Season two of Teen Wolf brought us to the end of Scott McCall and his friends’ sophomore year. Over that course we saw characters grow, fall in and out of love, experience loss and heartbreak as they all delved a little deeper into the supernatural world. We were introduced to new characters and a supernatural villain. We also lost a few along the way. Season three (broken into two parts) brings on a new school year, double the supernatural threats, Lydia gets a powerful scream and her own supernatural ability, Allison comes into her own as a hunter, Stiles’ intuition strengthens, and Scott becomes more of a leader of his own pack all while they also attempt maintain their grades and personal relationships. There’s also a lot of new characters that you’ll fall in love with and love to hate.
Let’s take a look at what I consider to be some of the best moments of part 1 of season 3.
3×01: Tattoo
Scott wants to start off his junior year of high school by getting a tattoo, two black bands around his bicep. While at the tattoo parlor, Stiles isn’t too keen on the idea since it’s so permanent, but there’s no changing Scott’s mind. When they get back in the Jeep though, the bandaged tattoo starts to burn and Scott is worried it’s not supposed to feel that way. He takes the bandage off, against Stiles’ wishes, and the tattoo disappears right before their eyes. Scott: “It healed…” Stiles: “Ahh.. thank, God. I hated it.” Scott looks at him oddly because he’s upset that it healed. Stiles: “Sorry.”
The banter between Stiles and Lydia is honestly one of my favorite things. I also love Stiles’ intuition when it comes to what’s going on in his town. After a deer runs straight into Lydia and Allison’s parked car the previous night, you can bet that he is all over trying to figure out what’s going on… especially when it concerns Lydia’s safety. When he’s sitting in class next to Lydia the next day, he notices a band-aid on her ankle. Stiles: “Hey, Lydia. What is that? Is that from the accident?” Lydia: “No. Prada bit me.” Stiles: “Your dog?” Lydia: “No, my designer handbag. Yes, my dog.” Stiles: “Has it ever bitten you before? *Lydia shakes her head* Okay, what if it’s the same thing as the deer? You know, like how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?” Lydia: “Meaning what? There’s going to be an earthquake?” Stiles: “Or
something… I just… maybe it means something is coming… something bad.” Lydia: “It was a deer and a dog. What’s that thing you say about threes. Once… twice…” A bird slams into the window. The class starts looking and the teacher gets closer to the window and they all see a bunch of birds coming straight for the window. They crash through and attack. Everyone takes cover and Stiles goes straight to Lydia to protect her, practically climbing over her desk to get to her. I couldn’t resist adding this moment of him protecting her. It’s just another scene that shows how much he cares for her and will literally put himself in harms way before letting her get hurt.
Scott isn’t giving up on his tattoo, and desperate times call for desperate measures. So, he calls upon Derek to help him out since he knows that Derek has the triskele tattoo on his back. It’s in this scene that we learn the real reason of why he wanted to get the tattoo. He wanted it as a sort of reward for not calling Allison all summer while she was in Paris so that he could give her the space she wanted. He didn’t call her even when it was so hard not to. Scott: “And 4 months later it still hurts. It still feels like a uh…” Stiles: “Like an open wound.” Scott: “…Yeah.” (The word tattoo in Samoan means open wound.) Derek: The pain is going to be worse than anything you’ve ever felt.” Stiles: “Oh. That’s great.” Scott: “Do it.” Derek starts the blow torch. Stiles: “Oh wow. That’s a… That’s a lot for me, so… I’m going to take that as my cue. I’m just going to wait outside.” Derek stops him, “Nope. You help hold him down.”
3×02: Chaos Rising
If there’s one thing that everyone in Beacon Hills can agree on, it’s that they can’t stand Peter Hale. Isaac: “You know, I’m starting not to like this idea. It sounds kind of dangerous. You know what, I definitely don’t like this idea, and I definitely don’t like him.” Derek: “You’ll be fine.” Isaac: “Does it have to be him?” Derek: “He knows how to do it. I don’t. It’d be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself.” Isaac: “You know Scott doesn’t trust him, right? And personally I… well, I trust Scott.” Derek: “You trust me?” Isaac: “Yeah… I still don’t like him.” Derek: “Nobody likes him.” Peter walks in: “Boys, FYI: yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope your comfortable saying whatever it is that you’re feeling straight to my face.” Derek: “We don’t like you. Now shut up and help us.”
At this point, Scott and the rest of the gang are still pretty new to this whole supernatural world thing. They still don’t know everything that’s out there. So when it comes to solving what is going on in Beacon Hills, it takes a bit of time and research and optimism… even when Stiles thinks it will just take minutes thanks to the Internet. Not so fast, Stiles. The morning after Stiles tells Derek that it would only take minutes to figure out how to break into the bank vault to rescue Boyd and Erica, Stiles and Scott are sprawled out asleep with papers all over the place. Sheriff walks in: “Boys… hey, time to wake up… Boys… BOYS!” Scott and Stiles jerk awake feeling disoriented. Stiles starts looking around at their papers: “Ten hours of nothing.” Scott: “We’re going to find something.” Stiles: “Finding something doesn’t make Erika any less dead or Boyd any less about to be dead.” Scott: “We still have time.” Stiles: “Is this whole like remain optimistic in the face of complete and utter disaster thing a part of the be a better Scott McCall program?” Scott: “Uh… not if it doesn’t work.” Stiles: “No, it works.”
Derek Hale wasn’t the greatest guy in the first two seasons of Teen Wolf. He was selfish, arrogant, and all about wanting power. However, I believe season 3 was the start of his character development that ultimately got us to love Derek. The proof of this was how he started showing how much he cared for his new pack members, Isaac, Erica, and Boyd. When Erica and Boyd got taken by the Alpha pack he risked his own life to try to save them. Sadly, Erica turned up dead by the time they were able to break into the vault and Cora (Derek’s sister) was with Boyd instead. It broke Derek’s heart when he found Erica’s body, but he was also relieved to have his sister back in his life after thinking she had died in the fire with the rest of his family.
3×03: Fireflies
Scott’s love for Allison kills me, y’all. It’s so obvious even when they’re broken up. He looks out for her and protects her as much as he can even though she is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. Even when her mom tried to kill him last season, he didn’t tell Allison because he didn’t want that to be the last memory she had of her mother. Allison: “She tried killing you?” Scott: “Uh.. yeah.” Allison: “Why didn’t you tell me?” Scott: “I’ll tell you everything… anything that you want, but right now…” Allison: “Just tell me why.” Scott: “I couldn’t. Allison, I couldn’t let that be the last memory you have of her.” Ugh, the sweetness. Scott McCall equals best (ex) boyfriend ever.
It’s no secret, Stiles likes to be the first to know everything, especially when it comes to the homicides in Beacon Hills and the supernatural. He may throw in his sarcasm, but he’s dead serious about it most of the time. In this scene he shows up at the pool where Lydia found a dead body. Stiles: “Lydia! Lydia?! Lydia, you okay?” Lydia: “I’m okay. That, over there, not okay.” Stiles: “Yeah, alright. I’m gonna call my dad.” Lydia: “I already called 911.” Stiles: “You called the police before you called me?” Lydia: “I’m supposed to call you first when I find a dead body?” Stiles: “YES!” *he calls Scott* Scott: “Are you sure?” Stiles: “Yup. Throat ripped out. Blood everywhere. It’s like the freaking shining over here. If two little twin girls come out of the woods and start asking me to play with them forever and ever, I’m not going to be surprised.”
Remember how I said that Derek really started showing character growth this season, well, here’s more proof. When Boyd and Cora broke loose, he stopped at nothing to try to catch them. And when they went after a teacher in the school, he risked his own life to go in and protect not only them, but the teacher as well. He doesn’t even let Scott or Isaac go in to help him. Scott: “You can’t go in there alone. You’re either going to kill them, or they’re going to kill you.” Derek: “That’s why I’m going in alone.” He takes a harsh beating from Boyd and Cora, but ultimately saves them and the teacher.
3×04: Unleashed
Scott: “I looked everywhere. It’s like he walked away and left his car and his dog.” Stiles: “Okay, was he like… could he have been a virgin maybe? Did he look like a virgin? Was he, you know, virginal?” Scott: “No. Definitely not. Deaton makes me have sex with all of his clients. It’s a new policy. *Stiles stares at him as if he’s serious and Scott laughs* No, I don’t know if he was a virgin, and why are you talking like he’s already dead? He’s just missing.” Stiles: “Missing and presumed dead and because he’s probably a virgin, Scott, and you know who else is a virgin? Me. I’m a virgin. Okay? And you know what that means? It means my lack of sexual experience is literally a threat to my life, okay? I need to have sex. Like right now. Someone needs to have sex with me like today. Like someone needs to sex me right now.” He slams his locker door and Danny is standing behind it, “Alright, I’ll do it.” Stiles: “Whoa! What?” Danny: “Come to my place at 9. Plan on staying all night. I like to cuddle.” Stiles: “… that was so sweet. Are you kidding?” Danny: “Yes. I’m kidding.” Stiles: “Okay, you don’t toy with a guy’s emotions like that, Danny. It’s not attractive, alright?” Need I say more on why this is such a hilarious moment. Never say Stiles isn’t dramatic or paranoid hahaha.
One thing that always gets to me is that no one, not even Scott sometimes, trusts Stiles’ intuition when it comes to what’s actually going on in Beacon Hills. It’s really a disservice because 95% of the time, he’s right, including his assumptions about human sacrifices. Isaac: “Scott, what about you?” Scott: “I don’t know yet.” Stiles: “You don’t know yet?” Scott: “Well, he’s got a point…. seriously, dude? Human sacrifices?” Stiles: “Scott, you’re eyes turn into yellow glow sticks, okay? Hair literally grows from your cheeks and then will immediately disappear. And if I were to stab you right now, it would magically heal. But you’re telling me that you’re having trouble grasping human sacrifices?” Scott: “That’s a good point, too.” Listen to Stiles, people! It’d save you so much trouble!
Many would probably argue that Stiles is the one that comes up with all of the master plans and pranks, but that’s not always the case. Scott’s a pretty clever cookie himself. Like when he, Allison, and Isaac come up with the master plan to get Ethan and Aiden really angry as payback for what they did. Scott sits down at his desk beside Ethan and Aiden and starts pulling out parts to one of their motorcycles. Scott: “That looks kind of important. I have no idea what this thing does…” Aiden hears his bike out in the hallway and runs outside. Ethan tries to stop him, but he keeps running out there to see Isaac riding his bike in the hallway. Aiden: “Get off my bike!” Isaac takes off the helmet, “No problem.” He does a flip over the bike and Aiden. Aiden is left standing there with his bike as if he’s the one who rode it in there. All the students and Ms. Blake come out into the hall and see him. Ms. Blake suspends him and Isaac, Allison, and Scott all smirking and laughing.
3×05: Frayed
As I mentioned before, Scott’s love for Allison goes beyond being with her. Her cares for her well-being and safety no matter what their relationship status is. When he learns that she was there helping him, Isaac, Derek, and her dad lead Cora and Boyd into the school, he confronts her about it. At first she denies it, but he’s quick to prove himself right. When she realizes that he’s there to tell her to stay out of what’s going on, she informs him that she can take care of herself. He knows this, of course, but he’s really just warning her because the alpha pack terrifies him too. They spar a bit after Allison tells him that she can take him on even though he’s pretty strong. Scott ends up proving his point, leaving Allison feeling a bit defeated. Scott: “Allison, the twins were just messing with us. I’ve seen the others. I’m not telling you this because I don’t think you couldn’t easily kick my ass if you wanted to. I’m telling you this because they scare the hell out of me, and they should scare you too.”
One of my favorite things about Scott is that he genuinely cares, not just just about his friends and family, but about everyone. He literally wants to save everyone, even the bad guys. He doesn’t want anyone to get hurt or killed. He pretty much has the weight of Beacon Hills on his shoulders when it comes to keeping everyone in it safe from the supernatural. That’s a lot for a seventeen year old, but it’s ultimately how he becomes a true alpha. While almost everyone else doesn’t have a problem with the bad guys getting what they deserve, Scott doesn’t think they deserve to be killed. Scott: “Why is the default plan always murder? Just once can someone try to come up with something that doesn’t involve killing everyone?” Peter: “You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?”
Oh, Coach. When he’s in an episode it’s hard not to add him to the list of favorite moments, especially when he’s with Stiles. These two are the comedic reliefs of the show and there’s never a dull moment when they’re involved. Orny Adams and Dylan O’Brien feed off of each other and have such great comedic chemistry. In this scene, Stiles must try to convince Coach to stop the bus on the way to a track meet because Scott is basically dying on the bus. Stiles: “Coach, it’s 5 minutes for a bathroom break, okay? We’ve been on this thing for like 3 hours. *Coach blows his whistle* It’s 60 miles to the next rest stop, how… *Coach blows the whistle again* being cooped up for hours is not good *Coach blows the whistle again* Coach… *whistle* there’s a… *whistle* can you just… *whistle* please… *Coach blows the whistle 3 times* Let me talk! I’m…” Coach laughs and blows the whistle longer, “Get back to your seat, Stilinski!” Stiles: “OKAY!”
I had to add this scene. It’s probably one of my favorite Scott and Allison scenes. Scott is hanging on by a thread, and after Coach is forced to pull the bus over at a rest stop, Stiles, Lydia, and Allison try to keep their friend alive. When Allison sees just how bad he’s hurt and how he’s not healing, it’s up to her to stitch him back together while Lydia and Stiles stall Coach. She struggles a bit at first because she’s nervous and scared and emotionally attached to Scott. But then her mom comes to view and starts taunting her about being able to thread a needle, reminding her how to approach a situation like this: “Clinically and unemotionally.” When Allison takes a deep breath and calms herself, she’s able to save Scott… but not without losing him for a minute. He finally comes to and she’s able to exhale relief. Scott: “Did you do that?” Allison: “Yeah.” Scott: “Nice.”
3×06: Motel California
Stiles: “Alright, so I have four.” Scott: “Four? You have four suspects?” Stiles: “Yeah. It was originally ten. Well 9, technically, I guess… I had Derek on there twice.” Scott: “So who’s number one? Harris?” Stiles: “Just because he’s missing doesn’t mean he’s dead.” Scott: “So if he’s not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices?” Stiles: “Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head.” Scott: “Well what if it’s somebody else from school? Like remember Matt? We didn’t know that he was killing any people…” Stiles: “Excuse me? I’m sorry, what? Yes, we did. I called that from day one actually.” Scott: “Yeah, but we never seriously thought it was Matt.” Stiles: “I was serious. Quite serious, actually. Deadly serious. No one listened to me.” In Scott’s (and everyone else’s) defense, a majority of the theories that come out of Stiles’ mouth are a bit far fetched… but not impossible.
Allison and Lydia’s friendship is a lot like Scott and Stiles’. They may not have known each other as long, but that doesn’t matter. They clicked and became best friends that would do anything for the each other. Besides the guys, they really only have each other to rely on when it comes to this supernatural world. That’s why, just like Scott and Stiles, no matter how bizarre things get or how crazy something sounds, they always have each other’s back. Even when Lydia starts hearing people of the past commit their suicide in the walls and drains of a creepy motel, Allison doesn’t hesitate to believe her. Allison: “I believe you. After everything we’ve been through, I believe you.” That’s what friendship is all about.
Daniel Sharman is a fantastic actor, y’all. I love what Isaac added to the show. The sarcastic banter between him and Stiles and his dry sense of humor is what made everyone fall in love with his character. However, I think this scene is a bit underrated. We all know that Isaac had a pretty rough childhood with his abusive father and all, but in this scene when the wolfsbane is causing him to hallucinate a memory with his father, we see just how deep that pain ran. Sharman’s imitation of Isaac’s father (played by John Wesley Shipp) is spot on. When Isaac hallucinates that he’s getting locked in a freezer again, it’s like your in a horror movie.
Be still, my heart. This next scene is probably my favorite of the series. It hits you right in the feels. To set it up, Scott’s been hit by the wolfsbane the hardest I think. He has hallucinations to the point where he’s ready to kill himself like it did with the other werewolves in the motel, but this one will hit you hard and break your heart. Stiles, Allison, and Lydia find Scott in the motel parking lot drenched in gasoline and holding a lit safety flare that was on the bus, sadness written all over his face. Allison is the first to step forward, “Scott… Scott?” Scott: “There’s no hope.” Allison: “What do you mean, Scott? There’s always hope.” Scott: “Not for me. Not for Derek.” Allison: “Derek wasn’t your fault. You know Derek wasn’t your fault.” Scott: “Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed.” Stiles steps forward, “Scott, listen to me, this isn’t you. Alright? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay, now…” Scott: “What if it is? What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night, the night I got bitten. Do you remember the way it was before that? You and me? We were nothing. We weren’t popular. We weren’t good at lacrosse. We weren’t important. We were no one. Maybe I
should just be no one again. No one at all.” Stiles starts to cry as he moves towards Scott: “Scott, just listen to me, okay? You’re not no one. Okay? You’re someone. Scott, you’re my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott you’re my brother. Alright? So, *he steps into the gasoline* so if you’re gonna do this then… *he grabs the flare with Scott* I think you’re just going to have to take me with you then.” Scott starts crying and Stiles grabs the flare with both hands and tosses it to the side, but the wind blows and rolls the flare into the gas and catches fire. Lydia: “No!” She yells as her and Allison run toward Scott and Stiles, pushing them out of the way and onto the ground where there’s no gas. Cue me sobbing forever.
3×07: Currents
Thus far, Stiles’ dad has no idea what’s really going on in his hometown. He’s just a sheriff trying to solve murders in a town he’s supposed to protect and keep his son out of trouble and harms way. You would think that the pack would clue him in on everything considering he and Natalie (Lydia’s mom) are really the only parents out of the loop. But Stiles isn’t quite ready to do that. He saw what it did to Scott and his mom when she saw that he was a werewolf, and even though it ultimately made them closer, Stiles can’t put his dad at risk. Scott: “What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?” Stiles: “What if telling him gets him killed, huh? I mean look, I get that Deaton has been like a father to you, I get that, okay, but this m… Scott, this is my actual father. I can’t… I can’t lose both of my parents, alright? Not both of them.” Scott: “You’re right.” Stiles sighs: “No, I’m not. I’m not right… I’ll tell him.”
I’ll say it a million times, the way Stiles and Lydia bicker like an old married couple is the best. I’m sorry, but if you say these two don’t have chemistry, you’re wrong. Stiles is trying to get Lydia to use her newfound “psychic” powers, that they have no idea what she’s really doing or can do, to find Deaton who was taken as a sacrifice. Like I said, these powers are very new, they have no idea how they work, or even what Lydia is. So Stiles is trying everything that he’s heard psychics do to try to help trigger something. First the Ouija board fails, then he holds up Deaton’s keys. Stiles: “Okay, these are Deaton’s keys for the clinic. Close your eyes. i’m going to put them in your hand and we’re just going to try and see if you can feel out for his location. It’s called psychometry.” Lydia: “I’m not a psychic.” Stiles: “You’re something! Okay, would you just… Lydia, put out your hand.” Lydia does as told and he puts the keys in her hand. Lydia: “Ooo.” Stiles: “What?” Lydia: “They’re cold.” Stiles glares at her: “Lydia, concentrate, please. We’re trying to save lives here… for the love of God.”
I have to add some more humor to the list. Don’t ever call Stiles discrete. He can’t even sneak into someone’s hospital room while they’re passed out on medicine without getting caught by the sleeping person. Stiles starts rifling through Danny’s bag. Danny, still out of it: “What are you doing?” Stiles: “I’m not doing anything, Danny. This is just a dream that you’re having…” Danny: “Why are you going through my stuff?” Stiles: “Right, but only in the dream. Remember? Dreeeam. You’re dreaming.” Danny: “Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?” Stiles: “I don’t know that, Danny. It’s your dream. Take responsibility for it. Shut up and go back to sleep.”
Remember how I mentioned that Scott becomes a true alpha? Well, here’s the start of it! He’s trying to save Deaton, but he’s surrounded by mountain ash and can’t break through the barrier. That doesn’t stop him from trying though. As he’s trying to push through, his eyes go from beta yellow to alpha red, and Deaton doesn’t miss it. After Sheriff Stilinski comes in and shoots the rope down and steps out, Deaton pulls Scott closer. Deaton: “Your eyes were red… bright red.” Scott: “How is that possible?” Deaton: “It’s rare. Something that doesn’t happen within a hundred years, but every once in a while, a beta can become an alpha without having to steal or take that power. They call it a true alpha. Someone who rises purely on the strength of the character and virtue, a sheer force of will.” Scott: “You knew this would happen…” Deaton: “I believed… from the moment I knew you were bitten. I believed.”
3×08: Visionary
This episode gave us a history lesson on Derek that included the story of why his eyes were blue instead of yellow and his first love. Let me tell ya’, it’s heartbreaking to see what he had to go through. He fell in love with a mere innocent human, Paige, when he was a teenager. Peter filled his brain with all sorts of gibberish about how things would end up if Derek didn’t tell Paige what he really was. This led Derek to believe that his best option was to turn her. He called upon Enis (one of the alphas in the alpha pack) and heard her scream in the school hallway as Enis attacked. He quickly changed his mind and raced to her, but it was too late. Then regret sank in as the bite didn’t take. Paige was dying. She confessed that she knew he was different and that she loved him. The pain was too much for her to take and Derek was forced to kill her in his arms. Ugh, poor Derek.
Scott normally doesn’t get aggressive with anyone unless he has to, nor does he threaten many people. In this scene, however, he wasn’t playing around, and I wouldn’t either when it comes to trusting Gerard of all people. Allison and Scott visited Gerard to hear the story about Deucalion and how he’s not always blind. In return, Scott would take away some of Gerard’s pain. Scott didn’t buy it though, and he made sure Gerard knew that. Scott: “I don’t believe you. The whole time that you were telling your story, I was listening to your heartbeat. It never went up and it never went down. it was steady the whole time.” Gerard: “Because I was telling the truth.” Scott: “Or because you’re a really good liar. *he grabs Gerard’s hand hard and looks him dead in the eye* If you lie, and it gets people hurt, I’ll be back to take away more than your pain.” There’s that true alpha coming out!
As I stated above, we learn the story of why Derek’s werewolf eyes are steel blue instead of golden beta yellow. Well, when a werewolf takes the life of an innocent, it darkens their soul a bit and changes their werewolf eye color to a cold blue. That’s what happened when Derek ended Paige’s life. His mom, Talia, finds him with his head in his hands in the root cellar of the Nematon. Derek: “I did something. Something terrible.” Talia kneels down in front of him, “I know.” She lifts his chin up but is eyes are still closed. Derek: “My eyes, they’re different.” Talia: “Different, but still beautiful. Just like the rest of you.” Derek finally opens his eyes and they’re a steel blue.
3×09: The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Season 3 introduced us to a budding relationship between Allison and Isaac as he began shifting over to Scott’s pack. Isaac proved that he was actually trustworthy by taking Scott’s side and wanting to protect people. Like in this scene when he pops in on Allison to check on her. When I saw “pops in” I literally mean “pops in” through her window, causing her to think he’s an intruder and pull a Chinese ring dagger on him. Allison: “What do you think you’re doing?” Isaac: “You weren’t at school.” Allison: “Did Scott send you to check up on me?” Isaac: “… Maybe he’s worried about you.” Allison: “I can take care of myself.” Isaac: “Yeah, I’ve noticed. More than once.”
Stiles and Scott talking to Ethan in the school stairwell. Ethan: “Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I’m not going to kill another one?” Stiles: “Is he looking at me? Are you threatening me? You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking…” Hey, no one ever said Stiles was subtle. Everyone also knows that he trusts very few people. He’s very fiercely defensive and protective, especially of those he cares about. Can you blame him, though?
The moment we’ve all been waiting for, what is Lydia?? Thanks to the Darach, we finally find out. Ms. Blake lures Lydia into a classroom after a recital and ties her up to a chair, preparing to kill her because she knows too much. Just as Ms. Blake is about to strangle her, Lydia screams loud enough to knock Scott to his knees outside of the school, Isaac and the twins hear it in the auditorium, and even Derek hears it at the hospital. Ms. Blake: “Unbelievable. You have no idea what you are, do you? The wailing woman. A banshee, right before my eyes. You’re just like me, Lydia. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It’s too bad though, and too late.”
3×10: The Overlooked
Stiles is our resident human in Scott McCall’s pack. He doesn’t have any supernatural abilities like super strength, claws, or fangs. In fact, he’s pretty scrawny and uncoordinated. That may make him seem pretty useless when it comes to fighting off the supernatural, but he actually has his own way of being a crucial pack member. He’s really intuitive, great at reading people, and the second smartest pack member next to Lydia. He may not be able to physically take down a bad guy, but he sure can use his brain… and the occasional baseball bat. Scott: “What’s that?” Stiles: “What? You got claws, I got a bat.”
Sometimes the best scenes don’t need a lot of dialogue to be humorous. This one is underrated, I’m sure, but it makes me laugh every time. Derek drags Ms. Blake into the hospital elevator by he arm. She looks at him then back forward. Ms. Blake: “You don’t have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I’m going to help.” She looks to one side of the back corner and sees Scott staring daggers into her. She looks to the other side and sees Stiles doing the same while holding his bat up. The camera pans out and you see Derek looking seriously at the numbers going up, Stiles glaring at her while holding his bat up, her looking like the whole situation is ridiculous, and Scott standing with his arms folded as he stares daggers into her.
I love when the parents have really great moments where they get to kick some butt and save their kids. It doesn’t happen as often as I’d like, but maybe that’s what makes them so special. So, when Melissa gets the chance to save Scott from the morphed alpha twins, you better believe that it’s making the list. The twins have Scott held up by his neck against the wall. Twins: “We’re trying not to hurt you.” Scott: “Try harder.” Melissa: “Hey! I’d like to try something!” She shocks them with a defibrillator and they fall apart to the ground. Scott looks at her in amazement. Melissa: “Sweetheart, get up!”
3×11: Alpha Pact
When Derek’s sister, Cora, becomes sick she becomes his top priority. The Darach and the alpha pack take a back seat, and Isaac isn’t too pleased that Derek seems to have no idea what to do or any plans to do anything. Isaac: “She’s dying, isn’t she?” Derek: “I don’t know.” Isaac: “So what are you going to do?” Derek: “I don’t know.” Isaac: “You want to figure something out because while Scott and Stiles were out there, trying to help people from being killed, you were in here, rolling around in the sheets with the actual killer. Do you get how many people she’s kille? Erica and Boyd are dead. Cora is dying, and you are doing NOTHING! Why’d you do this to us, Derek? Was it all about the power? Were you bored? Were you lonely?” Derek: “Maybe… I told Cora I wouldn’t leave. I’ll help the others when I figure out how to help her.” Isaac: “There’s no time! The full moon is coming. The Sheriff and Melissa are going to be dead, so I’m going to try and help them. You can sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing.”
Lydia has had probably the most character development, in my opinion. She went from being this self-absorbed girl who pretended to be dumb to a girl who actually cares about others and isn’t afraid to hide how smart she really is. She went from being frightened to strong and independent in a matter of the few months that she started hanging out with Scott, Stiles, and Allison. Part of this development really showed when she was getting ready for school and her mom was about to help her cover up the bruising from being strangled, but she stops her. Lydia: “Someone tried to strangle me, and I survived. I don’t need to hide that.” Natalie: “No. No, you don’t.”
It’s the Stydia moment we’ve waited three seasons for! When Stiles goes into a panic attack at school because his father (and Melissa) were taken by the Darach/Ms. Blake, Lydia is there to help him. She guides him to the locker room and the collapse by the lockers. He’s struggling to breathe so she tries to sooth him. Lydia: “Try to think about something else… anything else.” Stiles: “Like what?” Lydia: “Uhh… happy things. Good things. Uhh.. friends… family *he looks at her like she’s crazy* Oh. I mean not family. Oh God. Okay… uhh… just try to slow your breathing.” Stiles: “I can’t… I can’t.” She gets closer to him and grabs his face between her hands. She rubs her thumbs against his cheeks. Lydia: “Shh, Stiles. Look at me. Shh.. look at me, Stiles.” She plants her lips to his . His eyes pop open in confusion for a moment, but then close as she continues to kiss him. She slowly pulls away, both of their eyes still closed. Stiles panicking has stopped as they open their eyes. Stiles: “Whoo… how’d you do that?” Lydia: “I uhh… I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack. Sooo… when I kissed you, you held your breath.” He looks at her like she’s the most amazing person in the world. Stiles: “I did?” Lydia: “Yeah, you did.” Stiles is just in awe of her, “Thanks. That was really smart.” 🙂
3×12: Lunar Ellipse
I’ve been referring to Scott and his friends as a pack, but the truth is, they haven’t been referred to that much on the show. The only time I can remember is when Derek told Scott that he was a leader of his own pack in season 2. We’ve never heard Scott refer to his friends as his pack though, that’s why I love this moment so much. It just really sets everything in stone, I think. Deucalion tries to convince Scott to kill Ms. Blake, but Scott needs to save his mom and Stiles’ dad. Deucalion: “Become the alpha you’re meant to be, a killer.” Scott: “They’re not dead yet.” Deucalion: “Who’s going to save them? Your friends?” Scott stands up in werewolf form and glows his eyes, “My pack.”
I mentioned Derek’s character growth before. He goes from being this mysterious guy that wants to avenge his family, to only caring about power and not caring about who gets hurt, and now that he’s been around Scott he seems to actually care about people. Even when Ms. Blake tells him to kill Deucalion (a villain), he refuses to. Derek: “Like my mother used to say, I’m a predator, but I don’t have to be a killer.” It really shows just how much Scott’s values sort of rubbed off on him. While he was supposed to be the one teaching Scott how to be a werewolf, Scott was also teaching him how to be a better one.
Alpha Scott! Alpha Scott! Alpha Scott! The moment we’ve all been waiting for! Scott finally becomes the true alpha that was teased all season as he’s fighting (I guess you could call it that) Ms. Blake/the Darach. She’s thrown mountain ash around herself, thinking he couldn’t get to her, but oh how wrong she is. He starts trying to push through the barrier like he did when trying to save Deaton. Ms. Blake: “You’ve tried this before, Scott. I don’t remember you having any success.” He continues to push through, making his way in as his eyes glow golden yellow. Then they change to alpha red right before her eyes and he’s able to break the barrier. Ms. Blake: “How did you do that?” Scott: “I’m an alpha now. Whatever you’re doing to cause the storm, make it stop, or I’ll kill you myself. I don’t care what it does to the color of my eyes.” That’s right, Scott! You tell her!
The Argent family are werewolf hunters, but they only hunt them when they’re a danger to others. At least, that’s what the code is, but not everyone in the family enforces it, mostly just Chris and Allison. After season 2, though, Chris decided to sort of give that life up after it got his wife and sister killed. However, him and Allison both not so secretly helped take down the bad guys this season. In this scene, Allison approaches her father as he’s packing up his hunting gear and suggests they not give up being hunters, but change their code. Allison: “Deaton said that what we did in order to find you, he said it might draw things here, make Beacon Hills kind of a Beacon again.” Chris: “I hope not.” Allison: “I was thinking that maybe I should be prepared. Learn to be a better fighter and learn all the things that you can still teach me.” Chris: “And maybe a few things more…” Allison: “But we’re going to have a new code.” She speaks the new code in French. Chris: “We protect those who cannot protect themselves.”
In the final scene we get a great montage and a voice over from Scott as he’s talking to Deaton. It’s one of my favorite final scenes of the series because it sort of shows us where everyone stands and leads us into the next part of season 3 in a way. We see Derek and Cora leaving the loft with packed bags, Scott’s dad trying to talk to him but he’s not ready, and Scott walking into the school. Scott’s voice over: “Stiles and I both feel it, everyday. Just like you said we would, and it makes me think about that quote Jennifer used to start our first class. *Scott looks around the school* cause when I feel it, it’s like I’m looking into the heart of an immense darkness.” Deaton voice over: “So what do you do instead?” Scott: “I look for my friends.” Scott sees Aiden and Lydia talking at the lockers, Danny and Ethan coming out of class holding hands, and Isaac and Allison walking down the stairs laughing. Stiles comes up beside him and pats him on the shoulders. They grin and head to class. It really is a sweet ending for a finale. It honestly could have been a series finale, and I would have been satisfied with it, I think.
Well, that’s my best moments list for part one of season 3 of Teen Wolf! Of course, there’s so many more great moments, but if I listed all of my favorites, it’d probably be every single scene because I’m that obsessed with this show. I’m sure many fans understand where I’m coming from.
Stay tuned for my list for the second part of season 3 and the rest of the seasons!
The final season of Teen Wolf airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on MTV!
Featured Image: SpoilerTV
All GIFs courtesy of immortalias!