On this week’s episode of This Is Us, the main focus is on Kate’s life past and present. It begins with a flashback with Rebecca and Jack discussing college with the kids, mainly Kate. As we found out last week, Kate loses the baby which was absolutely heartbreaking for everyone. Kate tries to move forward with her life by going to work and keeping busy. However, Toby is dealing with it in a different way. He is upset and worried for Kate so he goes to stop their package of the baby bath from getting delivered to the apartment.
As the day goes on, Kate begins to have flashbacks of when she first found out she was pregnant and when she was a baby herself. She leaves her performance to try and make herself feel better. In a flashback with Rebecca and Kate, they speak about what she is going to do with her future and when Kate storms out Rebecca finds an application for college and an audition tape. Rebecca seems so proud of her that she has found her passion in life but wonders why she is keeping it a secret. Kate and Rebecca speak later on at one of Kevin’s football games and tells her that she wants to do this on her own and that she didn’t want to ask for help with the tape.
Toby does everything in his power to protect Kate from the package for the baby. He looks all over the warehouse for it and finally one of the workers finds it for him. He ends up giving it to the worker for his sisters child who is being born very soon. He feels he did a good deed by retracting the package so that it doesn’t destroy Kate.
Kate and Toby argue about how they are handling the miscarriage and she states that “It didn’t happen to you, it happened to me.” Toby is trying so hard to support her and her feelings but he is just as disappointed as she is. After their argument, Rebecca shows up to console Kate during this rough time. Kate didn’t want to disappoint her mother so that is why she was avoiding speaking to her about this. Rebecca reassures Kate that it is her job as a mother to be there for her and if she needs, her arms are wide open for her to fall into. They discuss more about losing a child and what affects it has on you but you chose to move on and be strong.
I feel that the theme of this episode is about parenting and how it comes full circle all the time. Kate struggled her whole life afraid of disappointing her family and not being good enough. She finally has made a wonderful life for herself and the miscarriage made her feel like she was failing again. Kate and Toby decide that this will not destroy them and the life they have built together. They will get through this and try to have a child again. Next week’s episode promo focuses on Randall and his story.
This Is Us premiers Tuesday nights 9/8c on NBC.