The second episode of the night, “Broken Glass”, is the one where you can really feel that a war is about to go down. Scott and Malia turn to an ally to teach them how to fight blind. Liam gets a little help from someone unexpected. Lydia reveals a terrifying premonition she had. And Argent finds an old friend. Are all their efforts too late, though?
Here’s the breakdown of what happened on “Broken Glass.”
The episode kicks off in Cabeceiras, Brazil as Argent meets with an officer to get information. The officer requires Argent to put all his weapons on the dash before telling him a local superstition. When Argent asks what kind of superstition, the officer tells him he doesn’t want to know, but Argent states he came there specifically for information he doesn’t want to know. He wants to know what everyone there is afraid of. Argent: “You might be surprised at how open-minded I can be.”
As the officer tells the story of how it began with a mass murder, we see a flashback of a male checking out the scene. He says they started an investigation, but they weren’t the only ones looking – someone very angry wanted to find the bodies more than they did. After seeing the bodies, the male in the flashback touches the blood splattered on the wall of the abandoned building then balls up his fist in anger. The officer continues as we see the flashback of something attacking armed men. “He came in broad daylight. Attacking in silence. They said he moved with impossible speed. His teeth as sharp as razors. He stood more than 8 feet tall.” He goes on to say that he had incredible strength, and his eyes glowed blue. Argent: “Blue?” Officer: “You’ve seen them.” Argent: “Up close.” Officer: “So, you believe it, too. You believe in werewolves.” Argent: “I believe in Derek Hale.” YESSIR! Derek Hale is back ladies and gents!
We see Derek with glowing blue eyes come out of the shadows in the warehouse as the hunter begs to be let go. Derek: “Say it.” Hunter: “Wolfman.” Derek: “So, you know what I can do.” Another hunter tries to attack from behind, but Derek swiftly takes him out. Derek: “Why are you hunting werewolves?” Hunter: “Because of you. He wants you. He doesn’t care about the others. He only wants you.” When Derek asks who wants him, the hunter is hesitant to answer. Derek growls out him with his blue eyes and pushes him back against the ground before asking again. The officer tells Argent the hunters all said the same thing: Gerard. Argent says he needs to find Derek Hale. The officer tells him he turned into a wolf and disappeared into the fog, but Argent argues that he’s positive Derek drove a car. We then see Derek in a warehouse with cars. He pulls the sheet off one and smiles as it is a black Camaro. Cut to him driving through the wooden doors of the warehouse and spinning out in the dirt before speeding off.
Argent and the officer walk into the warehouse the next day. The officer says they put out a red alert for Derek Hale. Argent sees something on the wall and sighs. Officer: “Do you know it?” Argent: “It’s where all of it started *painted on the wall in blood is Beacon Hills* and where it’s all gonna end.”
In Beacon Hills at Gerard’s armory, Tamora is electrocuting Ethan as a crowd of regular citizens watch. She’s giving the crowd ammunition to join the army by telling them that he will kill them. She tells them about how people before them only had arrows and crossbows to fight the werewolves, while they have claws and fangs that can rip humans apart. Tamora: “He’s stronger, faster, and his ability to heal can only be described as extraordinary.” She then calls on Sydney to tell how she’s seen them up close, and Sydney explains how she and others hid in the library and did nothing the night of the Beast. Tamora said it’s okay because she did the same thing until she got tired of hiding and being afraid. Tamora: “I decided it’s their turn to be afraid. *she jabs Ethan with the arrow and the crowd cheers* It’s their turn!”
Lydia is asleep in her bed. Tamora: “Their turn to hide.”
Malia sleeps beside Scott who slowly gets out of bed and looks out the window. Tamora: “Their turn to be alone.”
Scott goes downstairs and his eyes glow red. Tamora: “Their turn to run.”
A cop pulls Stilinski over. When Stilinski asks if there’s a problem, the deputy says no. Stilinski: “Then why’d you pull me over?” Deputy: “To give you some advice: stay out of the way. We’re not coming for you.” Stilinski: “If you’re coming for my friends, you’re coming for me.”
Scott walks into the kitchen and Malia comes up behind him.
Tamora: “Their turn to be hunted.” We see glimpses of the anuk-ite in the shadows behind everyone. She says she was alone when she killed the hellhound, a creature they say can’t be killed, and the crowd cheers, but Nolan doesn’t. Tamora then pulls him to the front and informs the crowd of how he, a 16-year-old, risked his life to try to take out Scott McCall, the alpha, by himself and the crowd erupts again. Tamora: “You won’t have to be alone.” She turns on the lights to reveal all the weapons thanks to Gerard. Tamora: “I don’t want to pretend that this will be easy. I know it goes against our nature as protectors, but you’re going to have to be like Nolan and Sydney. Keep their bravery in mind as you step out tonight and do what you know you have to do.” She then tells Nolan and Sydney to get Ethan out of there before telling the crowd to help themselves to the weapons. Okay, can someone kill her please? Is that too much to ask?
Sydney and Nolan carry Ethan through the halls of the armory. Ethan: “Where is he? What have you done with him? Where is he?” They sit him down against a wall. “Where’s Jackson? Where’s Jackson?” he passes out. Nolan notices Ethan’s blood on his hands from the arrow Tamora gave him.
Lydia starts talking in her sleep. “Where is he? Where is he?” She jerks awake. “Where’s Jackson?”
Everyone stares at Nolan as he enters the library and meets Liam between the shelves. Liam: “It doesn’t feel good, does it? You know why they’re all looking at you like that? They’re afraid of you’re going to say and who you’re going to say it to. Nobody trusts you anymore.” Nolan then asks why he met with him then, and Liam suggests possibly kicking his ass this time. Nolan wants to help. He says he can show Liam something that he’s going to want to see at the hospital. Liam asks why he doesn’t just tell him, and Nolan says he has a plan. Nolan: “I’m going to show you what you need to see at the hospital, and then you’re going to kick my ass so that Ms. Monroe thinks you had to beat the information out of me.” Liam: “Yeah, I’m good with that plan.”
Lydia enters Scott’s house looking for him, but no one seems to be there. Then Peter comes in looking for Malia. They go back and forth asking why they’re looking for the pair and why neither of them just called. Peter: “We’re not getting far with this conversation.” They can’t reach Scott, Malia or anyone for that matter. There’s reports that several cell phone towers are down in the area. Lydia: “Okay, that’s definitely cause for concern.” Peter: “it’s more than that.” Lydia: “Monroe and Gerard.” Lydia: ‘They’re cutting us off from the outside.” Peter: “And each other.” They realize Gerard and Monroe have already started getting their army together, and decide they need to find theirs.
Derek walks around somewhere at night, and feels like someone is following him – it’s Argent. Derek yanks him into where he turned and holds him against a wall. Argent: “Derek…” Derek: “You could have called.” Argent: “You don’t have a phone.” Derek: “I should probably get one.” He lets go of Argent. LOL! I’m so thrilled Derek is back 🙂
Scott and Malia meet Deucalion somewhere with a lot of shipping containers and lights. Deucalion stands on top of one and smashes his walking stick hard against it, echoing a sound to them. He asks them if they know the term for it. Scott: “Echo location.” Deuc: “You did your homework.” Scott and Malia are looking to learn how to fight the anuk-ite blind. Deucalion believes learning in such a short time-frame is near impossible, and explains that even a specialist needs 120 hours of practice before becoming certified. Scott: “We know the odds are bad, but Gerard’s got an army. There’s a creature that can scare ordinary people into becoming killers.” Deuc: “A creature now capable of killing you with just a look. You saw them, didn’t you?” Malia: “We saw people turned to stone.” Deuc: “So, why aren’t you all running for your lives?” Scott: “Because we don’t run.” Deuc: “Now that sounds like an alpha. Let’s get started.” Can I just say how much I’m loving Deucalion these days? Redemption at its finest right there!
Nolan and Liam enter the hospital, but he stops Liam before they go any further. He points out all the people who are with Gerard and Tamora that he saw at the meet up. Nolan: “There’s more than you think, and they’re not just hunters. It’s anyone and everyone who’s willing to pick up a gun. Last night they were teaching them how to use them, how to load clips, what to do if the gun jams.” Liam: “So, this is what you wanted to show me? That everyone hates us? I could’ve figured this out on my own.” Nolan: “It’s not just that.”
Deucalion points out to Scott and Malia that there’s a crucial difference in teaching them how to fight blind – they’re not actually blind. He says all the anuk-ite really has to do is get them to open their eyes, but Malia says all they have to do is keep them shut. Only problem is that when someone is afraid, their eyes open wide so you can handle what’s in front of you. Malia still believes she can keep her eyes shut, but when Deucalion tests her by throwing a rock past her and hitting the metal wall, she opens her eyes. Malia: “I get it. It’s going to be a lot harder than I thought.” Scott: “But not impossible.” Deucalion hands them blindfolds and tells them the proper names for what he’ll teach them, which they already know the meanings of. Well, Scott knows most of them, but Malia tried at least.
Derek breaks the lock on a gate that apparently leads to another Hale vault. Argent: “I get the need to keep your feet from the fire, but I also don’t think you want to see Beacon Hills burn to the ground.” Derek: “You’re asking me to come back.” Argent: “How about admitting with great difficulty that we need you.” – Aww! Let’s take a moment to think about how far these two have come? Ugh, my sentimental heart! – Anyways, Derek says that if he came back, it wouldn’t be for Beacon Hills, and there’s something he needs to take care of first. He holds up a vile of yellow wolfsbane. He says that whoever murdered the pack in Brazil was looking for it, and he’s not going to let them find it. Derek: “You know it’s not just poison.” Argent: “Maybe they want it because it’s an anecdote.” Derek: “Is that why Gerard wants it?” Argent: “That sounds like you already know the answer.” Derek brings up how Argent was the one to let Gerard out. Argent says Gerard knew more about the Beast than anyone, that’s why they needed him at the time. Argent: “But you’re the one we need right now.”
A bright light shines behind them and they turn to look. FBI men tell them not to move and put their hands in the air. Before the men get any closer though, they’re shot in the back, and then Derek and Argent get shot at. An FBI lady walks up to them and stops Derek from getting the vile of wolfsbane he dropped. He looks up, and it’s Kate Argent. Kate: “Hey, handsome. Miss me?” No, Kate. No one missed you. At all. Go away.
Malia and Scott are blindfolded now as Deucalion tries to teach them echo location by hitting the containers. They’re supposed to use the echo to find where he is. Deuc: “You both have superior hearing. You need to focus it like a weapon.” He hits another container before walking behind it. Scott and Malia follow, but Malia runs into the container. Malia: “I’m not feeling so superior right now.” (LOL) They follow him as he hits more, taps his stick and tells them to find him. When he stops, he knocks them both to the ground with his stick. Malia pulls up her blindfold, “how dead are we now?” Deuc: “Quite.”
Parrish meets Stilinski in a bunker in the tunnels (I think?). When Stilinski asks him what he’s got, he hands over a folder and says Monroe has the entire station pulling any and all accident reports from the past decade. – We see Monroe with deputies looking at reports. – Stilinski says Melissa saw the same thing happening at the hospital with nurse collecting strange reports, patients came in covered in blood, but somehow miraculously healed and got discharged. – We see a nurse collecting charts and passing them on. – A deputy hands a file to Monroe in her car. – McCall told him he saw kids at the high school walking around with bandages after being tested to see how fast they heal. – We see students at the school with bandages. – Stilinski: “They’re making lists.” Parrish: “This is everyone around us. Neighbors, friends.” – We see people picking up weapons in Gerard’s armory. – Stilinski: “They planned this out. It’s not just random opportunities, it’s an operation.” They realize the war is really happening and decide they need to find out exactly when. Parrish then gets a call for all available units to get to Eichen. Stilinski: “Parrish, I know I don’t need to tell you to proceed with caution. Remember, they know what you are.” – So, I’m guessing Monore has no problem with what Parrish is? She had to kill Halwyn, why isn’t she going after Parrish?
Nolan and Liam exit the elevator, but Nolan makes sure the coast is clear before letting Liam come out. They go into a room for the ICU where there’s people in beds, hooked up to IVs. Nolan says they brought them in the night before, but doesn’t know who they are. Liam notices that the IVs are full of wolfsbane.
Lydia and Peter are now at the animal clinic in search for Scott and Malia, but they aren’t there either. Peter wants to know why she needs to find Scott so bad. Lydia: “Are you sure you wanna know?” Peter: “Do I need to know?” She tells him how she woke up last night saying two words. Lydia: “Where’s Jackson.” Peter: “That’s disturbing on multiple levels. What else?” She hesitates, but he tells her not to hold back because he’s never held back on her. Lydia: “I saw you. Turned to stone.” As she’s telling him, we see her premonition. She touches the wall, and sees Peter turn to stone in the school. She touches another one and sees the anuk-ite with another stoned person. She keeps doing this and everyone is turned to stone – even Scott. Lydia: “I saw everyone, even Derek and Ethan. All of you, turned to stone.” Peter: “Do you ever see anything remotely optimistic?” Lydia: “It’s optimistic if you prevent it.” Peter realizes that she was talking about shipping containers, and knows where they might find Scott.
Kate stands over Derek, “Well you’re just as popular as ever, aren’t you? Must be those blue eyes. *she kicks him in the face* and those perfect cheek bones.” She hits him with her shotgun. Derek: “I thought it was my smile.” (It’s everything, actually 😉) She asks where the rest of the wolfsbane is. Derek: “Why? That’s not enough to save Gerard? You really think that’s going to make a difference with him? You’re what he hunts, Kate.” She threatens to shoot him in the head. Argent leans up and starts shooting at her, so she takes off and hides behind an SUV, saying he always ruins a good time. Argent: “You think someone with that much hate is going to have any love left over for you?” Kate: “You’re the one looking for a father to love him, Chris. All I want is some good old fashion revenge.” She says the wolfsbane is going in a bullet meant for Scott. She takes off and Derek goes after her. Argent yells after him, but he tells Argent to go warn Scott.
Deucalion has Scott and Malia blindfolded back-to-back as he explains thermo-ception. He tells them to focus on their skin and the minut temperature changes. He then has them face each other and tells Malia to try to hit Scott. Malia: “Seriously?” Deuc: “Yes, seriously. You came here to learn to fight. Kick his ass.” She knocks the wind out of Scott, and Duec tells him to defend himself. Scott tries, but Malia hits him in the face. The next time she tries, he moves and she hits a brick column instead. Deuc: “I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m actually starting to wish I was blind again.”
At the hospital, Liam is on the phone with Mason asking if they can just pull the IVs out, but Mason tells him no because they don’t know what’s going to happen. He says to wait until they get there. Nolan tries to leave and Liam asks about his plan. Nolan: “No one saw you come in with me.” Liam: “So?” Nolan: “So, I don’t have to get my ass kicked.” Liam: “Well, that was the only part of the plan I liked… go.” Nolan gives an appreciative smile before leaving.
As he’s walking through the waiting room, Gabe grabs his wrist and asks what he’s doing there. He says nothing and asks what Gabe is doing there. Gabe: “I was looking for you. Where are you going?” Nolan says he has to go home, but Gabe stands up and stops him from leaving. He wants to talk to him.
Mason is driving down the road with Corey and there’s no one on the roads. Mason explains what he thinks it is. Mason: “They call it the night of broken glass. The Nazi’s issued this wave of anti- Jewish violence all over Germany and Austria. Over 200 synagogues were destroyed. People dragged out of their homes, attacked and murdered. They arrested almost 30,000 Jews. All in one night.” Corey: “So that’s what’s going to happen here. To us.” Mason: “They’re coming for us. All of us.”
Gabe shoves Nolan into a room in the hospital before closing and locking the door. Nolan: “Liam’s friends, you know they’re coming, right?” Gabe: “Yeah, you lead them right here. That’s what we wanted. Monroe said you would bring Liam here and the others would follow.” Nolan: “They knew?” Gabe: “You did exactly what they said you would do.” Nolan: “So, what are you going to do?” Gabe: “Exactly what I’m supposed to do.” Gabe proceeds to punch the crap out of Nolan repeatedly until he’s knocked out.
Scott’s blindfolded again. Deucalion: “Stop looking for me. Listen. Sense the rise and fall of temperature. Feel the pressure beneath your feet. Know with absolute certainty my location, my speed, even my method of attack.” He pushes Scott and sends him flying across the way. He kneels beside Scott. Deuc: “And you’re dead, again.” Scott pulls off his blindfold.
He gets up and wants to go again, but Malia suggests they try something else. Scott: “There is nothing else. I can’t beat Gerard when he’s got an entire army behind him.” Malia: “They’re still afraid of us.” Scott: “That’s the problem, they don’t know us. They don’t want us here. They don’t even want to look at us, but I still don’t think that fear is real.” Deuc: “What if it’s not just the anuk-ite? What if this is what people are really like? I mean, could it be that all this creature really does is give people permission to act on whatever awful truth lies within them?” Scott: “I can’t believe that. I don’t want to.” Malia: “Neither do I.” Deucalion tells Scott to lose the blindfold as he closes his eyes. They’re going to try again, but this time Deucalion says he isn’t going to hold back. Deuc: “You ask me here because you think I know how to fight? I don’t. I know how to kill people.” He turns around with his alpha eyes. Scott stretches his neck with his eyes closed and Deucalion goes after him.
Mason and Corey enter the hospital, and everyone looks at them. Mason realizes that them coming there was planned.
Armed hunters enter the hospital.
Corey and Mason hide in a dark room. Mason: “I think I just realized something.” Corey: “Me too… we’re bait.”
The hunters lock the doors to the hospital and hold up their guns when an officer tells them they can’t. They walk by him and place a cell phone disrupter on the counter.
Liam is still in the ICU. He looks out the door window. The power goes out. He glows his yellow eyes when he turns around.
Scott’s eyes are closed as Deucalion hits him with his stick, and it sends him to the ground. Malia urges Scott to hit him back. He turns around and Deucalion starts to hit him again, but Scott manages to stop him and slam Deucalion on the ground. Deuc: “You might just survive this.” Just then, Peter and Lydia run up as she yells for Scott. When she reaches them, she says, “none of us are going to survive this.” He asks them what they’re doing there. Peter: “They’re coming. Monroe and more, and they have heavy firepower.” As if on cue, guns fire and they turn as Deucalion gets shot multiple times and falls to the ground. Down the way, they see Monroe with her army. They start shooting and Scott and co. run for cover. Monroe holds up her own gun and fires.
That’s it! That’s the second to last episode of Teen Wolf! Next Sunday we get the SERIES FINALE, and I am NOT okay! While I enjoyed “Broken Glass”, it didn’t feel like the second to last episode of a series. I feel like there’s still way too much to be resolved with not only the story arcs of the season, but the characters themselves. There’s so much that I want/need to see before the show comes to an end, but I’m not getting my hopes up. Even if the finale is a little bit longer than normal, it just doesn’t seem like enough time to me. But I hope I’m wrong. I do know one thing though, I will be an emotional mess!
Don’t miss the SERIES finale of Teen Wolf on Sunday at 8/7c!
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Teen Wolf “Triggers” Review
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