It’s baaack!! FINALLY, Teen Wolf is back in our lives! It’s about time! However, I’m not sure any of us were prepared for the emotional roller coaster that the FINAL season premier hit us with… no matter how much we already knew was coming.
Have you ever thought about the impact you leave on people or what the life you know would be like if you weren’t actually a part of it? What if everyone you know suddenly had no idea who you were anymore? What if you were completely erased as if you had never existed?
That’s what the writers of Teen Wolf are exploring this season, and as a way to revolve around Dylan O’Brien’s crazy filming schedule for other projects, Stiles is the prime victim this season. Yup, you read that right. Our favorite sarcastic pack member has been erased, and now the pack must fight to remember one of their best friends.
Let’s talk about how we got to this point.
“Memory Lost” begins with Liam and Hayden stuck on a dark back road after Liam’s new old truck breaks down on them (remind anyone else of Stiles and his beloved Jeep?). They start talking about their number of bad dates (double-date, Christmas with Hayden’s parents, New Year’s Eve) and come to terms with that this particular date might actually be there best date yet, especially when they see the Northern Lights. How romantic… at least until another car slowly creeps down the road and wrecks. Liam checks it out, but the front is empty with the passenger door ripped off and the windshield busted out. Then a little boy peeks his head out from the back seat. Nothing too out of the ordinary for Beacon Hills.
Meanwhile, Scott and Stiles were getting a mouthful from Sheriff Stilinski after they tried to stop a suspected thief by chasing him down and Scott jumping on the hood full-werewolf and scaring the daylights out of the guy. Turns out, the guy was just stealing helium, not illicit drugs or critical life-saving medical supplies Stiles suspected it to be. Stilinski told them they needed to chill on the crime fighting.
On the way home, Scott was trying to convince Stiles that maybe the town didn’t need them anymore since there hadn’t been any supernatural chaos in months. Stiles was not having that. He truly believes that Beacon Hills would burn to the without them. Hey, I’m with ya’, Stiles. Scott tells him once again that the town doesn’t need them, but is proven wrong when Stiles’ phone buzzes and he yells, “THEY NEED US!”
So, they head to the sheriff’s station where they meet the boy that Liam and Hayden found. His name is Alex and he can’t remember anything about what happened. Scott informs Alex that they have a way to get his memory, and that it might hurt, but Alex doesn’t care. He just wants his parents back. Scott breaks out his claws and sticks them into the back of his neck. There, he sees a scary and mysterious man on a horse attacking the family and taking the boy’s parents. And so begins the season of “The Wild Hunt.”
The pack then decides to do their own investigating at the impound lot where the family’s car was. Lydia’s in the car trying to see if she can sense anything as a Banshee, but then she gets distracted by her reflection in the mirror. Stiles pops up from the backseat and questions her, to which she responds that her eye shadow shade is perfect. Flashback to season 1 Lydia, anyone?
Then a coyote comes prancing in and smoothly transforms into a naked Malia and everyone just keeps talking about how they haven’t found anything suspicious like her being naked is the usual. Malia assumes that the parents are dead because she can’t smell them, and Lydia doesn’t think that they’re dead because her banshee abilities haven’t sensed it. While everyone isn’t sure what to do next, Stiles still has a bad feeling that supernatural chaos is looming over their lives. The pack suggests that he’s just itching for something to happen. Lydia even makes the comment of how he’s drug her out of bed once a week like she’s some “supernatural metal detector.”
Stiles realizes the busted windshield is tinted blue, which means it wasn’t just shot at with any regular bullet, which only furthers his suspicions.
The next day, Malia’s trying to get her school photo taken, but Stiles and his supernatural qualms keep interrupting it. Scott uses his new-found psych knowledge to diagnose what Stiles is feeling, and they all sit down for a candid photo. Stiles insists that him and Scott need to go check some more things out, but Scott says that he can’t miss anymore classes because he missed 38 last semester and Lydia’s mom had to help him out. I love when everything is still all normal and worries about school are their only issues.
Too bad that feeling doesn’t last long.
Lydia starts experiencing visions, there’s a hot new suspicious teacher that everyone is in love with except for Liam and Mason, and Stiles starts noticing weird things happening. Like the fact that he could have sworn he filled out the form to get his photo taken, a random player is wearing his lacrosse jersey, and no one ever tells him they have practice.
After waiting out the school day, Scott and Stiles head to Alex’s house to check it out to see if they can find any clues. However, all they find is a pretty large, abandoned house – apart from Alex’s bedroom. It was completely normal. Not only is that weird, but as Scott is standing there talking to Liam and Mason who they ran into while there (because they were following the new hot teacher’s compass), but things start disappearing right before their eyes and the dust literally thickens.
Meanwhile, Stiles is in Alex’s room and things get even weirder. He realizes that Alex’s parents are missing from photos, and he spots horse hooves. Oh, and then he gets shot at by one of the Ghost Riders. Alex’s room also magically becomes abandoned once the Ghost Riders take him right out from under the deputies at the sheriff’s station.
It’s Stiles and Lydia who realize what’s happening… well, mostly Lydia. After “Riders of the Storm” has been stuck in her head all day, she remembers what Kira told her about “The Wild Hunt.” Stiles gets so excited upon figuring this out that this dialogue happens:
Stiles: “Lydia, you are so smart, I could kiss you.”
Lydia: “Do not kiss me.”
Stiles: “Right… not gonna…” he kisses her on the cheek and runs away “Did it anyway!”
Oh, my Stydia loving heart. And the feels for them only escalate by the end of this episode. You’ll know what I mean soon enough. 😉
Meanwhile, Liam, Hayden, and Mason are talking about what things will be like once Scott and the rest of the senior pack leave for college soon. Liam believes that he would make a great alpha, albeit he has trouble saying it and Mason has to finish the sentence for him. Mason seems very confident that Liam would make a great alpha, Hayden on the other hand, not so much. That should be an interesting story arc for their puppy love.
Here comes the part we all knew was going to happen, but still hits us like a freight train on a downhill track. It all started with the school photo form and then the lacrosse jersey. Now, our hearts start breaking as everyone he knows and cares about, those closest to him, have no idea who he is.
First it’s Ms. Martin.
Then Liam, Mason, and Hayden who question whether he even goes to Beacon Hills High.
Our hearts shatter as not even Sheriff Stilinski knows his own son’s name.
Right before all of that, Scott had to leave and Stiles tried to tell him something, but he couldn’t find the right words to say, and Scott tells Stiles to just tell him later. Sadly, when Stiles calls him to tell him what’s happening after what happened with his father, Scott has no idea who he’s talking to either.
Malia is helping Lydia with her visions in another part of the school when Lydia realized that Stiles was next. She proceeds to ask Malia where Stiles is, to which Malia promptly responds with “Who’s Stiles?”
Lydia takes off looking for Stiles and they finally run into each other right outside the school. Things start getting scary for the pair as the Ghost Riders start surrounding them. He tells her to run, but she insists that she’s not leaving him. So, they make a run for his Jeep. Stiles tries to start it so they can leave, but as he notices the Riders surrounding every which way, he stops trying and looks to Lydia. He informs her that he’s going to be taken and that she’s going to forget him. “I won’t. I won’t, I won’t.” she insists. He tells her that she has to find a way to remember him. They hold hands.
“Remember that you’re the first girl I ever danced with.”
“Remember that I had a crush on you freshmen year… sophomore year… junior year.”
“Remember how you saved me.” “You saved me too.”
“Remember… remember that I love you.”
And then he’s ripped right from the jeep… right from her hand. She mutters and whispers to herself over and over to remember.
The next morning though, she walks into school with somewhat of a dazed look on her face as she looks around. Scott and Malia come up and ask if she’s okay. She states that she has the feeling that she was supposed to do something, but she can’t remember what.
Ugh! So many feelings. We knew what was coming. We were warned about what would happen to Stiles. Yet I still wasn’t prepared for the onslaught roller coaster of emotions that this premier put me through. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to handle this season. On top of the emotional story line, it’s the FINAL SEASON, which makes it 10xs more emotional.
So, stick with me, Wolfies, we’re in for an emotional and “Wild” ride.
Featured Image Credit: Teen Wolf.
Gif Credit: immortalias , shelleyhenign , fytwolf , lastisle , izzysophialightwoods , queenchamberlain
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