As you all know, last week Teen Wolf left us with quite the cliffhanger. Unfortunately, it was bigger than any of us thought. Now, Scott is done being Mr. Nice Guy – sort of. He’s ready to put together his own dirty army (of familiar faces) and finally take Gerard down. The problem is, it may require him to get his hands dirty. Then there’s this anuk-ite situation. Who is behind both faces and what exactly is it going to do??
So many questions, but first let’s talk about what went down in this episode!
“Werewolves of London” kicks off in, where else? London! Our favorite ex-alpha twin, Ethan, is leaving his boyfriend numerous frustrated voicemails about being late for their anniversary. Just as he hangs up the phone, two hunters bust through the door and toss someone to the ground. One hunter shoots a wolfsbane laced dart at Ethan and he collapses to the floor, coughing up the purple poison. They want to know the names of the other werewolves he and his boyfriend have been tracking. Just as one of the hunters is about to tie Ethan up, his boyfriend’s claws pop out. Ethan: “You should have used the yellow wolfsbane.” Regular wolfsbane won’t work on his boyfriend. Why? Because “he’s not just part werewolf, he’s part kanima”! The boyfriend breaks loose and knocks the male hunter out. Jackson: “And both parts are pissed.” That’s right! Welcome back, Jackson Whittemore! The female hunter tries to shoot another dart at him, but he catches it and his eyes glow blue. They fight as Ethan watches and tries to get them to watch the furniture, but that doesn’t work out too well.
Jackson finally knocks out the female and goes over to Ethan. Jackson: “I can’t believe you thought I actually forgot our anniversary.” He yanks the dart out of Ethan’s chest and they kiss. How sweet! Who would have thought that these two would end up together??
Back in Beacon Hills, the aftermath of the shootout is a lot worse than what any of us probably thought. Scott sits in the waiting room as he listens in on his mom having surgery to get a bullet removed. Malia walks up to sit beside him and hold his hand as he hears that his mom is going to be okay. He lowers his head in relief. Thank goodness! Like I said last week, if Mama McCall dies, there will be riots.
Scott visits his mom after a nurse gives her a sedative for rest. She looks rough, and it breaks my heart. When he sees Melissa drifting to sleep, he says he’ll wait outside, but she wants to tell him something important first. Melissa: “Listen to me, you didn’t do this.” Scott: “But I’m responsible.” He tries to tell her that it can wait, but she insists. Melissa: “It can’t wait. Don’t run. You fight.” She then drifts off to sleep, as Scott fights the tears and kisses her on the forehead. Ugh! My heart is breaking!
When he leaves her, Scott walks down the hall to another room, but finds it empty. It’s then that Stilinski walks up and informs him that his dad was transferred to a different hospital, but he’s going to be fine. But then Scott asks about Mason and Lydia who are already out of surgery. Stilinski tells him that, thankfully, the bullets missed everything that matters. WAIT! You mean to tell me that they all got shot?? What kind of madness is this? I am not here for it! Scott is visibly worried since his friends and family nearly died, but Stilinski assures him that they’ll be guarded closely, and they’re doing everything they can to find who did this. Scott says they both know who did it. 🙁
Malia meets up with Scott downstairs, and asks him what they should do next. As suspected, Scott is done playing nice. He’s ready to fight back and take on all the hunters. Malia: “Then we’re gonna need more firepower.” Scott: “Not just firepower, we’re gonna need an army.” Time to enlist some recruits! Who’s up first?
At the Sheriff’s station, Stilinski has brought Monroe in for questioning. He lays each of the bullet slugs out on his desk. She states that she wants a lawyer, but swears that she didn’t shoot up the McCall house. Stilinski knows she didn’t shoot it up. She has an alibi of being at the school that evening. – sigh. I was hoping she’d get thrown behind bars. – When she asks what he wants, Stilinski informs her that he has four people in the hospital with gunshot wounds. It’s not about what he wants, it’s who.
Meanwhile, Scott and Malia’s first recruit is Deucalion! He meets them at Scott’s house, but says his fighting days are over. I guess he finally grew a guilty conscience. Malia: “So what? You moved into a cave and took a vow of uselessness?” Deucalion: “I changed. You should all try it.” Scott informs him that Gerard hasn’t changed, he has a map of all the nematons in the world. When Deucalion reminds Scott that he’s beaten Gerard before, Scott states that Gerard has pretty much everyone helping him now. Deucalion says that it wasn’t Gerard that made Scott and pariah, it’s his own powers that did. Deucalion: “You’ll always be an outsider because of your abilities.” Scott practically begs Deucalion to help, but Deucalion says that chapter in his life is over.
As he starts to leave, Malia basically threatens to slash his throat. She goes after him, but he quickly becomes back-to-back with her by using a form of martial arts. Malia: “You think you’re going to be me without fighting?” Deucalion: “I think you’re going to beat yourself.” Scott tries to help her out, and she goes for it, but Deucalion still manages to knock her to the ground. She then tries to guilt him into helping those who can’t protect themselves like he can. Deucalion: “Look what tat war turned me into. I’m not afraid to lose my eyes again. I’m afraid to lose my soul.” He leaves them by offering his guidance and the advice to lower their standards for allies… even lower than him. I’m digging this new side of Deucalion!
Back in London, Ethan and Jackson have the hunters tied up as they bicker about Jackson forgetting their anniversary. Jackson wonders if any of them will still be alive come their next anniversary. He tracked omegas to the forest, but the hunters beat him. They took their claws as souvenir to prove they were dead. Jackson asks the hunters where they got their info from, since there’s no way two amateur hunters could take down that many werewolves, but the female hunter says they don’t have to tell them anything. Little did she know that Ethan was listening to her heart pounding. Ethan: “You already have. He talks, I listen. So, we know when you’re lying.” Jackson: “Yeah, we’re getting pretty good at it.” Jackson asks if Gerard is in London, but she tells him he already knows where he is… Beacon Hills.
At the locker room, Liam is tossing Gabe around trying to get information out of him, but Gabe claims he doesn’t know anything about what happened at Scott’s. Liam doesn’t buy it and picks him up by the neck, asking if he knew who was there – like Mason. Gabe still swears that he had nothing to do with it. Liam slams his face against the mirror. Liam: “Maybe you haven’t noticed lately, but I’ve been having trouble controlling my anger. When things happen to my friends, I just can’t seem to help it!” He continues to press Gabe’s face into the glass, causing it to crack and Gabe’s face to bleed. Liam: “You think I’m going to kill you? You think we’re all killers? Maybe we should be.”
Theo appears behind Liam in the mirror and questions if Liam has thought this whole thing about killing Gabe through. He asks all these questions, but Liam doesn’t care, and neither does Theo. He at least wants to help since he’s the one with experience. The discussion causes Liam to let Gabe fall to the ground and calm down. Theo states it’s progress that Liam didn’t kill Gabe. Liam then questions Theo’s intentions, and states that Scott will never trust him. Theo: “You might want to remember what Scott’s goal has been all along: keep people alive.” Gabe then pipes in and says he should try harder. It takes Theo shoving him against the mirror again for Gabe to confess about “the other bodies.”
Stilinski shows Monroe photographs of all the people Gerard has killed and gives her the details behind each one – even when he killed his own men to frame Deucalion and start a similar war. Stilinski: “Maybe you’ll be his next victim.” He then shows her a photo from when she was attacked by the beast, then informs her that Gerard withheld vital information so he could be the one to kill the beast. Had Scott known that information sooner, so much – including her own pain – could have been avoided. Just like everything that is going to happen if they don’t try to understand each other. Monroe doesn’t seem to care, though. She calls Stilinski an ineffective sheriff who is unable to control the violence in his own county or make right choices. He, instead, lies to protect “them over us.” She then states that he has no right to judge Gerard when he only chooses the supernatural over humans. Um… excuse me, lady! You can just take that rude-tude somewhere else!
If you’re wondering where Lydia is, well she’s having one of her weird premonitions in the hospital. This time, she wakes up in the snow and ice-covered hospital in nothing but a gown. She hears a bell, but when she calls for anyone, no one is there. So, she leaves her room, shivering, and follows footprints down the deserted hospital. She comes to a stop at the doors for the morgue.
Meanwhile, Scott and Malia meet their next recruit in the deserted closed unit of Eichen. Guess who it is… Peter Hale, of course! He’s not interested in another one of Scott’s suicide mission, though. He is, however, interested in what Malia wants. She’s only there for moral support, and Peter doesn’t have any. Scott attempts to boast Peter’s ego, but it’s not necessary since his is “quite healthy.” When Scott asks Peter what he wants in order to help, Peter is quick to brag about his lavish lifestyle being exactly how he wants it – including owning two cars that there are only 100 of in the world. Not even the mention of Gerard and his army wanting him dead persuades Peter.
Peter then shows them why they aren’t going to beat Gerard. He has a hunter locked up in a unit with an empty gun that fires 750 rounds per minute. He then proceeds to toss the ammo to the hunter. When Scott and Malia ask Peter what the hell he’s doing, he simply states that the hunter is going to kill all of them unless Scott does what is necessary. When the hunter starts firing at him, Scott wonders what’s wrong with him. Peter: “If you can’t even kill him, how do you expect to win this war?” Scott then tries to reason with the hunter. Peter tells him that the hunter is trying to kill them because he hates them, not because he’s afraid. When the hunter busts through the window and charges at them, he says it’s because “she wants you dead.” Scott throws him against the wall, knocking him out.
Malia: “You were never going to help us, were you?” Peter: “One day you’ll learn you can’t save everyone.” Scott: “You can’t kill everyone either, Peter. Look, you can fight with us or you can fight alone. One way or another, you’ll end up fighting.” Malia: “I’m guessing it’s going to be alone.” They walk away as Peter yells about how Scott is going to have to get his hands dirty or find someone who will to make it through this war.
As Monroe and Stilinski exit his office, he orders a deputy to escort her out of his station, but Monroe still hasn’t dropped her attitude. Monroe: “Your station?” The deputy stands, but refuses to follow orders – standing beside Monroe instead. Monroe: “This is my station now.” HECK NO IT’S NOT! Stilinski: “You’re a fool to trust him. Gerard only cares about himself and his ambitions.” Monroe claims that she doesn’t trust Gerard, but she knows he’s going to win because all he cares about this fight. “Not the life of a young man. Not the lives of his allies. Not the lives of his own me. That’s how strong his belief is. He won’t stop. And that’s why he’ll beat you.” She then tells the deputy to relieve Stilinski of his badge and gun, but Stilinski threatens more than jailtime. As Stilinski leaves: “I never said Gerard wouldn’t beat me. I said he wouldn’t beat Scott.” You tell ‘em, Stilinski!
Back to Lydia’s icy premonition, she walks into the morgue and sees that one of the cases for the bodies isn’t frozen like everything else. In fact, it looks like the inside is on fire. She walks over to it and opens the door. It is seemingly on fire, but we don’t see what’s inside.
Peter meets Malia in the school courtyard almost reluctantly. He doesn’t know where she got her obstinacy from since it definitely wasn’t from him. Malia wants to give him all the facts on everything that’s going on – something that not even he can outrun. He doesn’t believe there’s anything he can’t outrun. Malia: “You haven’t felt it, have you?” This peaks his curiosity, but she can’t tell him what it is. She has to show him. She forces him to dig his claws in her neck so he can see her memories of the anuk-ite. She’s been seeing it all along, and that’s why she’s been so freaked out. When Peter pulls out of her memories, she tells him it’s the anuk-ite and it feeds off fear and that’s what is effecting the hunters. Peter: “And the incorruptible Scott still thinks he can keep his hands clean. That’s when he realizes why Malia wanted to meet – to build an army of killers to surround Scott. Malia: “Will you fight with us or not?” Peter: “You can’t fight that thing.” She tells him to go running back to his “cars and things you care about more than anything else.” Peter hands her a set of keys and tells her one of the cars was for her, but she doesn’t want it.
Scott is waiting at his house when Malia pulls up. She has another idea, but he’s not going to like it. There’s another pack called “The Primal” that have basically flipped their humanity switches off. Their pack symbol is a circle with a crescent on top. They’re strong and willing to kill anything that crosses their path. Malia: “are they any worse than Deucalion and Peter?” Scott: “At least I know Deucalion and Peter. I don’t know anything about them.” Malia: “Does it matter if they can help us beat Gerard?” Scott: “it matters if their murderers.” They wonder if they’re desperate enough to go to a pack of senseless murderers.
At the school, Gabe shows Liam and Theo a deep freezer full of dead bodies that have their eye gauged out. Gabe claims they hid the bodies because they didn’t want to get caught testing them to see if they were werewolves. He also claims that they didn’t kill them… something else did that. Theo knows it was the anuk-ite, but Gabe has no idea what they’re talking about. Liam and Theo realize that the killing was a by-product of looking for its other half. Theo: “Which means it’s looking for supernatural creatures, someone like us.” Theo calls Gabe out for helping it, but he swears he has no idea what they’re talking about, he was just helping Aaron who wanted to test everyone. Liam: “Aaron didn’t want to find one of us, he wanted to find his other half.” Theo: “he’s the anuk-ite.” I CALLED IT!
Apparently, Scott and Malia are desperate enough to enlist a pack of murderers. They go to some shack where I’m assuming they heard the pack was staying. They instantly start to feel the fear of the anuk-ite. Scott grabs Malia’s hand, and their fear disappears. Scott assures her it will be okay. They go further into the shack, but it’s deserted. When they walk further back, they find them all dead – killed by the anuk-ite like the bodies Gabe showed Theo and Liam. They hear a noise and turn around to see Lydia standing there in her hospital gown. When Malia asks what she’s doing there and how she got there, Lydia says that Halwyn (the dead hellhound) led her there “to find it.”
They walk through the woods, and Malia is curious as to why a dead hellhound would lead Lydia there. Lydia figures that the connection between a banshee and a hellhound is stronger than she originally thought, but she has no idea why. She’s hoping that she’ll figure that part out once she finds the dead body. It has to be a different body than the ones of the pack. Malia: “There’s not another body out here, I’d smell it.” Lydia: “I’m a harbinger of death. Trust me.”
Back at the school, Nolan and Gabe walk into the locker room talking about who shot up Scott’s house. When Gabe goes silent after Nolan asks him how he knew who did it, Nolan knows Gabe did something. Gabe: “I did it for you.” Nolan: “You shot up a house for me? What are you trying to do? Get me killed?” Gabe: “I’m trying to keep you alive. I told Monroe it was you. So, try being a little grateful.”
Scott, Malia and Lydia finally come upon a body in the woods. It looks exactly like the faceless, pulpy anuk-ite body. Malia: “How is this possible? We saw Parrish kill it.” Lydia: “This one is different.” Scott agrees by saying it’s someone from that other pack because he sees their pack symbol scarred into the muscles. They realize that there’s two of those bodies because the anuk-ite has two faces. Halwyn sent Lydia to find the anuk-ite’s other face.
Theo and Liam called Scott and Malia to the school to show them the dead bodies. Malia: “It’s a bad day for finding bodies.” Liam states that it’s only going to get worse if Aaron doesn’t find his other half. They realize that they know one thing about the other half – it’s a werewolf. And they need to find it before they merge even though they have no idea what will happen when it does. Either way, it probably won’t be good. Liam asks Scott about that army, but Malia answers. Malia: “You’re looking at it.” Just in time, Peter walks in. Peter: “Let’s hope this thing doesn’t feed off desperation because this room reeks of it.” The hunters destroyed his cars, and he’s ready to end this anuk-ite if it had anything to do with it. Peter: “There’s going to be hell to pay.” LOL at that pun, TW writers 😉
Peter gets into the car with Malia and is frustrated with the hold up, but she wants to know why he came back first. Peter: “Gerard and his hunters blew up my cars hoping that I would be inside one of them.” Malia: “You’re lying.” Peter: “Well that goes without saying.” Malia: “Something in my head convinced you.” They see Scott getting into Stiles’ jeep, and Peter remembers what he saw in Malia’s head. Cue montage of all of Scott and Malia’s romantic moments this season, including their make-out session. Peter: “He’s going to get himself killed. Don’t fall in love with a dead man.” Malia: “Too late.” Ooooooo!!!
The next day at school, Jackson and Ethan enter with a strut. Jackson checks out a girl and a guy. Ethan nudges him. Monroe walks towards them, and Jackson stops her. Jackson: “Excuse me, I’m looking for Scott McCall. I hear he’s the new assistant lacrosse coach, which is kind of mind blowing to be honest. Is he around here, I don’t know… assisting?” Monroe: “I’d be happy to help you find him. Tell me your name again?” Jackson: “Jackson.” Monroe: “Jackson Whittemore?” Jackson: “Yeah. You’ve heard of me?” I love that Jackson’s still arrogant as ever, but boy did he choose the wrong person to ask for Scott.
Cut to Jackson and Ethan being tied up to the metal gate doors in Gerard’s armory and Monroe splashing water on them. Ethan is frustrated that Jackson got them into this predicament, but Jackson thought it was a lacrosse thing. Tamora puts her hand on the electricity dial and asks what they want with Scott. Jackson: “I’m sorry, am I supposed to know who you are? Be impressed by this little show?” she turns up the dial. Monroe: “What do you want with Scott McCall?” Jackson: “Actually, I’ve got some questions for you.” Monroe: “That’s not how this works.” Jackson: “Really? Because it looks like you need us more than we need you. Or you’ll never actually find out what we’re going to tell Scott McCall.” She turns the dial again. Jackson: “Why are you killing werewolves in London? Why did you send hunters to chase us down, huh?” She turns it again. Monroe: “As I said, this is not how this works.” Ethan: “It already did. He talks, and I listen.” Jackson: “Yeah, we’re getting pretty good at it.” she turns up the dial again before turning it off and walking away. Jackson: “Happy anniversary.”
What is happening, y’all?? We are now TWO episodes away from the series finale, and yet there’s still SO MUCH that needs to be resolved! I mean, how are they going to find the other half of the anuk-ite, kill it (?), win the war, AND wrap everything up nicely?? Is Scott going to have to go against his morals and kill someone? I’m so anxious about it all! And don’t get me started on who could die! I’m already super upset about Mama and Papa McCall, Mason, and Lydia being in the hospital. Besides all the drama, though, I kind of love Jackson and Ethan? But I also miss Danny. Then there’s Scott and Malia. I’m really digging them, too, but I feel like it’s too soon for the love? ALSO, where is my Stydia love?? I get that Dylan couldn’t be in many episodes, but at least mention him, show some texts, phone calls… ANYTHING. – sigh –
Anyways, be sure to tune in for the final three episodes to see how everything goes down!
Teen Wolf airs Sundays at 8/7c on MTV!
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