It’s time, Wolfies. We’ve now arrived at the series finale of this beloved show, Teen Wolf. “The Wolves of War” is extra-long, and there’s a lot to cover. So, let’s jump right into it before I start rambling about my emotional state. Grab your tissues because you’ll probably need them as we say goodbye to Beacon Hills and our favorite wolfpack.
The episode kicks off with a two-year flashforward as Argent picks Scott up from a run-down motel. As Scott hops on a new motorcycle and Argent gets in his SUV, we see that they’re in downtown L.A. as they drive off.
As we get a voice-over from Scott, a teenage boy (that looks a lot like a young Scott McCall) runs from hunters. They manage to shoot his leg with an arrow, forcing him to hide in warehouse of sorts. Scott: “I’m going to tell you a story, maybe it will sound familiar. There was this kid – 16, alone and running for his life. He couldn’t see them, but he could hear them getting closer. They had guns, crossbows. It started on the night of a full moon. Something came at him. Something bit him, and it changed his life. It changed everything.” – Feel the nostalgia! – As the boy sits back and takes a breather, he hears a roar and gunshots. Scott then comes out with glowing eyes and Argent behind him. The teenager glows his eyes beta yellow. As they approach him, he’s a little panicked. Scott kneels beside him and yanks the arrow out of the boy’s leg.
In Argent’s car, the boy reveals his name is Alec. It seems that Scott was telling him the story. Scott: “Did I get it right?” – I guess he’s asking if that’s what happened to Alec. – Alec: “Is that what happened to you?” Scott: “I’ve got my own story.” – Which is the same thing basically – Argent: “We’ve all got stories.” Alec: “Everyone in my story is dead.” Scott: “Yeah, but you’re not, and now you’re with us.” Alec: “So, what happens next? Your story, how does it end?” Scott contemplates his answer as we go back to the present.The hunters continue shooting at Scott, Malia, Lydia, and Peter as they hide wherever they can. One shooter comes around and points his gun right at Scott, but just as he’s about to shoot, Stiles pulls up in his Jeep and hits the hunter! Stiles looks over at Scott, “You didn’t think you were doing this without me, did ya?” Derek comes up beside the Jeep, “Without us?” As Scott looks on in shock that they came back, Derek glows his eyes and snarls his teeth before taking down two hunters. YESSSSS! Now this is what I have been waiting on!
There’s still hunters shooting, but Scott, Malia and Peter seem more confident now, and start fighting them with Derek. And boy do they kick some bootay! So much so, that they send Tamora and a few running! When they speed off, Stiles and Lydia come out from behind a column. Stiles: “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about any of this. Not a word. Not a single word.” Lydia: “We had reasons. Really good reasons.” They all walk up to where Scott is knelt beside a dying Deucalion. Deucalion grabs Scott’s hand, “Gerard. What he fears most… he can’t… beat you… and he knows it.” His hand falls from Scott’s as he dies.
Malia: “It’s really started, hasn’t it?” Stiles: “What’s started?” Scott stands up, “It’s an all-out war.” He walks over and hugs Derek as Peter asks what he’s doing there. Derek explains about the slaughtered pack in Brazil and how Beacon Hills was written in blood on the wall. Scott: “You came back for Beacon Hills?” Derek: “No, I came back for you.” Awwww!
Suddenly, they hear Stiles’ police scanner going off in his Jeep. They all rush over as Gerard recites Shakespeare. He asks Scott if he knows the rest, but Derek is the one who answers. Derek: “Cry havoc in, and let slip the dogs of war.” Gerard: “War, indeed. Welcome back, Derek. You all must be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little family reunion I’ve gathered for you, Scott?” Scott: “Why don’t you come join us and let me thank you in person?” Gerard then mentions how he sent Jackson and Ethan. We see him on the walkie as he approaches Jackson who is handcuffed by the wrists to the ceiling. The pack is surprised as Gerard stuns Jackson with a stun-baton. Jackson, being Jackson, threatens to shove it up his ass – LOL, I’ve missed his sass! Gerard tells Scott they can find Jackson at the armory, and then tells him where he can find everyone.
Parrish walks into the closed unit of Eichen and sees Gerard and three deputies waiting for him.
Papa McCall gets thrown into a jail cell.
Gerard suggests that Scott tell his mom to skip her shift at the hospital. Liam is still in the ICU room. Gerard: “Optimistic of him, but woefully ill-advised. This is how you wage war, Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs, which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can, and you might even save a few, but your limited resources will be spread thin, and ultimately you will fail. The dogs of war, Scott. They’re coming for you.” Scott crushes the walkie in his hand. Can this old man be killed yet???
Theo speeds down the road as he’s on the phone with Scott. Scott asks him to buy them more time and get Liam and the others out of the hospital. Theo: “Am I buying us time to come up with a plan or get help?” Scott: “Both.”
Scott, Malia, Stiles, Lydia and Derek are now at the clinic catching up. Stiles explains how he and Derek met up again. He recalls the first day of his internship and seeing Derek on the screen in the woods of North Carolina. Derek explains that he’s being blamed for the murder of the pack in Brazil. Stiles: “So, I learned that the FBI has cornered this feral, mass murdering…” Derek: “I found a group of hunters gathering in a meeting place, and I was trying to get information.” Stiles states that the FBI found out about it too, and planned to take Derek down, dead or alive, “and as we all know with Derek it’s preferably dead.” Derek: “Preferably.” Stiles: “So, I convinced them to take me on the field op.” Lydia: “You convinced the FBI to bring an intern onto an extremely dangerous field operation?” Derek: “I’m surprised he didn’t convince them he could lead it.” Stiles: “I tried. It didn’t work. Anyway, I basically had to save his life.” – Cut to a flashback of a chaotic field
op as Stiles helps an injured Derek out. – Derek refutes this memory, though, and says that’s not what happened. Stiles: “Yeah, I may have left out a detail, but that’s the gist of what happened, the essential essence of it.” Derek: “You couldn’t walk.” Stiles: “I was limping.” Derek: “You couldn’t walk, and I know that because I was carrying you.” – Cut to the same flashback, but Derek carries an injured Stiles out as he cries out in pain and passes out when he sees his foot. – Stiles: “They shot my toe! You wanna see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire, and it was obliterated.” Lydia: “Okay, forget about your toe.” Stiles: “Obliterated…” – Oh, how I’ve missed the Stiles and Derek banter. – Scott and Lydia inform them that they have another problem besides the hunters… the anuk-ite.
At the hospital, Mason and Corey notice that the hunters are still there, and that the cell service is jammed. Mason: “We can’t leave without Liam, and we can’t wait around for help.” Corey: “So, it’s just you and me.” Mason: “Against them?” Corey: “Yeah, why not?” Mason: “Is this a weird time to say that I love you?” Corey: “Not if I love you, too.” Mason: “We might die tonight.” Corey: “We’re not dying tonight.” They kiss and everything is beautiful because Mason and Corey love each other! 🙂 Well, besides the face they have to take on the hunters, of course. Corey grabs Mason and they go invisible – the ultimate sneak attack!
Melissa helps Nolan come to, and cleans the cut on his head when he does. Melissa: “Who knocked you out? One of my friends or one of yours?” Nolan: “I’m not sure I have any friends right now.” Melissa: “I’m not sure I blame them. You okay to stand? We’re going to need your help.” Nolan: “With what?” Melissa: “Taking back the hospital.” She triggers her stun baton. YESSS, Mama McCall! Take back your hospital! Side Note: How does Nolan only have a cut on his head when Gabe punched the crap out of his face… repeatedly?
In Gerard’s armory, Gerard shows Tamora all the yellow wolfsbane they could find, which isn’t much. It was just enough to make one bullet. Tamora: “And more than powerful enough to kill an alpha.” This chick, man. I still can’t stand her.
Meanwhile, Scott and Lydia explain the anuk-ite to Stiles and Derek. How it’s made of two faces – one human and one supernatural –, it’s a shapeshifter, and it knows your worst fears. More importantly, how it can kill you with a single look. Stiles confesses how that’s a conflict since his worst fear is actually becoming blind (this is insanely random to me fyi). Scott tells Lydia and Stiles to find Argent and rescue Jackson at the armory, but Lydia says there’s no time to wait for Argent.
Stiles is skeptical about doing exactly what Gerard wants, but Scott is confident that once they stop the anuk-ite, the hunters will stop too. He knows Monroe won’t change, but most of them are just acting out of fear. Derek: “Well, fear is pretty motivating, especially when it’s anger.” Scott: “Then I think if we can take out the fear, then we can take out the fight in them, too. They’re afraid of us, but they don’t have to be. They just have to change their minds.” Derek: “No, we have to change their minds.” Malia questions how they’ll catch the anuk-ite, but Scott is confident they can do that too. Derek: “Well, it’s nice to see somebody hasn’t lost their optimism.” Scott: “Not yet.” Stiles: “I have.” Lydia assures Scott they’ll by him time, and they hope that Jackson or Argent will have answers. Scott puts Derek, Malia and Peter with him to help stop or slow down the anuk-ite before he says the anuk-ite will find them at the high school.
Peter walks into the high school while on the phone with Malia and sees two stoned hunters’ bodies. She tells him to close his eyes immediately, but he chooses to just leave. When he enters another hallway, he starts to hear Malia calling him dad so he stops. He can feel the fear. As he slowly turns around, he sees the anuk-ite and turns to stone, just like in Lydia’s premonition.
There’s a hunter standing guard over Jackson now as he’s cuffed to the ceiling. Jackson: “You’re afraid of me, aren’t you? Did they say why you should be afraid of me? If you’re not afraid, why don’t you come a little closer?” Hunter: “Shut up!” Jackson: “It’s because I’m still part kanima. Do you know what that is? Look at these claws. Come on. Come take a look.” The hunter finally walks up to him. Jackson: “These claws release venom that can paralyze you. I even have different eyes.” He shows his kanima eyes. He confesses he can’t change completely, but compares it to a Tiptronic transmission – being able to switch from automatic to manual. Jackson: “I used to drive a Porsche, but I can’t drive sports cars anymore… there’s no room for my tail. He smirks before releasing his tail, wrapping it around the hunter, and throwing him against both walls. He then uses it to get the lock keys. LOL!
Scott, Malia and Derek walk into the school and see Peter’s stoned body. They realize he isn’t dead… yet. He has a faint heartbeat. They also aren’t alone. Scott looks at Peter for a minute before saying he thinks he knows how to catch the anuk-ite.
As Jackson tries to escape the armory, he hears heartbeats on the other side of a closed door. Then he starts to hear the door breaking and a scream… Lydia’s scream. Stiles kicks the door in, “Jackson?” Jackson: “Stiles?” Lydia sees him from the other room, “Jackson?” Stiles: “Already covered that.” Lydia gets excited as she runs and jumps into Jackson’s arms. Lydia: “Oh my God, it’s you! It’s really you!” Stiles gets a little jealous as she hugs Jackson in disbelief. Stiles: “That’s nice. Okay. Not too close. Watch the hands. Okay. Okay, alright. Let’s break that up.” Stiles says as he watches them before pulling them apart. It’s okay, Stiles. Lydia is still your girlfriend, and you definitely don’t have to worry about Jackson. 😉
Jackson: “You did that?” Stiles looks back to the room where there’s a bunch of hunters knocked out from Lydia’s scream. Lydia smiles, “I did that.” Jackson seems proud of her. Stiles: “I kicked down the door. Now that we’ve all contributed, *Lydia pats him on the shoulder* wanna get the hell outta here?” Jackson: “Not without Ethan.” Lydia: “Ethan? What’s Ethan doing here?” Jackson: “He’s with me.” Lydia: “He’s with you?” Jackson: “Yes, me.” Stiles: “Ethan?” Jackson: “Yes, Ethan.” Lydia: “And you…” Stiles: “Ethan?” Jackson: “Yeah.” Lydia: “Oh. My God. I thought you’d never figure it out.” Jackson laughs, “can we go find him now?” Before they leave, though, Scott calls Stiles needing something from the armory.
Stiles pulls open the door to where the map of all the Nematons used to be. He looks around for a minute before grabbing what Scott asked for.
As Liam looks out the door window of the ICU, one of the people in the bed pulls out a gun and shoots at him. So, he throws him through the doors. As Liam stands over him, he hears Gabe yell wait. He’s with two hunters, and they’re pointing their guns at him. Gabe: “Let me do it.” Liam backs up toward the elevator. Gabe: “Go ahead, Liam. Run. It’ll be more fun that way.” – This kid, man. SMH. – The elevator door opens and Theo yanks Liam inside as shots start firing. Liam: “What are you doing here?” Theo: “I was just asking myself the same thing.”Scott, Malia and Derek hide as hunters pass them in the hallway. Malia doesn’t want to hide, and she’s worried about Peter. Scott insists they wait for Stiles, but Malia isn’t having it. She runs off down the hallway and Scott tries to stop her. Scott: “Malia, hold on.” They look down the hall and see Tamora point a gun at him. She doesn’t hesitate to shoot Scott, and he falls to the ground. He swears he’s okay before telling Malia not to let Tamora go. Malia coyotes-out and chases Tamora as Derek helps Scott. Derek: “You’re not okay. It’s yellow wolfsbane. It’s gonna kill you.” DUN DUN DUN!
Two hunters walk the halls of the hospital when they suddenly get knocked out. Mason and Corey reappear. Mason’s holding a bedpan that was possibly still being used. Hahaha!
Ethan’s chained on the ground when Lydia and Jackson find him. Ethan: “How did you get out before me?” Jackson: “I talked my way out of it.” Ethan: “You used the tail, didn’t you?” Lydia: “You still have a tail?” Ethan: “So gross.” Jackson: “Can you just get up?” Jackson helps him up and they leave.
Back in the elevator, Liam can still hear the hunters. Theo: “Look, I’m not dying for you.” Liam: “I’m not dying for you either… but I will fight with you.” Theo: “Okay, let’s fight.” The elevator opens, and they roar and glow their eyes. They manage to take the hunters down even as they’re getting shot at. When they seemingly take the last one out, they look back to see another one ready to shoot. Melissa McCall to the rescue! She hits him with her stun gun, and Nolan comes in and knocks another one out with a gun. He sees Gabe come up behind Theo and Liam and yells for them to get down. As Theo and Liam try to run and duck, Gabe fires, and they both get shot.
Derek helps Scott into a classroom. Scott tells him to go help Malia, but Derek isn’t worried about her. He digs in a cabinet, “there’s only one way to get rid of wolfsbane. *he finds a torch* You burn it out.” He walks back to Scott, “Look, you’re not going to be able to do much until you heal.” Scott: “If I’m right, we just need Stiles to get here.” Derek lights the torch before burning into Scott’s skin. He passes out, and Derek starts to feel the anuk-ite. He stands back up, glowing his eyes and snarling his teeth before walking into the hallway.
Ethan, Lydia and Jackson enter the school. Lydia: “Remember, you can’t look at it. You have to fight it blind.” Ethan: “How about we don’t fight? We just get our friends and get the hell out of here?” Jackson: “That works for me.” They’re all suddenly hit with the fear as Lydia realizes it’s there. She urges them to shut their eyes.
Parrish sits in a cell in Eichen, literally freezing as three deputies watch from the hall. They think he’s dying. Stilinski: “Not likely.” He walks in like the total boss he is. Stilinski: “It’s not that easy to kill a hellhound. You know that’s what he’s called, right? I mean, if you’re going to wander into this world, you might as well have all the information.” A deputy points his gun at him, “nobody here wants to get hurt.” Stilinski: “Well then, put your gun down, deputy. You’re not gonna shoot me.” Deputy: “We’re not going to let you take him out of here, either.” Stilinski: “I don’t know about that. There’s only three of you.” The deputy laughs a little as he puts his gun away, “Stilinski.” Stilinski: “Sheriff. You refer to me by my proper title.” Deputy: “What are you like 60?” – well, he’s an idiot. – Stilinski punches him right in the nose before fighting the other two. When he’s done, he orders them to get Parrish out of there. Deputy: “Yes, sir… sheriff.” I never knew I needed a fight scene with Stilinski, but I’m sure glad we got one!
Lydia hides in the guidance counselor’s office, but when she turns around, she sees Malia turned to stone.
Jackson walks around the locker room with his eyes closed, feeling his way around. He calls out for Ethan, and Ethan says that he’s there. Neither of them know where Lydia went. Jackson: “Where are you?” Ethan: “Right in front of you.” Jackson opens his eyes, but it’s not Ethan in front of him. It’s the anuk-ite, and it turns Jackson to stone. As the anuk-ite walks away, we see Ethan turned to stone as well.
Stilinski and Parrish let Papa McCall out of a jail cell at the station. He asks what the plan is. Stilinski: “City-wide disarmament. Anyone with a weapon issued by Gerard is going to relinquish it.” Parrish hands him a gun, “and we’ll use force if necessary.”
Derek walks into the hallway and can hear Jennifer’s (from season 3a) voice call out for him. He turns around when he hears her getting closer. Jennifer: “Derek? Derek, it’s me. It’s Jennifer.” He breaks out his claws and turns around, but keeps his head down and eyes closed. She taunts him as she gets closer. “Don’t you wanna look at me? Are you going to let them kill me again? Are you going to leave me for dead? Or are you willing to give me another chance?” Derek: “You’re not real.” She steps closer and he backs up as she tells him to open his eyes and look at her. He tries swiping at her a few times, but misses and she grabs his wrist. Jennifer: “Please? Don’t you want to look at me one more time? Don’t you wanna remember me? Remember us?” She guides his hand down her face, neck and chest, but he yanks his hand away. Her voice changes, “Look at me!” Derek finally opens his eyes, and the anuk-ite turns him to stone.
Scott enters the library and hides behind a shelf as he holds his wound.
Kate rifles through shelves at the armory, getting frustrated when she can’t find what she wants. Gerard: “You actually think I would trust you with the last few ounces of yellow wolfsbane?” Kate: “I’m your daughter. I’m an Argent.” Gerard: “But still one of them.” Kate: “So you gave it all to her? You gave it to Monroe?” Gerard: “Oh, I kept enough for one last bullet.” He pulls a gun out and shoots her. Gerard: “That bullet.”
Tamora and a hunter find Peter’s stoned body and examine it. She gets a call on her walkie saying they found another one. Two hunters find Derek’s. Hunter: “I don’t know if he’s dead, but he definitely looks vulnerable.”
Gerard stands over Kate. Gerard: “It’s over now, Kate. Everything fell into place.” Argent comes in from behind, “not everything. *Gerard turns around and points a gun at him* It’s time to put the guns down.” Gerard: “What are you talking about?” Argent: “Scott’s still alive and he knows how to save them. All of them.”
Scott is still hiding in the library when he hears someone else. Fingers glide across books. “Hide in the library, Scott? Hiding from me?” Scott closes his eyes. “Open your eyes, Scott. *Void Stiles appears* You think you can fight me, but you can’t. Your friends are gone. They saw my face, and it drove them insane. They’re gone because of you. You failed them.” Void Stiles then turns into the Nogitsune. “You failed everyone. Especially her.” It pushes a table out of the way as it gets closer to Scott. “Especially Allison.” – Cue my heart shattering! – Scott tries to swing at it, but it disappears. It then becomes Derek, then Malia – both urging Scott too open his eyes and disappearing. Scott screams out and hears Lydia’s scream. Void Stiles appears again, taunting Scott to open his eyes before turning into the Nogitsune again. “Your fear is different, Scott. There’s power underneath. Your power. Your fear brings me freedom. I won’t be trapped again. I won’t be caught and caged ever again. Not ever!” It grabs Scott and pushes him toward the stairs as he chokes him – urging him to open his eyes. Scott: “I know how to fight you, and I know how to catch you.” Scott pushes the Nogitsune off before clawing out his own eyes! AHHH!
At the hospital, Theo hides since he’s injured and Liam pulls a sneak attack on Gabe. They tussle a bit, shooting off Gabe’s gun a few times. A hunter gets on a walkie and says he can’t get a shot, and Tamora tells him to just shoot them both. The hunter ends up shooting Gabe multiple times before Nolan comes up behind him and knocks him out. Gabe falls to the ground.Scott tries to sense his surroundings in the library. We see the bones of a berserker rise before it tries to attack him. Then there’s Oni for a brief second. Finally, the anuk-ite makes its appearance. Scott roars at it. Scott: “You can’t beat me. I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.”
Tamora tells a hunter to shoot Derek’s stoned body in the head and the heart. They prepare to do so as she and two others aim at Peter’s.
Argent: “Even if the yellow wolfsbane was just meant to weaken him, Scott figured it out. Like he always does.” Gerard: “The anuk-ite.”
Scott talking to the anuk-ite: “You wanted enough power so that you could never be trapped again. You wanted the power of a shapeshifter, like me, but that comes with all the rules of being a shapeshifter. We have weaknesses, and we have lines that we can’t cross.” You tell him, Scott!
Gerard realizes what Scott found out: “Mountain ash…” Argent grins a little.
Stiles comes rushing into the library, but stops for a second when he sees the anuk-ite. He then throws a jar of mountain ash toward the anuk-ite. As the ash envelopes it, it turns to stone. Question: How did the anuk-ite not turn Stiles to stone when he looked right at it? I saw a theory that he was blinded, which is his biggest fear, so he couldn’t actually see the anuk-ite. Therefore, the anuk-ite essentially canceled itself out. Is that what it was? How was he blinded, though? Either way, I’m glad Stiles got another heroic moment by saving his best friend – and everyone, for that matter. 🙂
Derek breaks out of his stone and fights the hunters who have guns pointed at him.
Peter breaks out of his, and takes out a hunter before roaring at Tamora.
Jackson and Ethan break out. Ethan: “Jackson?” Jackson: “Is it over?” A hunter comes up and points a gun at them, but Coach jumps out of nowhere and knocks him out, beating him repeatedly with a lacrosse stick. Coach: “Now it’s over.” He laughs a little as he walks away. Jackson: “Good to see you, coach!” Coach: “You too, Jackson.” I freaking love Coach, and I’m so glad he got one last funny and heroic moment!
Gabe bleeds out as he crawls across the floor and sits against a shelf. Everyone looks at him. Gabe: “It hurts. It hurts.” Theo walks over to him and kneels beside him. He takes his arm and holds it as Mason and Corey walk in. Theo takes Gabe’s pain. Theo: “Does it hurt anymore?” Gabe: “No.” Theo: “Good.” Gabe dies and Theo gently puts his arm back down as the others watch. I am so here for Theo’s redemption arc! Thank you, Jeff Davis for not killing him off or keeping him as a bad guy! 🙂
Gerard is furious as he talks to Argent: “You let this happen.” Kate laughs, “You let this happen, you stupid old man. (LOL, yesss, Kate!) All you saw was him.” Gerard: “He destroyed our family.” Argent: “Your family *Gerard points a gun at him* is right in front of you.” Argent turns and walks away. Kate turns into a werejaguar and Gerard turns around to see her. She attacks him and Argent keeps walking as he hears.
Hunters walk the halls of the hospital before they come to a stand-off with Stilinski, Parrish and McCall. They all have their guns out. Stilinski: “Drop your weapons! *no one budges* Parrish, drop their weapons.” Parrish: “Yes, sir.” He steps forward a little and glows his eyes, sending a flame right to the hunters. It only focuses on heating their weapons up, causing them to drop. Papa McCall: “I’m gonna need you to teach me how to do that.”
Tamora is in the high school on her walkie, asking for anyone to report with a status. Liam picks up a walkie off a hunter in the hospital, “You lost.” YEAH, SHE DID!
Malia rushes into the library where Stiles, Lydia and Derek are with Scott. She wonders why he’s not healing as she kneels beside him. Malia: “Scott, what happened to your eyes?” Scott: “I had to. I’m sorry.” Derek: “Scott, you have to heal. If your eyes stay like this much longer, the damage is going to be permanent.” Stiles: “Come on, Scott, concentrate.” Scott: “I’m trying. It’s just not working. I can’t focus.” Malia grabs him by the face, saying that he can and urges him to concentrate, but he still says he can’t. Malia: “Yes, you can. Scott, please just look at me.” Stiles and Lydia hold hands, and then she remembers how she kissed Stiles to get him to focus during his panic attack – aka when it all changed 😊. Malia turns back to Scott and kisses him. His eyes heal, everyone sighs in relief, and they kiss again.
Scott has a voiceover as Tamora runs out of the school. “They ran that night.” Parrish, deputies, McCall, and Stilinski pack up Gerard’s armory. “Gerard put guns in people’s hands, but a lot less than he thought were willing to use them.” We see students walking around the school as everything is back to normal. “More people know our secret now, but more of them are on our side.”
In the locker room, Nolan and Liam talk to Coach. Coach: “Co-captains? You wanna be co-captains, now?” Nolan: “We’ve, uh, gotten past our differences.” Coach: “That doesn’t sound very competitive. Who taught you that crap?” Liam: “You did. Because you’re a great coach.” Liam pats him on the shoulder before him and Nolan walk out. Coach: “You’re right. I am a great coach.” Yes, you are, Coach! 🙂
Scott’s voiceover: “They weren’t afraid of us anymore.” We see Theo, then Peter. “Now we have allies who used to be enemies. We have protectors.” We see Mason and Corey at the clinic with Deaton. “We have friends willing to fight for us.” Argent walks into the McCall house and kisses Melissa. Jackson and Ethan are back in London together. “The rest of us have been looking for others, like you.”
Back to the flashforward, Argent drops Scott and Alec off somewhere. Scott informs Alec that the people hunting him, Monroe, has thousands of followers all over the world. Alec: “So, what are we doing here?” Scott: We’re meeting up with some people who can help us. Some of them are always with us, others come when we need them, but tonight, we need everyone we can get.” It’s then that Stiles and Lydia pull up in the Jeep, Derek pulls up in his Camero, and Malia and Liam pull up as well. They all get out and smile at Scott. Alec: “Are they all different?” Scott: “Some of them are. *He looks to Malia* Some can do things you’d never believe, *Stiles winks at him* and others are might only be human, but they make up for it by being really smart *Lydia looks over at Stiles* or really good in a fight.” Alec: “Who are they?” Scott: “My friends. My pack. And you can be with us, if you want. But you’re gonna have to fight.” Alec: “Against Monroe…” Scott: “And everyone that follows her.” Alec: “She said she’d find me. That she’d hunt me down and kill me. She didn’t care how old I was. She said I was a monster.” Scott: “You’re not a monster. You’re a werewolf, like me.” Scott glows his eyes and nods for Alec to follow him. They all gather and walk off together and Alec joins them. The series ends with a close up of Scott before he walks off and we see a shot of the moon.
I’ll be honest, it’s not the finale (or even final 10 episodes) I hoped for, but it was a good one nonetheless. We were fortunate enough to see old friends return, and none of our favorites were killed off. Although, Deucalion had grown on me. The long-time villain finally got what he deserved, and our pack won this final battle. I just wish we could have gotten more on what they’re lives are like two years later, but I guess that’s up to our own imaginations. 😉
So, with 100 episodes, Teen Wolf is over, and I am super sad about it. What an emotional rollercoaster it’s been. We’ve laughed and we’ve cried. We’ve felt pride and hate. We’ve seen characters come and go. We saw relationships rise and fall. We were inspired, and at times, annoyed. We watched a 16-year-old turn into a leader that never forgot his morals through all the hardships. We grew with this pack, and now it’s time we say goodbye. Thank you, Jeff Davis, for making me love a show that’s about so much more than just a teen werewolf.
Howler Con Teen Wolf Convention
Teen Wolf Best Moments: Season 3a
Teen Wolf Best Moments: Season 2
Teen Wolf Best Moments: Season 1
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Teen Wolf “The Maid of Gevaudan” Review
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