A mission sends Team Arrow to Russia where Oliver encounters an old friend.
ArrowColton HaynesCWDavid RamseyDiscussionEmily Bett RickardsEntertainmentJohn BarrowmanKatie CassidyPaul BlackthornePostcastRadio ShowRadio Talk ShowRecapReviewSeasonStephen AmellTalk ShowThe VROTV SeriesTV ShowTV TalkTVNOWVairety ShowVarietyVariety Radio OnlineWilla Holland
Arrow, Colton Haynes, CW, David Ramsey, Discussion, Emily Bett Rickards, Entertainment, John Barrowman, Katie Cassidy, Paul Blackthorne, Postcast, Radio Show, Radio Talk Show, Recap, Review, Season, Stephen Amell, Talk Show, The VRO, TV Series, TV Show, TV Talk, TVNOW, Vairety Show, Variety, Variety Radio Online, Willa Holland
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