Teen Wolf returned after a short hiatus for the holidays and it brought the horror aspect into the new year. Seriously, some parts “Ghosted” left me creeped out and I’m just glad I didn’t go to sleep right after it. Horror isn’t really anything new for Teen Wolf, though. We’ve seen it played out differently in every season. So, fans are pretty used to it by now, but this episode was haunting, albeit a little confusing. I’ll be honest, I don’t completely understand what was revealed in Canaan. That part was all over the place in my opinion, but it was a good episode nonetheless. We time-traveled back to the 80s for a bit, met a new banshee and a creepy ghost kid, and some familiar faces were brought back.
Let’s take a trip to Canaan and see if I can make sense of what went down.
The episode opens with Lydia casually washing her hands, but then she starts seeing a lady in the mirror. No, not someone standing behind her, but literally a lady IN the mirror! So, she tests the waters before fully entering the mirror, taking her back to Canaan in the 80s. The town is having what seems to be a block party of sorts fit with kids running everywhere and a carousel and all. Then everyone starts disappearing into black and green dust. The Ghost Riders have struck again, but Lydia doesn’t see them. However, they don’t take the lady that Lydia saw in the mirror, and as Lydia tries to touch her, she screams back into reality. She then informs Scott and Malia about her dream, and they start planning a road trip to Canaan where they’ll hopefully figure out why Stiles told them to find this place.
Meanwhile at the hospital, things are not looking too good for Argent. L Getting literally whipped by a Ghost Rider did some serious damage to him. The fact that he seems to only be getting worse, has Melissa worried, but thankfully he knows about some herbs and such that Melissa can whip up that should do the trick. She sneaks him out of his room in order to try and find these magic herbs because she’s totally used to risking her job at this point. She eventually gets everything gathered, after some confusion on why he would call her “Mel” when he never calls anyone by a nickname and he himself doesn’t even go by his first name, and she rubs it on his wound. Just like that he starts healing, giving us another reason as to why Melissa seriously needs to be promoted!
Lydia, Malia, and Scott make it to Canaan only to find that it’s completely deserted, and it only gets creepier from there. The carousal that Lydia saw is still there and as soon as Scott places his foot on it, the ride comes to life. The three then decide to split up (haven’t they learned by now that this is never a good idea??), and Scott and Malia both start hallucinating. Malia sees her dead adoptive sister and mom and lays in the grass with them. Then she sees Theo who shoots her! Scott hallucinates his mom who has like a gigantic gash in her skull, and Lydia has to pull him out of the hallucination and reassure him that his mom isn’t there. Man, Canaan sure is shaping up to be SO MUCH fun.
At the school, Liam and Hayden have devised a plan to try and catch a Ghost Rider that involves a lightning rod. Weird Mr. Douglas overhears them though and when they sneak into the supply room to steal a lightning rod, he’s there messing around with stuff. He claims that he saw the Ghost Riders too, but I think he’s up to something else. Liam and Hayden believe him, though, so now he’s in on the plan to catch a Ghost Rider. Mr. Douglas informs them that they’re going to need something to absorb a lightning bolt. The only one they could think of who could do that is Josh, the chimera that Theo killed last season. – Side Note: Seriously? Could this whole storyline not fit Kira more perfectly (even though Liam claims they don’t think even she could do it)?? Such a shame she’s not on the show anymore. – Anyways, then Liam remembers how Theo stole the power from Josh, and so ensues Liam’s next horrible plan… bring Theo back from hell. Although, I’m not totally opposed to this because Cody Christian is a fantastic actor, and I actually love Theo and believe he deserves some sort of redemption.
Back in Creepy Canaan, the trio spot a little boy. They try to call for him, but he takes off running and Scott, Lydia, and Malia go chasing after him. Because that wouldn’t look suspicious in any normal world or anything. They follow him to a house where they meet the lady from the mirror, and she is weirdly excited to have them there. I guess I would too if I lived in a ghost town. Anyway, they all sit down for some dirty lemonade and start asking her questions. The lady totally wigs out though and locks them in the house.
Scott and Malia then follow the creepy little boy to his room/basement that is flooded and start asking him questions too as he stands next to a staticky television set. He puts videotape into the VCR and home movies start playing. Scott asks if he could help them find a way out of the house, but Caleb (that’s the little boy’s name) refuses to go against his mother’s orders. Scott and Malia soon realize that the boy is actually dead.
Elsewhere, Lydia is still trying to figure things out, like why did the Ghost Riders spare this lady (Lenore)? Apparently, they don’t take Banshees (so at least we know Lydia is safe from them), and gave Caleb back so she wouldn’t be alone in Canaan. As Lydia and Lenore continue talking and having a screaming match, Scott and Malia are down in the basement choking on water (presumably drowning like Caleb did). Lydia is taken back to the 80s block party, but this time she sees the Ghost Riders and how they don’t take Lenore. It’s then that Lydia realizes that if the Wild Hunt isn’t stopped, then she will be left alone in Beacon Hills just like Lenore was left alone in Canaan. Only Lydia doesn’t have a Caleb and she begs Lenore to let her save Stiles. Lenore claims that she’s keeping Lydia safe, but that’s not what Lydia wants. “I don’t want to be safe. I want to save Stiles.” Ugh! My Stydia-loving heart can’t handle this season! Lenore lets them go and they get the hell out of Canaan.
Back in Beacon Hills where things are considerably less creepy, Liam and Hayden called Kira’s mom to bring Kira’s sword so that they could bring Theo back. She really disapproves and tells them that they’ll be responsible for whatever havoc Theo causes. No pressure or anything, 2.0s. So, Liam takes the sword and stabs it into the ground and Theo comes out all dirty with fangs and beta eyes glowing. It doesn’t take long for him to start threatening to kill all of them, but Liam and Hayden just threaten to send him back to where he came from so he chills out. Just Liam’s luck, Theo doesn’t have Josh’s power anymore… or any power for that matter. Hayden doesn’t see the use in him anymore and says to send him back, but Theo is quick to question who’s in charge exactly. He asks where Scott and Stiles are. Yup, that’s right! Theo remembers Stiles! Turns out he’s useful after all.
But uh oh, little beta. Liam, you probably should have consulted with your alpha before bringing back the one who killed him. Scott, Malia and Lydia return to Scott’s house only to see Theo hanging out with Liam and Hayden. You can see the shock and anger written on Scott’s face, but he holds steady. However, when Theo turns back around to Malia, she’s ready to attack.
Remember how Lydia kept going back to that wall in the hallway of the Stilinski house and even started peeling the wallpaper? Well, the episode ends with Sheriff past it and something urges him to stop and pull the paper back. When he does, he sees something that leaves him shocked, but we don’t get to see what it is! Darn! My guess is that it’s Stiles’ empty room.
Like I said, the whole ordeal concerning Canaan is still kind of up-in-the air, but it was overall a decent episode. I’m interested to see what all Theo knows, what Mr. Douglas is up to, and what the Sheriff’s reaction will be to finally realizing that someone important is missing from his life.
Teen Wolf airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on MTV!
Featured Image: Teen Wolf HQ
GIF Credit: stiles-lydia, shelleyhenign, stydiaislove, fytwolf
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