Excuse me, I have to go. Somewhere there is a crime happening.
This October there is so much happening on COMET TV!
First up, The Robocop trilogy is airing Saturday, October 21 and Thursday, October 26! Who doesn’t love Robocop, talk about classic sic-fi!
Then, there’s the Underground Horror series airing throughout the month of October! Check out the schedule at CometTV.com/underground-horror
There is something for everyone!
And… I know everyone loves their COMET TV prize packs, so we’re giving you a chance for a lucky reader to win one! Say what? I know!
The Comet TV October pack pack has:
1 -Robocop Omni Consumer Products T-shirt: A perfect T-shirt for out and about and to show your Robocop love. It sports the famous Omni Consumer Products logo on the front and looks amazing on!
1 -Limited Edition COMET TV Card: You’ll get 1 or 3 limited edition designs that feature one of the Underground Horror Titles showing this month on COMET TV!
1-Limited Edition COMET TV Pin Set: There’s nothing better to add a little flair to any ensemble that this limited edition COMET TV pin set. It features six different designs including Stargate and Andromeda.
1 -COMET TV Syringe Pen: Oh the horror! This green liquid syringe pen will have you the envy of everyone in your office. I mean let’s be real, who else has a COMET TV green liquid syringe pen? The answer… It could be you!