We’re almost to the halfway point of the final season, Teen Wolf fans! 🙁 You know what that means, we’re getting closer and closer to saving our favorite teenage supernatural investigator, Stiles Stilinski. It also means that things keep getting SUPER emotional as those he loves start fully remembering him. So much happened in “Blitzkrieg”, you guys, so I’m going to jump right into it.
The episode opens as a flashback to Mr. Douglas and his fellow Nazi soldiers. He has this master plan to recruit a larger, more powerful (and terrifying) army… the Ghost Riders of the Wild Hunt! You heard that right, folks, the Wild Hunt has been vanishing people for a while. One of his buddies decides to mock Mr. Douglas, and Mr. Douglas is not too keen on that. Douglas goes full on evil Alpha (yup, he was an evil Alpha back then too) and rips the dude to shreds. We get more of these flashbacks and disturbing details about Mr. Douglas throughout the episode, so stay tuned.
Get ready for some Stilinski feels, y’all, because back in present time, you’re about to get hit right in the gut with them. Sheriff Stilinski is back in Stiles’ room, holding his jersey. It’s still empty, until he looks around the room and sees a red ball of string and thumb tacks on a shelf. In what is probably one of my favorite scenes of the series, Stilinski goes around the room, pinning the string to certain spots, and as he does, all of Stiles’ things magically appear! Then he spots a photo of young Stiles sitting next to Claudia in a hospital bed, and you can’t help but tear up. Linden’s acting in this episode (really every episode this season) will bring you to tears. He does such a fantastic job.
Meanwhile, Scott, Malia, Lydia, Liam and Peter have all convened at the police station to try to come up with a plan to save Stiles. Scott’s plan? He wants to bite Stiles so that he can be a werewolf and get through the Ghost Rider rift without being burned to smithereens. Then, once they get Stiles back, Stiles will come up with the plan to get literally everyone else – because everyone in BH has been erased with the exception of our favorites… for now – because that is what Stiles does best. Peter, of course, is totally against the whole idea, says it won’t work, and refuses to help on a suicide mission even when Malia practically begs him to.
One of my new favorite partners in crime, Argent and Melissa, are back at it again, folks! Argent took Melissa to the shed where Mr. Douglas killed the Ghost Rider so that she could stick her finger in another brain and see that the pineal gland thing is gone. Once they confirm their suspicions, Mr. Douglas himself drops in and informs him that he hate the Rider’s gland so he could use the whip, which he hits Argent with. He’s in search of the Hellhound, but Argent and Melissa refuse to spill the beans. It’s not until Mr. Douglas nearly kills Argent that Melissa offers to help him find the Hellhound.
In the woods, Scott, Malia, and Lydia are in the woods looking for the Ghost Rider rift that could lead to Stiles. Scott says to split up and right when they do, he finds a tunnel of sorts. They go up to it and Scott kneels down and picks up some burned bark or something. It’s then that they realize that the rift isn’t above or around them, it’s below them!
Mason and Hayden meet up with Liam at the police station where Liam is keeping an eye on Theo, who is still locked up in a jail cell. They’re trying to figure out how to fight the Ghost Riders when Theo pipes in. As it turns out, he’s pretty useful after all. You see, he knows all about Mr. Douglas who knows all about the Ghost Riders. Theo makes a deal with Liam, if Liam breaks Kira’s sword that can send him back, then he’ll tell them all that he knows about Douglas. It took some convincing, but Liam agrees to break the sword, but Theo will still stay locked in the jail cell. Long story short, evil Mr. Douglas is a power hungry Nazi werelion! WHAT?? Theo tells the tale of how Douglas was in search of his own powerful, supernatural army in the Ghost Riders. At some point, he and the soldiers find the rift and chaos ensues. A Rider whips Douglas, but he doesn’t disappear, but it does cause him to run. He continues his search and eventually come across the Dread Doctors who experiment on him, ultimately causing him to have the power of an Alpha, a werelion, and a Ghost Rider! And he’s still after his own personal, supernatural army. Time to warn Scott!
Prepare yourselves, y’all! It’s about to get crazy. So, Argent and Melissa take Mr. Douglas to that freezer chamber thingy that Parrish locks himself in. Argent pulls a gun on Mr. Douglas as he’s trying to unlock the chamber, but Douglas hears him. Argent starts shooting, but Douglas goes into attack mode. Next thing you know, Mr. Douglas whips Argent and Melissa into non-existence! YUP! And guess what else evil Mr. Douglas does… he gains control over Parrish! So now Hellhound Parrish is on team evil.
And it just gets crazier from there, folks…
A Ghost Rider shows up at the police station and takes Mason right in front of Liam and Hayden! This fires Liam up and he attempts to take on the Ghost Rider himself. He puts up a good fight, but he doesn’t really get anywhere. Hayden puts herself into the equation, they all fight and play tug of war for a bit with TWO Riders until Hayden gives in. She tells Liam that she believes that he can save her on the other side, and with that, the Rider sucks Hayden in with two whips. EVERYONE IS GETTING TAKEN, Y’ALL!
Scott, Malia, and Lydia found the rift underground. They try to break through the rift somehow, but it’s proving impossible. Conveniently, Mr. Douglas and Hellhound Parrish show up. Mr. Douglas informs the supernatural teens that Parrish can get through and open the rift (of course he can), and they can all go in together. Liam comes running in and warns Scott about who Mr. Douglas really is. They refuse to help Mr. Douglas, but Mr. Douglas uses the whip to scare them back, forces Hellhound Parrish to open the rift anyway, and they walk through. Scott, Malia, Lydia, and Liam are unable to go through it though. Seconds later, two Ghost Riders walk out.
Back with Sheriff Stilinski, he is ready to share everything he remembers about Stiles with Claudia and he takes her to his room. This is where things start getting emotional again, y’all. Claudia doesn’t see anything from where she stands in the hallway, and as soon as she steps into the room, it all disappears to Stilinski too. It’s then that Stilinski realizes that Lydia was right. Claudia isn’t real and she’s clouding his mind from remembering Stiles. He then recounts the details of his wife’s last good day before she died in the hospital with Stiles by her side. Claudia tries to argue differently, but he keeps telling the story, and when he finishes by saying “you were gone” she disappears from his side. Stilinski breaks down and looks around and all of Stiles’ stuff is back in place, and when he looks behind him, there’s some sort of glow, but we don’t find out until the end what it is. UGH. So many emotions.
Meanwhile, Scott and Malia tell Lydia and Liam to run to the Argent bunker as the Ghost Riders try to kill them (yes kill, not erase). Just as they get cornered, Peter comes in and saves the day! Never thought I’d say those words! He distracts the Riders so that Malia and Scott can escape. Malia shares a heartfelt look with her somewhat estranged father before the Riders erase him once again. Somewhere else in the tunnels, Liam and Lydia come face to face with another Ghost Rider, but this one is stopped in his tracks. They all have a staring contest because the Rider is afraid of Lydia! As he should be 😉
The episode ends with another emotional scene. First, Scott is at his kitchen table with a distraught look on his face as he tries over and over to call his mom, but the number is out of service. (Excuse me while the sob-fest begins). Malia has to assure him that his mom is still alive. He, Lydia, Malia, and Liam start discussing what they should do next until Stilinski walks in. He confesses and gives a long speech about how he remembers having a son. His name is Mieczyslaw (say what now? But YES! WE FINALLY HAVE STILES’ REAL NAME!), but he everyone called him Stiles because he couldn’t pronounce his name (I can understand that), he could only say ‘mischief.’ He tells the teenagers about the Jeep, how Stiles always got into trouble, but always had a good heart, and that they are there today because his goofball son decided to drag his greatest friend in the world into the woods to see a dead body. He also confesses that he thought he saw him for a moment once he remembered him (so many tears!). It’s then that Scott realizes that maybe once they all remember everything about Stiles, then maybe they can open a new rift to the Ghost Rider realm!
I told y’all this episode was a doozy! As we near the 6a finale (only two episodes left!), I want to hear your thoughts! What do you all think is going to happen? Will they be able to save Stiles and literally everyone? Let me here your theories!
Teen Wolf airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on MTV!
Featured Image: Teen Wolf HQ
GIFS: hollvndroden, fytwolf, dylansprayberrysource, stydiaislove, jcjoeyfreak, scottymccall
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