he was and she was so happy to be there, Who is she? I hope we soon find out. The wedding starts and Joe walks Iris down the Isle while that Kara was singing the song that Barry sang when he proposed to Iris which was the favor Barry asked and the pastor starts talking then it all gets crazy! You see is the pastor gets vaporized then there was a flying Nazi in a mask, a Archer Nazi in a mask, and a bunch of shooters in a mask attacking them. They all start fighting a Cisco gets knocked out and Kara ends up doing like a sonic clap injuring the Flying Nazi and all the Nazi’s get up and run leaving on of the shooters behind. They all go back to the lab planning to question the Nazi shooter and locks him up then we see the Flying Nazi, Archer Nazi and the reverse Flash are on a roof talking reviling that the Flying Nazi and the Archer are the doppelgangers of Kara Danver and Oliver Queen from Earth-X!
Part 2 of Crisis on Earth-X
It started with something that really shocked me, The Nazi that they had locked up was Tommy Merlin! Yup the doppelganger of Olivers bestfriend that died back in season 1, But he’s dead again he took a pill and killed his self. It would of been cool to get Tommy Merlin back! Oliver tried to get his Tommy out of him but it didn’t work. Darn.
We soon to find out from Wells that there’s really 53 worlds and not 52 which is called Earth-X. Earth-X is what our Earth would look like if the Nazi’s would of taken over. While Wells was telling them that, Oliver talks to Felicity about her saying no the way she did and we learn that she’s just scared because last time they got married she got shot and now Iris and Barry tries to get married and they all get attacked.
Stein and Jax has been talking about separating but if they do that they will lose their powers and Stein wants to be a normal person to be there for his family. But Jax is afraid of losing him.
”I never knew my father But I got to know you. You’re the closest thing I’ve got to a dad and now you’re leaving.”
The Nazi’s attacks the city and Supergirl, Arrow and The Flash goes to fight them and the Arrow shoots Nazi Supergirl with a krypronite arrow hurting her than Nazi Arrow brings her to star labs and Mick and Caitlin tries to take them down with the help of some of Team Arrow but they fail. We learn that Nazi Supergirl is dying and that they need Supergirls heart for her to live. The Arrowverse team gets taken down by Metallo and they all get taken to EARTH X!
I personally think the first 2 episodes of Crisis on Earth X was already far better than any of the other crossovers, Its starting to remind me a lot of a big but almost as good as a Justice League kind of team. This episode also show so many strong friend ships that anyone would die for. I do wish we could of seen more of Tommy Merlin but it was cool to see Olivers reaction seeing Tommy again. I also wish we could of seen more of everyones Team and not just seeing them in their episode. Like more of J’onn and Mon-El maybe even the guardian and Arrows team like Mr. Terrific, Wild Dog and Black Canary. But other than all of that it all was amazing!
You can still see it on the CW app! For Free!
Keep a look out for the next part!
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