On this week’s episode of This Is Us, the main focus was on Randall and how he has gotten to where he is today. This last episode was not only the fall season finale but, the third and final part of the “big three” series. We were invited to see each of the children’s past and present struggles. When looking back on it, it was very interesting to put all the pieces together.
The episode opens up with Randall and Jack discussing different colleges Randall is interested in and when Jack is able to take him for a visit. Jack takes him to Washington and Randall makes some new friends while seeing the school. After they are on their way back, Jack discusses with Randall how he shouldn’t feel ashamed of who he is and where he comes from. He encourages him by saying “You’re going to make the right decision, you always do.” Jack makes a stop at the Vietnam Memorial and speaks to his son about how he felt out of place after he returned from war. He tries to make Randall feel better and reassures him that he is smart and should be confident in himself. I thought it was a very sweet moment between father and son that we’ve seen throughout the series many times before.
In present day, Randall and Beth are handling saying goodbye to Deja. Deja’s mother seems to be doing better and wants to make things right with her daughter. Randall is heartbroken and does not want to let go. This is when I felt Randall was reflecting on his life and how his parents looked out for his best interest. He wants to save Deja just like Jack and Rebecca saved him and gave him the best life. It broke my heart when Randall and Beth said their goodbyes to Deja because she looked like she was unsure of her decision. Randall made it clear that they will always be there for her and their home is always open.
At this point of the episode, we really start to see all three parts come together. We saw after Kevin had his breakdown he goes to see Randall to confide in him. This was directly after Deja left Randall, which we did not see until now. Randall break the news to him regarding Kate and the baby which upsets the both of them. We see Kevin quickly have a drink at Randall’s and then leaves abruptly when he sees his nieces. Fast forward to Kevin driving and swerving on the road while one of his nieces pops up from the backseat and scares him. He gets pulled over and arrested for a DWI.
Of course like any other season finale on NBC, we are left hanging wanting more! Next season looks like it’s going to be another roller coaster, with Kevin’s addiction out and more drama to come for Kate and Randall as well. Although we still don’t know how Jack died, here’s hoping the second half of Season 2 will gives us more answers!
This Is Us will return to NBC on Tuesday January 2, 2018.